Research: Developing the skills to get to Net Zero
Helping industry and the public sector understand and develop the skills needed to reduce carbon emissions to net zero in the North West.
The North West has the largest concentration of advanced manufacturing and chemical production in the UK – responsible for around 40 million tonnes of CO2 each year.
The North West has the largest concentration of advanced manufacturing and chemical production in the UK – responsible for around 40 million tonnes of CO2 each year.
Research impact
Sustainable development goals
Climate action
Promoting mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management
Responsible consuming and producing
By 2030, ensuring that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature
Partnership for the goals
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
Contact us
For general enquiries about our Net Zero and Low Carbon Futures research group, you can contact its lead Dr Paul Hooper.