
Research summary

  • 2021 – 2023

The project reconstructed personal experiences of poverty and socio-economic vulnerability at the family level.

It focused particularly on women and girls in classical and post-classical Athens (5th-3rd century BCE). 

The research provided the first systematic, contextualised and holistic view of these interrelated phenomena in classical antiquity. It also examined their impact on the experiences of women and girls of that time. 

Research collaboration and internationalisation

Research visits

  • 10-25 October 2022: Visiting researcher at the British School at Athens (BSA) in Greece
  • 23 April to 4 May 2022: Visiting researcher at the Department of Prehistory, Ancient History and Archaeology at Complutense University of Madrid in Spain

External collaborations

  • A research group ESCHATIA, or Delimitación territorial y fronteras: el papel de la religión en los conflictos entre poleis at University Complutense of Madrid
  • An international research project led by Miriam Valdes Guia, University Complutense of Madrid: Pobreza, marginación y ciudadanía en Atenas clásica. Procedimientos de marginalización e integración ciudadana de sectores liminales en el sistema democrático, or Poverty, marginalisation and citizenship in classical Athens. Marginalisation procedures and citizenship integration of marginal sectors in the democratic system.

Research outputs


As part of this project, the researcher is compiling a bibliography on poverty with a focus on vulnerability and poverty in the family sphere. This bibliography will be updated during this project. It will provide researchers and students with up-to-date references to scholarship in this area

Book chapters

  • Valdés Guía, M, Fernández Prieto, A (In press) Familia, pobreza y vulnerabilidad en la Atenas clásica: ancianos, viudas y huérfanos de Guerra. In: La pobreza en el mundo antiguo(=Serie Instrumenta) Universidad de Barcelona: Barcelona.
  • Fernández Prieto, A (In press) “…And tell no man of them all nor any woman that thou hast come back from thy wanderings” (Hom. Od. 13.309-310). Beggary and vagabondage in the ancient Greek world. In: Valdés Guía, M, Mauro, C, Chapinal, D, (Coords.) People in motion in the ancient Greek world(=Colección de Estudios Helénicos) Universidad de Sevilla-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: Sevilla-Madrid
  • Fernández Prieto, A (In press) El ciudadano frente a la vejez: vulnerabilidad y formas de ‘asistencia pública’ en la Atenas democrática. In: García Ventura, A, Rubiera Cancelas, C, Méndez Santiago, B (coords), Cuerpos que envejecen. Dependencia, vulnerabilidad y cuidados en la AntigüedadDykinson.

Book reviews

  • Fernández Prieto, A (2022) Miriam Valdés Guía, Prácticas rituales y discursos femeninos en Atenas. Los espacios sacros de la gyne (=Estudios Helénicos 1) Madrid-Sevilla, UAM Ediciones-Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020, pp457, ISBN: 978-84-472-2945-1. Vínculos de Historia,11, 558-561

Papers delivered at conferences, congresses and workshops

  • Fernández Prieto, A (12-15 April 2023) Approaching Poverty in Ancient Greece: How Social Sciences Can Contribute to the Study of this Phenomenon in the Past?, 14th European Social Science History Conference, organised by the IISH and the University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg
  • Fernández Prieto, A (28 April 2022) De ‘rico’ a ‘pobre’, de ‘pobre’ a ‘rico’ y de ‘pobre’ a aún más ‘pobre’: movilidad social y experiencias femeninas de pobreza en la Atenas de los ss. V y IV a.C. (=From ‘rich’ to ‘poor’, from ‘poor’ to ‘rich’ and from ‘poor’ to even ‘poorer’: social mobility and gendered experiences of poverty in 5th and 4th cs. BCE Athens), Workshop on Pobreza, marginación, exclusión/integración en Atenas clásica. Pauperización como consecuencia de la Guerra del Peloponeso, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid
  • Fernández Prieto, A (20-22 April 2022) Precariedad laboral y dependencia socioeconómica: la nueva esclavitud del s. XXI. De pensar la pobreza hoy a pensar el fenómeno en la Grecia clásica, Esclavitud histórica. Ideología contemporánea-Esclavage historique. Idéologie contemporaine-Historical Slavery. Modern Ideologies. XLIII Coloquio del GIREA, Universidad de Málaga, Málaga
  • Fernández Prieto, A (3 February 2022) Poverty, Fear of Poverty and Fear of the Poor and Destitute in the Ancient Greek World: Between Peniaphobia and Aporophobia, Conference on Poverty and Scarcity in Global History, organised by Queen’s University’s Global History Initiative and the Poverty Research Network at the University of Glasgow
  • Fernández Prieto, A (13 October 2021) Poverty, Vulnerability and Family in the Ancient Greek World, History Research Centre’s Seminar Series, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester)
  • Valdés Guía, M, Fernández Prieto, A (9-10 September 2021) Familia, pobreza y vulnerabilidad en la Atenas clásica: ancianos, viudas y huérfanos de Guerra (XI Congreso Internacional Universidad de Zaragoza. La pobreza en el mundo antiguo. Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza
  • Fernández Prieto, A (22-25 June 2021) Ancianidad, vulnerabilidad y deber social: formas de ‘asistencia pública’ en la Atenas democrática, Panel 7: Ageing Bodies in Antiquity: Dependency and Care, Conference in Classics and Ancient History, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra

Conference organisation

  • Poverty and Vulnerability in Classical Antiquity: Gendered and Life-Cycle Approaches (27-28 April 2023), Manchester Metropolitan University, with Dr April Pudsey.

Funders and contact

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