My profile


As a Reader in Educational Leadership and Management, within the Education and Social Research Institute of the Faculty of Health and Education, I have built a body of work involving an innovative approach to teacher development through liberartory forms of research engagement. Working in close partnership with educational leaders, teachers and in some cases teaching assistants, and through drawing from the underpinning ethos of the Humanities Curriculum Project of Stenhouse (1971), I am working with schools on notions of what it is to be an educator, exploring the ways in which partnerships can be a productive and critically orientated learning experience for all. Rejecting notions of fixed educational goals, Elliott (1987) believed that teaching should be related to the application of understandings in an ever-changing society. To this end, I am working alongside teacher leaders to draw out aspects of theory and practice that both facilitate educators to meet the constraints and measures imposed upon them through government initiatives, whilst at the same time opening opportunities that celebrate a flexibility of approach and thought that re-ignites their interest in and enthusiasm for teaching and learning. For example, through applying the principles of agonistic democracy, taking a Foucaudian perspective on surveillance, developing a Wittgensteininan approach to identifying language games, I engage teachers with a variety of theorists in ways that can be applied and understood in relation to practice. Further, as educators conduct their own research projects in directions that interest them, data supports them in justifying or questioning practices that combined with academic reading and support, facilitates them to develop theories of their own. This is work that taps into the emotions, passions and enthusiasms of us all and has led to my long-term research relationships with educational leaders, schools and school groups since the late 1990’s.

Visiting and honorary positions

I have been an Honorary Visiting Professor in Educational Leadership at Newman University since February 2018.

External examiner roles

I have extensive experience as an external examiner at Doctoral level (PhD, EdD and doctorates by publication) at a range of institutions. I have moreover acted as external examiner for a number of university programmes and been involved as external validator for new programmes. 

Expert reviewer for external funding bodies

I have conducted reviews for the Economic and Social Research Council.

Consultancy and advisory roles

I work regularly with a variety of schools to develop areas of leadership and management activity and to develop staff and pupil led research capacity.

Editorial Board membership

Editor - Sage: Management in Education from October 2007 - September 2016

Editorial Board Member - Routledge: Journal of Educational Administration and History; Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy.

Membership of professional associations

  • British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society
  • British Educational Research Association
  • Association of Primary Education
  • American Educational Research Association

Interests and expertise

My research interests fall into three main themes:

  1. Agency and Autonomy: Leadership challenges around how to enhance professional autonomy, critical voice and democracy in educational settings
  2. Educational Values and Philosophies: How leadership and educational values may or may not be connected and how these link to confidence and professional strategy
  3. Critical Consciousness: How to enhance professional respect and engage with critically reflective practices 


In the recent REF exercise my extensive work with educators played an active part in supporting our successful Impact contribution.

As much of the work I do is with schools and school educators then the work we create together has a lasting impact on professional practice and on teaching and learning approaches. Through the process of supporting research activity I enable staff to see their own contributions to the learning environment and to envision new ways of practice that allow them to fulfil their notions of what is important in education whilst still meeting national policy demands. Specific work with leaders allows them to become facilitators of exciting initiatives and to take a pride in the work of the staff body as a whole. 

In addition I work with cross school groups supporting the joining up of good practices whilst at the same time facilitating individuals, schools and staff to retain their own special and specific contribution to the wider group. These are important aspects of autonomy and identity that make these educational professionals who they are and gain their enthusiasm and excitement about learning themselves and the learning of those with whom they work.

This work also encompasses conference engagement (both academic and school-led) with school staff and introducing schools to other academics that can facilitate additional and specific needs. Moreover I have written with teachers for conference papers and articles designed to exemplify interesting and innovative practices.


My funded work has engaged mainly with teachers and schools either in terms of generating critically reflective research conducted by myself, in developing school-based research knowledge and practices leading to staff and pupil led research projects, or as consultancy designed to enhance leadership and management knowledge and practices.

Research Projects include: 

2022-2023: Empowering Learning for leadership amongst school senior leaders in the Education Learning Trust. Funded by the Education Learning Trust. Principal Investigator Dr Linda Hammersley-Fletcher

2021-2023: Deepening Social Justice Activity Through Curriculum Re-thinking Across A Multi Academy Trust. Funded by Griffin Schools Trust. PI

2021-2023: Managing the complexities of leadership: educational ideals versus reality. Funded by Gatley Primary School. PI 

2019-2021: Facilitating Teacher Action Research through the principles of Agonistic Democracy to Empower Teacher Autonomy and Leadership. Funded by Griffin Schools Trust. PI

2018-2019: Investigating the Social Justice Agendas across a thirteen-school trust Funded by Griffin Schools Trust. PI

2017-2018: influencing Developmental Agendas across a twelve-school trust Funded by Griffins Schools Trust. PI

2017-2018: Facilitating Teacher Action Research through the principles of Agonistic Democracy to Empower Teacher Autonomy and Leadership. Funded by Empower Schools Alliance (11 schools) PI

2018: Literature Review on Middle Leadership in English Schools Funded by Ambition School Leadership PI

2016-2017: School Improvement Practices across a twelve-school trust Funded by Griffins Schools Trust PI

2015-2017: Engaging staff in research activity (an ethnography) Funded by Empower Schools Alliance PI

2014-2016: Evidence Based Teaching Funded by National College for Teaching and Leadership. Co PI 

2013-2016: Engaging staff in research activity (an ethnography) Funded by Empower Schools Alliance PI

2007-2008: Teaching Assistants experiences of HLTA. Funded by Liverpool Local Authority. PI

2006-2007: Workforce Remodelling in Schools: management of change. Funded by Warwickshire Local Authority. PI

2005-2007: Workforce Remodelling in Schools (2 parts). Workforce Remodelling in Schools: working through the change agenda (part 1)  Workforce Remodelling in Schools: engaging in the change agenda (part 2). Funded by Staffordshire Local Authority. PI

2004-2006: A Comparative Study of the Leadership, Governance and Management of three FE/HE partnerships. Funded by HEFCE. PI, Project Director Denise Robinson, Huddersfield University

2003-2004: Middle Leadership in Primary Schools. Funded by the National College for School Leadership. PI

2001-2003: Three internal research projects for Staffordshire University including a study on Peer Observation procedures and two programme evaluations. PI


Postgraduate teaching

I deliver lectures and guest sessions on the Education Masters Programme and contribute to the Doctoral Programme at Newman University where I have a visiting professorial role.

I have supervised 13 doctoral students to successful completion and undertaken numerous doctoral viva voce examinations.

Subject areas

Educational Leadership and Management

Practitioner Research and Criticality

Peer Review Approaches


Current students for whom I am principal supervisor:

  1. Ange Tyler (PhD) expected submission July 2022 FT
  2. Helen Ryan-Atkin (PhD) expected submission 2023 PT 
  3. Michelle Murray (PhD) expected submission 2023 PT
  4. Houda Zouar (PhD) expected submission 2022 FT
  5. Lynette Jude (PhD) expected submission 2027 PT

Research outputs

Co-authored Books     

Schostak, J., Clarke, M. and Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (Eds) (2020) Paradoxes of Democracy, Leadership and Education: struggling for Social Justice in the twenty-first century London: Routledge ISBN 9781138492981

Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Lowe, M. and Pugh, J. (2006) The Teaching Assistants Guide: An essential text for foundation degree students, London: Taylor & Francis, 162 pages


Hammersley-Fletcher, L. and Schostak, J. (2020) Leadership - Living with and working through Paradox. (Chapter 3) in Schostak, J., Clarke, M. and Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (Eds) Paradoxes of Democracy, Leadership and Education: struggling for Social Justice in the twenty-first century London: Routledge ISBN 9781138492981

Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Schostak, J. and Darwish, U. (2020) Leadership, the Vanishing Mediator and Organisation. (Chapter 10) in Schostak, J., Clarke, M. and Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (Eds) Paradoxes of Democracy, Leadership and Education: struggling for Social Justice in the twenty-first century London: Routledge ISBN 9781138492981

Clarke, M. and Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2020) “Tropes and tall tales: Leadership in the neoliberalised world of English academies” in Niesche, R. & Hefferman, A. (Eds) Theorising Identity and Subjectivity in Educational Leadership Research  DOI: 10.4324/9780429032158-8

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2017) “Re-Figuring the World of Educational Leadership – struggles with performance, disenfranchisement and critical consciousness” in Courtney, S., McGinity, R. and Gunter, H. (eds) Educational Leadership: theorising professional practice in neoliberal times Routledge –  publication date 15th August 2017 ISBN: 9781138658790

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. and Webb, R. (2006) “Leading and Managing Teaching and Learning” in Webb, R. (ed) Changing Teaching and Learning in the Primary School. Maidenhead: Open University Press pp 161-172

Refereed Journal Articles

Ainsworth, S., Da Costa, M., Davies, C. and Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2022) New perspectives on middle leadership in schools in England – Persistent tensions and emerging possibilities. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership (iFirst 4th March 2022)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. Kılıçoğlu, G., and Kılıçoğlu, D. (2020) Does autonomy exist? Comparing the autonomy of teachers and senior leaders in England and Turkey. Oxford Review of Education. (iFirst 4th October 2020) doi:

Kılıçoğlu, G., Kılıçoğlu, D. and Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2020) Leading Turkish schools: A Study of the Causes and Consequences of Organisational Hypocrisy. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership 48:4 pp 745-761 doi: 17th January, 2019)

Clarke, M., Schostak, J. and Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2018) Editorial: Rethinking democracy and education: Alternatives to capitalist reproduction or writing the poetry of the future? Power and Education 10 (2) pp 107-111 doi: https://doi/10.1177/1757743818759145 (14th June 2018)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Clarke, M. and McManus, V. (2017) Agonistic democracy and passionate professional development in teacher-leaders. Cambridge Journal of Education pp 509-606. doi: (5th October, 2017)

Wingrove, D., Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Clarke, A., and Chester, A (2017) Leading developmental peer observation of teaching in Higher Education: perspectives from Australia and England. British Journal of Education Studies. 5th June, 2017)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L., & Hanley, C., (2016) The use of critical thinking in higher education in relation to the international student: Shifting policy and practice. British Educational Research Journal 42 (6) pp 978-992 (12th September, 2016)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2015) Value(s)-driven decision-making: the ethics work of English headteachers within discourses of constraint. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership 43(2) pp 198-213) doi: 10.1177/1741143213494887(iFirst 24th September, 2013)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2014) Educational Austerity and Critical Consciousness: English Primary School Leaders wrestling with Educational Policy shifts. Éducation comparée 12 pp 99-124

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. and Strain, M. (2011) Power, agency and middle leadership in English primary schools. British Educational Research Journal 37 (5) pp 871-884 (iFirst 23rd September 2010)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. and Lowe, M. (2011) From general dogsbody to whole class delivery – the role of the primary school teaching assistant within a moral maze. Management in Education 25(2) pp 78-81 (5th May 2011)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. and Qualter A. (2010) Chasing improved pupil performance: the impact of policy change on school educators’ perceptions of their professional identity, the case of further change in English schools. British Educational Research Journal, 36 (6) pp 903-917 (iFirst 24th September, 2009)

Garratt, D. and Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2009) Academic Identities in Flux: ambivalent articulations in a post-1992 university. Power in Education 1 (3) pp 307-318 (1st January, 2009)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. and Qualter A. (2009) From Schools to Higher Education - neo-liberal agendas and implications for autonomy. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 41 (4) pp 363-375 (iFirst 18th November, 2009)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. and Adnett, N. (2009) Reassignment or Redefinition? Workforce Remodelling at the national and school level in England. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership 37 (2) pp181-198 (1st March, 2009)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2008) The impact of workforce remodelling on change management and working practices in English primary schools. School Leadership and Management 28 (5) pp 429-443 (2nd December, 2008)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. and Brundrett, M. (2008) Collaboration, Collegiality and Leadership from the Head: the complexities of shared leadership in primary school settings. Management in Education – special edition 22 (2) pp 11-16 (1st April, 2008)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L.  (2007) Engaging Staff in Change – experiences in schools in England. International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning – Special Edition 11 (16) ERIC Number: EJ987312 (21st December, 2007)

Busher, H., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. and Turner, C. (2007) Making sense of middle leadership: Community, power and practice. School Leadership and Management – Special Edition 27 (5) pp 405-422 (28th September, 2007)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. and Kirkham G. (2007) Middle Leadership in Communities of Primary School Practice: distribution or deception? School Leadership and ManagementSpecial Edition 27 (5) pp 423-435 (28th September, 2007)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2007) Morality, Power and Leadership – primary school perspectives. Management in Education – special edition 21 (4) pp 19-24 DOI: 10.1177/0892020607082672

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. and Lowe, M. (2006) Remodelling Schools – experiences from within ‘change teams’. Management in Education 20 (2) pp.16-19 doi/pdf/10.1177/089202060602000205

Davies, P., Coates, G., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. and Mangan, J. (2005) When ‘becoming a 50% school’ is success enough: a principal-agent analysis of subject leaders’ target setting. School Leadership and Management 25 (5) pp. 493-511 (20th August, 2006)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. and Orsmond, P. (2005) Reflecting on reflective practices within peer observation of teaching.  Studies in Higher Education 30 (2) April pp 215-226 (20th August, 2006)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. and Brundrett, M. (2005) Leaders on Leadership: the impressions of primary school headteachers and subject leaders. School Leadership and Management 25 (1) pp 59-75 (15th August, 2006)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2005) Distributing Leadership in Primary Schools. Education 3-13 33 (2) pp 46-50 (8th June, 2009)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. and Orsmond, P. (2004) Evaluating our Peers: is peer observation a meaningful practice. Studies in Higher Education 29 (4) pp 489 – 503 (24th January, 2007)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2004) Subject Leadership in Primary Schools – Towards Distributed Practice. Education 3-13, 32 (1) pp 26 – 30 (30th July, 2007)

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2002) Becoming a Subject Leader: what’s in a name. School Leadership and Management, 22 (4),pp 407-420

  • Books (authored/edited/special issues)

    Schostak, J., Clarke, M., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2020) Paradoxes of Democracy, Leadership and Education: Struggling for Social Justice in the Twenty-First Century. Routledge.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J., Pugh, J., Lowe, M. (2006) The Teaching Assistants Guide: An essential text for foundation degree students. London: Taylor & Francis.

  • Chapters in books

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Schostak, J., Clarke, M. (2020) 'Conclusion.' In Schostak, J., Clarke, M., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (ed.) Paradoxes of Democracy, Leadership and Education: Struggling for social justice in the twenty-first century. Routledge,

    Schostak, J., Clarke, M., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2020) 'Introduction.' In Schostak, J., Clarke, M., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (ed.) Paradoxes of Democracy, Leadership and Education: Struggling for social justice in the twenty-first century. Routledge,

    Schostak, J., Clarke, M., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2020) 'Populism, Democracy, Education and Freedom: creating a world without walls.' In Schostak, J., Clarke, M., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (ed.) Paradoxes of Democracy, Leadership and Education: Struggling for social justice in the twenty-first century. Routledge,

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Schostak, J. (2020) 'Leadership: Living with and working through Paradox.' In Schostak, J., Clarke, M., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (ed.) Paradoxes of Democracy, Leadership and Education: Struggling for social justice in the twenty-first century. Routledge,

    Clarke, M., Schostak, J., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2020) 'From Competition to Collaboration to Cooperation?.' In Schostak, J., Clarke, M., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (ed.) Paradoxes of Democracy, Leadership and Education: Struggling for social justice in the twenty-first century. Routledge,

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Schostak, J., Darwish, U. (2020) 'Leadership, the Vanishing Mediator and Organisation.' In Schostak, J., Clarke, M., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (ed.) Paradoxes of Democracy, Leadership and Education: Struggling for social justice in the twenty-first century. Routledge,

    Clarke, M., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2020) 'Tropes and Tall Tales: Leadership in the neoliberalised world of English academies.' In Niesche, R., Heffernan, A. (ed.) Theorising Identity and Subjectivity in Educational Leadership Research. Routledge,

    Clarke, M., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2020) 'Tropes and tall tales.' Theorising Identity and Subjectivity in Educational Leadership Research. Routledge, pp. 97-110.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2017) 'Re-figuring the world of educational leadership: struggles with performance, disenfranchisement and critical consciousness.' In Courtney, S.J., McGinity, R., Gunter, H. (ed.) Educational Leadership: theorising professional practice in neoliberal times. London: Routledge, pp. 27-41.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Lowe, M. (2013) 'Workforce remodelling: The view from the school.' Small-Scale Research in Primary Schools: A Reader for Learning and Professional Development. pp. 12-16.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Lowe, M. (2013) 'Workforce remodelling: The view from the school.' Small-Scale Research in Primary Schools: A Reader for Learning and Professional Development. pp. 12-16.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J., Webb, R. (2006) 'Leading and Managing Teaching and Learning.' In Webb, R. (ed.) Changing Teaching and Learning in the Primary School. Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 161-172.

  • Reports

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2019) Considering Social Justice within one Multi-Academy Trust.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2018) Influencing Development Agendas across one Multi-Academy Trust.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Ainsworth, S., Davies, C., da Costa, M. (2018) Literature review and comparative analysis on subject-specific development needs of middle leaders.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2017) School Improvement Practices across one Multi-Academy Trust.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Lewin, C. (2016) Evidence-based teaching: advancing capability and capacity for enquiry in schools.

  • Journal articles

    Ainsworth, S., da Costa, M., Davies, C., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2024) 'New perspectives on Middle Leadership in schools in England – persistent tensions and emerging possibilities.' Educational Management, Administration and Leadership, 52(3) pp. 541-555.

    Darwish, U., Davies, C., Goodley, C., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2023) 'The outsider looking in: developing deeper understandings of the complexities in ‘leading’ professional learning in schools as ‘the knowledgeable other’.' Professional Development in Education, 49(6) pp. 1022-1035.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Kilicoglu, D., Kilicoglu, G. (2020) 'Does autonomy exist? Comparing the autonomy of teachers and senior leaders in England and Turkey.' Oxford Review of Education, 47(2) pp. 189-206.

    Clarke, M., Schostak, J., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2020) 'Rethinking democracy and education: Alternatives to capitalist reproduction or writing the poetry of the future?.' Power and Education, 10(2) pp. 107-111.

    Kılıçoğlu, G., Kılıçoğlu, D.Y., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2019) 'Leading Turkish schools: a study of the causes and consequences of organisational hypocrisy.' Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 48(4) pp. 745-761.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J., Clarke, M., McManus, V. (2018) 'Agonistic democracy and passionate professional development in teacher-leaders.' Cambridge Journal of Education, 48(5) pp. 591-606.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J., Wingrove, D., Chester, A., Clarke, A. (2017) 'Leading Developmental Peer Observation of Teaching in Higher Education: Perspectives from Australia and England.' British Journal of Educational Studies, 66(3) pp. 365-381.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J., Hanley, C. (2016) 'The use of critical thinking in higher education in relation to the international student: shifting policy and practice.' British Educational Research Journal, 42(6) pp. 978-992.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2016) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 30(2)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2016) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 30(1)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2015) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 29(4)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2015) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 29(3)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2015) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 29(2)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2014) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 28(2)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2014) 'Educational Austerity and Critical Consciousness: English Primary School Leaders wrestling with Educational Policy shifts.' Éducation comparée, 12

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2013) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 27(4)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2013) 'Value(s)-driven decision-making: the ethics work of English headteachers within discourses of constraint.' Educational Management, Administration and Leadership, 43(2) pp. 198-213.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2013) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 27(2)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2013) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 27(1)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2012) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 26(2)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2012) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 26(1)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Strain, M. (2011) 'Power, agency and middle leadership in English primary schools.' British Educational Research Journal, 37(5) pp. 871-884.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2011) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 25(4)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2011) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 25(3)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Lowe, M. (2011) 'From general dogsbody to whole-class delivery - the role of the primary school teaching assistant within a moral maze.' Management in education, 25(2) pp. 78-81.

    Hammersley‐Fletcher, L., Qualter, A. (2010) 'Chasing improved pupil performance: The impact of policy change on school educators’ perceptions of their professional identity, the case of further change in English schools.' British Educational Research Journal, 36(6) pp. 903-917.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2010) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 24(4)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2010) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 24(2)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2010) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 24(1) pp. 2-2.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2010) 'Writing for MiE.' Management in Education, 24(1)

    Hammersley‐Fletcher, L., Qualter, A. (2009) 'From schools to Higher Education – neoliberal agendas and implications for autonomy.' Journal of Educational Administration and History, 41(4) pp. 363-375.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2009) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 23(4) pp. 150-150.

    Garratt, D., Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2009) 'Academic identities in flux: ambivalent articulations in a post-1992 university.' Power and Education, 1(3) pp. 307-318.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2009) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 23(2)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Adnett, N. (2009) 'Empowerment or Prescription? Workforce Remodelling at the National and School Level.' Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 37(2) pp. 180-197.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2009) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 23(1)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2008) 'The impact of workforce remodelling on change management and working practices in English primary schools.' School Leadership & Management, 28(5) pp. 489-503.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2008) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 22(4)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2008) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 22(3) pp. 2-3.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2008) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 22(2) pp. 2-3.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Brundrett, M. (2008) 'Collaboration, collegiality and leadership from the head: the complexities of shared leadership in primary school settings.' Management in Education, 22(2) pp. 11-16.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2008) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 22(1) pp. 2-3.

    Busher, H., Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Turner, C. (2007) 'Making sense of middle leadership: Community, power and practice.' School Leadership and Management, 27(5) pp. 405-422.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Kirkham, G. (2007) 'Middle leadership in primary school communities of practice: Distribution or deception.' School Leadership and Management, 27(5) pp. 423-435.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2007) 'Editorial.' Management in Education, 21(4) pp. iv-v.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2007) 'Morality, power and leadership — primary school perspectives.' Management in Education, 21(4) pp. 19-24.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J. (2007) 'Engaging Staff in Change – experiences in schools in England.' International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning, 11(16)

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Lowe, M. (2006) 'Remodelling Schools-experiences from within ‘change teams’.' Management in Education, 20(2) pp. 16-19.

    Hammersley-fletcher, L., Brundrett, M. (2005) 'Leaders on leadership: The impressions of primary school head teachers and subject leaders.' School Leadership and Management, 25(1) pp. 59-75.

    Davies, P., Coates, G., Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Mangan, J. (2005) 'When 'becoming a 50% school' is success enough: A principal-agent analysis of subject leaders' target setting.' School Leadership and Management, 25(5) pp. 493-511.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Orsmond, P. (2005) 'Reflecting on reflective practices within peer observation.' Studies in Higher Education, 30(2) pp. 213-224.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2005) 'Distributing leadership in primary schools.' International Journal of Phytoremediation, 33(2) pp. 46-50.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Orsmond, P. (2004) 'Evaluating our peers: Is peer observation a meaningful process?.' Studies in Higher Education, 29(4) pp. 489-503.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2004) 'Subject leadership in primary schools — towards distributed practice.' Education 3-13, 32(1) pp. 26-30.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2002) 'Becoming a subject leader: What's in a name? Subject leadership in English primary schools.' School Leadership and Management, 22(4) pp. 407-420.

  • Conference papers

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Clarke, M. (2019) 'Teacher-leader research and the renewal of democracy in education: A case study.' In British Educational Research Association. Manchester University, 10/9/2019 - 12/9/2019.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Kilicoglu, D., Kilicoglu, G. (2019) 'Risking Autonomy: Comparing Teachers and Senior Leaders in England and Turkey.' In European Educational Research Association: European Conference on Education Research Annual Conference (ECER 2019). Hamburg, Germany, 3/9/2019 - 6/9/2019. European Educational Research Association (EERA),

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Kilicoglu, D., Kilicoglu, G. (2019) 'Does Autonomy Exist: a comparison between school teachers and senior leaders in England and Turkey.' In British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society Annual Conference. Hinkley, Leicester, 12/7/2019 - 14/7/2019.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Clarke, M., Bojesen, E., Sellar, S. (2018) 'Rethinking teacher professional development using a conversational research methodology.' In European Conference on Education Research. Bolzano, 4/9/2018 - 7/9/2018.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Marchi, J. (2018) 'Teachers engaged in research - does it lead to sustainable CPD?.' In British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society Annual Conference. Windsor, 6/7/2018 - 8/7/2018.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Darwish, U. (2018) 'Enhancing teacher voice and leadership through research activity in schools.' In British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society Annual Conference. Windsor, 6/7/2018 - 8/7/2018.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Evans, N. (2018) 'Utilising listening walks as a sustainable tool to think differently about school development.' In British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society Annual Conference. Windsor, 6/7/2018 - 8/7/2018.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2018) 'The importance of agonistic democracy and passion in the professional development of teacher-leaders.' In Co-operative Education Conference. Manchester, 1/5/2018 - 2/5/2018.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Clarke, M. (2017) 'Telling Tall Tales: Leadership As Imaginary Identity Construction.' In British Educational Research Association Conference. Brighton, 5/9/2017 - 7/9/2017.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Clarke, M. (2017) 'Power, Stupidity and Challenge: School Leaders’ struggle with educational direction and the power of the media.' In British Educational Research Association Conference. Brighton, 5/9/2017 - 7/9/2017.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Darwish, U. (2017) 'Can schools resist Marketisation? The politics of resistance.' In Annual British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society Annual Conference. Stratford-on-Avon, 7/7/2017 - 9/9/2017.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J., Lewin, C., Davies, C. (2016) 'Leading evidence-based practice across teaching school alliances.' In British Educational Research Association. Leeds, 13/9/2016 - 15/9/2016.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Schostak, J. (2016) 'Reimagining leadership: the democratic organisation of the productive powers of young people as a condition for developing socially just educational theory..' In British Educational Research Association. Leeds, 13/9/2016 - 15/9/2016.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Schostak, J. (2016) 'Leadership and democracy: A contradiction?.' In Annual British Educational Research Association Conference. Leeds, 13/9/2016 - 16/9/2016.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J., McManus, V. (2016) 'Developing Professional Confidence in teacher-leaders.' British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society, 8/7/2016 - 10/7/2016.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2015) 'The marketisation of English School Leadership.' In European COnference on Education Rsearch. Budapest, 8/9/2015 - 11/9/2015.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J., Schostak, J. (2015) 'Regaining Passion in Educational Leadeship: putting Arendt to work.' In Hannah Arendt Seminar. Manchester University, 17/7/2015 - 17/7/2015.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J., Harnett, A. (2015) 'The chances for Democratic School Leadership in anti-democratic times - accountability vs democracy.' In British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society Annual Conference. Wakefield Park, 10/7/2015 - 12/7/2015.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J. (2014) 'The Disenfranchised Educational Leader - struggles with compromise, ethical and values-led understandings of what it is to be educated.' In European Educational Research Association. Porto, 1/9/2014 - 5/9/2014.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J., Hanley, C. (2014) 'Educational Leadeship and the use of Critical Thinking in Higher Education in relation to the International student.' In British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society Annual Conference. Stratford upon Avon, 11/7/2014 - 13/7/2014.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., Hanley, C. (2014) 'Educational leadership and the use of Critical Thinking in Higher Education in relation to the International Student – shifting policy and practice.' In British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society Annual International Conference. Stratford-on-Avon, 11/7/2014 - 13/7/2014.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J., Hanley, C. (2013) 'The virtuous school leader - power, control and potential in times of political austerity.' In Canadian Association for the study of Educational Administration Annual Conference. University of Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1/6/2013 - 5/6/2013.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J. (2013) 'Political austerity and the autonomous school leader: owner, control and the English headteacher.' In Comparative and International Perspectives on Accountabity Systems in Education. Brussels, 24/5/2013 - 25/5/2013.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J., Hanley, C. (2012) 'Communitarian ethics and the place of 'virtue' in English primary school head teachers' perceptions and practices.' In Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management. Cyprus, 3/11/2012 - 7/11/2012.

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L.J., Hanley, C. (2012) 'Primary school headteachers making decisions: communitarian ethics and the place if virtue.' In British Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Manchester, 3/9/2012 - 6/9/2012.