My profile


I joined the Department of Nursing in September 2022 as a Senior Lecturer in Gender-based Violence. I moved from the University of Birmingham where I managed an NIHR-funded study examining the role of the specialist voluntary sector in supporting survivors of sexual violence (PROSPER) - the first national study of its kind.

My research interests focus on sexual and domestic abuse, mental health, gender, sexuality and justice. I have 15 years’ experience researching these areas, writing on them and managing related research projects. I have held grants from a range of funders and work across disciplines. I started my career is psychology, moving to public health and into the fields of law and sociology. My work has examined legal, criminal justice, voluntary sector and public health responses to sexual violence (and gender-based violence more broadly) and how these can be used, often in tandem, to reduce and recover from victimisation. I am committed to the adoption of participatory research methods and the co-production of knowledge.

I am a peer reviewer for a range of journals including Feminist Criminology, Violence Against Women, the Journal of Interpersonal Violence and the European Journal of Public Health. I am on the editorial board for Qualitative Criminal Justice and Criminology. I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 

Interests and expertise

My expertise centre on sexual violence, mental health, gender and justice. I am currently working on the NIHR-funded study ‘supporting survivors of sexual violence: a mixed-methods, co-research study of the role, funding and commissioning of specialist services provided by the voluntary sector in England’. In 2021 I completed a Nottingham City CCG-funded study informing how mental health services can best be commissioned to meet the needs of LGBT+ people in Nottingham. I have led/co-led research that developed interview guidance for medical examiners working with intoxicated rape complainants and research that has examined the 2003 Sexual Offences Act. As part of the latter, I have explored the emotional labour involved in prosecuting and defending rape cases and the intensive affects of the rape courtroom. I have collaborated with Liverpool City Council to develop their strategy for preventing sexual offences in bars and nightclubs and have led research focused on better understanding the ‘medium risk’ category in cases of domestic abuse.  

I would be very happy to consider postgraduate research supervision in these areas. 


Let’s Talk About Sexual Violence, Office for Students funded sexual violence educational intervention (2019-2020), with Dr Carline (University of Liverpool) and Harriet Smailes (Lime Culture).  Leading on the conception, development and execution of a six-site cross University exhibition using arts-based media to educate the campus community on sexual violence. Working closely with academic colleagues, students, specialist support services, practitioners and artist to challenge rape myths and misconceptions. In 2020, bringing aspects of the exhibition to the University of Birmingham in conjunction with the specialist voluntary sector service, RSVP.

Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence in the Night-Time Economy (NTE), Liverpool City Council (2010-2015), with Dr Carline (University of Liverpool). Working with Liverpool City Council to develop a strategy to raise awareness (and reduce) sexual offences in the NTE. Working with the council to develop two media campaigns aimed at educating young men on alcohol-involved consent and unwanted sexual touching in bars and nightclubs. This research formed the 2014 REF impact case study for my former institution. 


Nottingham City CCG, Improving the metal health outcomes for LGBT people in Nottingham (2017-2021), Co-i with Dr Barnes and Dr Ayres (University of Leicester) and Professor Johnson (University of Brighton/RMIT Melbourne).

Collaboration Ready Scheme, La Trobe University, Waiting for Justice: Mapping Emotional Labour in the Criminal Justice System (2018-2019), Co-i with Dr Carline (University of Liverpool) and Dr Kirsty Duncanson (La Trobe University).

ESRC Impact AccelerationPreserving and Protecting Rape Complainant Memory: Establishing Evidence-Based Forensic Medical Examination Interviews (2017-2019), Co-i with Dr Flowe (University of Birmingham) and Dr Carline (University of Liverpool).

British Academy/Leverhulme, Evaluating Rape Law Effectiveness (2014-2016), PI with Dr Carline (University of Liverpool).

Nottinghamshire OPCC, Protect, Support and Respond to Repeat Female Victims of Medium Risk Domestic Abuse (2013-2016), Joint PI with Dr Barnes and Dr Ayres (University of Leicester).

Research outputs

  • Books (authored/edited/special issues)

    Carline, A., Gunby, C., Murray, J. (2020) Rape and the Criminal Trial. Springer International Publishing.

  • Chapters in books

    Carline, A., Gunby, C. (2023) 'New Materialism and Artful Interventions: Exploring the Affects of 'Let's Talk about Sexual Violence'.' New Directions in Sexual Violence Scholarship Law, Power and Change. Taylor & Francis,

    Carline, A., Gunby, C. (2021) 'The legal framework and practitioner perspectives on alcohol and rape.' Alcohol and Remembering Rape: New Evidence for Practice. pp. 21-31.

    Carline, A., Gunby, C., Murray, J. (2021) '‘And that's why street-wise complainants now always give evidence behind screens, live’.' Courthouse Architecture, Design and Social Justice. Routledge, pp. 169-190.

    Carline, A., Gunby, C., Murray, J. (2020) 'Conclusion: Techniques of Affect and Adaptive Management.' Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies. pp. 129-142.

    Carline, A., Gunby, C., Murray, J. (2020) 'Courtroom Expressions: The Intermingling of the Semiotic and Material Regimes.' Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies. pp. 41-60.

    Carline, A., Gunby, C., Murray, J. (2020) 'Deleuze’s Materialist Philosophy of Affect and Sense.' Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies. pp. 81-103.

    Carline, A., Gunby, C., Murray, J. (2020) 'Mapping the Theory and the Conviction Rate Attractor.' Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies. pp. 23-40.

    Carline, A., Gunby, C., Murray, J. (2020) 'Courtroom Performances: Drama, but not Representational Drama.' Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies. pp. 61-80.

    Carline, A., Gunby, C., Murray, J. (2020) 'Complexity Theory, Deleuze and Guattari’s Affective Assemblage Theory and the Courtroom as Affective Assemblage.' Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies. pp. 105-128.

    Carline, A., Gunby, C., Murray, J. (2020) 'Introduction.' Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies. pp. 1-22.

    Carline, A., Gunby, C. (2019) 'Justice for rape complainants: Limitations and possibilities.' Justice Alternatives. pp. 306-320.

    Carline, A., Gunby, C. (2015) 'David Harris QC, district court.' Trends in the Judiciary: Interviews with Judges Across the Globe. pp. 167-188.

  • Reports

    Bradbury-Jones, C., Damery, S., Fruin, K., Gunby, C., Harlock, J., Hebberts, L., Isham, L., Jones, A.M., Maxted, F., Mighty, A., Parmar, P., Patterson, L., Schaub, J., Scott, F., Smailes, H., Smith, D., Taylor, J. Exploring voluntary sector specialist services for victim-survivors of sexual violence in England: the PROSPER co-production study. NIHR.

    Chantler, K., Baker, V., Heyes, K., Gunby, C. (2023) Domestic Homicide Oversight Mechanism for Children’s Services. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Chantler, K., Baker, V., Heyes, K., Gunby, C. (2023) Domestic Homicide Oversight Mechanism for Children’s Services: Briefing paper. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Chantler, K., Baker, V., Heyes, K., Gunby, C. (2023) Domestic Homicide Oversight Mechanism for Adult Social Care: Summary of findings. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Chantler, K., Baker, V., Heyes, K., Gunby, C. (2023) Domestic Homicide Oversight Mechanism for Adult Social Care: Briefing paper. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Chantler, K., Baker, V., Heyes, K., Gunby, C. (2023) Domestic Homicide Oversight Mechanism for Health (Physical and Mental Health): Summary Report. London: Domestic Abuse Commissioner.

    Chantler, K., Baker, V., Heyes, K., Gunby, C. (2023) Domestic Homicide Oversight Mechanism for Physical and Mental Health: Briefing Paper. London: Domestic Abuse Commissioner.

    Chantler, K., Baker, V., Heyes, K., Gunby, C. (2023) Domestic Homicide Oversight Mechanism for the Criminal Justice System: Summary Report. London: Domestic Abuse Commissioner.

    Chantler, K., Baker, V., Heyes, K., Gunby, C. (2023) Domestic Homicide Oversight Mechanism for the Criminal Justice System: Briefing Paper. London: Domestic Abuse Commissioner.

    Barnes, R., Gunby, C., Johnson, K., Ayres, T. (2021) Improving the mental health outcomes of Nottingham’s LGBT+ populations: final report. Nottingham CCG.

    Barnes, R., Gunby, C., Shelton, N., Hodgkinson, S., Ayres, T. (2016) Protect, support and respond to repeat female victims of medium risk domestic abuse: final report. Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner.

    Feltes, T., List, K., Schneider, R., Höfker, S., Balloni, A., Bisi, R., Sette, R., Czapska, J., Klosa, M., Lesińska, E., Bodelon, E., Igareda, N., Casas, G., Stenning, P., Mitra-Kahn, T., Gunby, C. (2012) Gender-based violence, stalking and fear of crime: European Union project 2009-2011. Bochum: Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

  • Internet publications

    Heyes, K., Chantler, K., Gunby, C., Baker, V. (2024) Strengthening responses to domestic abuse: safeguarding children.

    Heyes, K., Chantler, K., Gunby, C., Baker, V. (2024) Strengthening responses to domestic abuse: lessons from adult social care.

    Heyes, K., Chantler, K., Gunby, C., Baker, V. (2024) Strengthening responses to domestic abuse: The role of criminal justice services.

    Heyes, K., Chantler, K., Baker, V., Gunby, C. (2024) Strengthening responses to domestic abuse: How health services can help.

  • Journal articles

    Gunby, C., Isham, L., Smailes, H., Bradbury-Jones, C., Damery, S., Harlock, J., Maxted, F., Smith, D., Taylor, J. (2024) 'Working The Edge: The Emotional Experiences of Commissioning and Funding Arrangements for Service Leaders in the Sexual Violence Voluntary Sector.' Violence Against Women: an international and interdisciplinary journal,

    Gunby, C. (2021) 'Interactional Justice: The role of Emotions in the Performance of Loyalty.' BRITISH JOURNAL OF CRIMINOLOGY, 61(6) pp. 1689-1691.

    Gunby, C., Isham, L., Damery, S., Taylor, J., Bradbury-Jones, C. (2020) 'Sexual violence and covid-19: All silent on the home front.' Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 4(3) pp. 421-429.

    Gunby, C., Carline, A. (2020) 'The Emotional Particulars of Working on Rape Cases: Doing Dirty Work, Managing Emotional Dirt and Conceptualizing 'Tempered Indifference'.' British Journal of Criminology, 60(2) pp. 343-362.

    Gunby, C., Carline, A., Taylor, S., Gosling, H. (2020) 'Unwanted Sexual Attention in the Night-Time Economy: Behaviors, Safety Strategies, and Conceptualizing “Feisty Femininity”.' Feminist Criminology, 15(1) pp. 24-46.

    Combes, G., Damery, S., Gunby, C., Harlock, J., Isham, L., Jones, A., Maxted, F., Parmar, P., Schaub, J., Smith, D., Taylor, J., Bradbury-Jones, C. (2019) 'Supporting survivors of sexual violence: Protocol for a mixed-methods, co-research study of the role, funding and commissioning of specialist services provided by the voluntary sector in England.' BMJ Open, 9(12)

    Bowring, J., Leavey, C., Ross-Houle, K., Carline, A., Gunby, C. (2018) 'The UK Adult Film Performer Project–a case for being pro-performer voice.' Porn Studies, 5(4) pp. 457-460.

    Carline, A., Gunby, C., Taylor, S. (2018) 'Too Drunk to Consent? Exploring the Contestations and Disruptions in Male-Focused Sexual Violence Prevention Interventions.' Social and Legal Studies, 27(3) pp. 299-322.

    Gunby, C., Carline, A., Taylor, S. (2017) 'Location, libation and leisure: An examination of the use of licensed venues to help challenge sexual violence.' Crime, Media, Culture, 13(3) pp. 315-333.

    Carline, A., Gunby, C. (2017) 'Rape politics, policies and practice: exploring the tensions and unanticipated consequences of well-intended victim-focused measures.' Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 56(1) pp. 34-52.

    Gunby, C., Atkinson, A. (2014) 'Drinking stories: The importance of gender, narrative and epistemology.' International Journal of Drug Policy, 25(3) pp. 361-362.

    Hedderman, C., Gunby, C. (2013) 'Diverting women from custody: The importance of understanding sentencers' perspectives.' Probation Journal, 60(4) pp. 425-438.

    Stenning, P., Mitra-Kahn, T., Gunby, C. (2013) 'Sexual violence against female university students in the UK: A case study.' Rivista di Criminologia, Vittimologia e Sicurezza,

    Gunby, C., Carline, A., Beynon, C. (2013) 'Regretting it After? Focus Group Perspectives on Alcohol Consumption, Nonconsensual Sex and False Allegations of Rape.' Social and Legal Studies, 22(1) pp. 87-106.

    Gunby, C., Carline, A., Bellis, M.A., Beynon, C. (2012) 'Gender differences in alcohol-related non-consensual sex; Cross-sectional analysis of a student population.' BMC Public Health, 12(1)

    Carline, A., Gunby, C. (2011) '"How an Ordinary Jury Makes Sense of it is a Mystery": Barristers' Perspectives on Rape, Consent and the Sexual Offences Act 2003.' Liverpool Law Review, 32(3) pp. 237-250.

    Hedderman, C., Gunby, C., Shelton, N. (2011) 'What women want: The importance of qualitative approaches in evaluating work with women offenders.' Criminology and Criminal Justice, 11(1) pp. 3-19.

    Gunby, C., Carline, A., Beynon, C. (2010) 'Alcohol-Related Rape Cases: Barristers' Perspectives on the Sexual Offences Act 2003 and its Impact on Practice.' Journal of Criminal Law, 74(6) pp. 579-600.

    Gunby, C., Woodhams, J. (2010) 'Sexually deviant juveniles: Comparisons between the offender and offence characteristics of 'child abusers' and 'peer abusers'.' Psychology, Crime and Law, 16(1-2) pp. 47-64.

Career history


Senior Lecturer in Gender-based Violence, School of Nursing, Manchester Metropolitan University 


Research Fellow, Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham


Lecturer in Criminology, University of Leicester 


Lecturer in Criminal Justice, Liverpool John Moores University 


Research Associate, Keele University


PhD, Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University