
Why Couch to 5k has been so popular during the Coronavirus lockdown

Date published:
6 Jul 2020
Reading time:
3 minutes
The pandemic has inspired more people to lace up their trainers and get running
During the UK's lockdown people could still run outdoors
During the UK's lockdown people could still run outdoors

Sport Psychologist Dr Andrew Wood, Senior Lecturer, considers why the NHS’s Couch to 5k running programme has been so successful during the Coronavirus lockdown as it experienced a 92% increase in its app being downloaded compared to the previous year.

Why 5km?

A 5km target is considered successful because it provides an attainable target, that is both challenging and an achievable goal for many. It’s also a tried and tested distance that has been exemplified by the most incredible parkrun initiative.

At this distance anyone can be an accomplished runner and we do not all need to be record breakers to feel a sense of accomplishment. Research shows we can assess our achievement in reference to ourselves (e.g., beating our personal best) or against others (e.g., beating someone else). We know both can enhance our self-confidence, which has a big impact on our motivation. Simply, if we are good at something we are more likely to carry on doing whatever it is we are good at. The beauty of the Couch to 5k initiative is that it’s about becoming the best version of you, whether that’s about running more often, for longer, or more quickly – there are plenty of ways runners can gauge their progression.

Why running?

Running is really simple; with some footwear and clothing a person is able to lace-up at their own volition at a time that suits their needs. We know that having autonomy and a sense of volition over our actions is a fundamental psychological need. When running there are also fewer barriers to participation in comparison to the monthly subscriptions or opening-closing times or equipment maintenance that other pursuits require. Therefore, being able to choose when, where, and how long you run is a huge tick that allows people to integrate running into their life and not at the expense of other commitments.

Why an app?

Humans are inherently social creatures and feeling related to others is an important motivator. The Couch to 5k includes thousands of others on the same journey, and whilst during lockdown many are literally running on their own, they still feel a part of a much larger community of runners which keeps that sense of connectedness. We know exercise related apps have come a long way to bring runners from all backgrounds and levels to create a wider community that one can engage with at a click of a button.

Why during lockdown?

Life often gets away from us, and our work with clients tells us people often feel stuck in a rat race. With the unfortunate changes to our society and therefore lifestyle, physical activity and exercise remained the liberties we were able to continue or consider starting. Hence for many the lockdown although unwelcomed, presented a fruitful time for consolidation and reflection, which has highlighted our fragility for wellness, but also the opportunity to find clarity on what we truly value in life. Therefore, the combination of fewer constraints of our previous life coupled with the physical and psychological benefits of exercise, would certainly nudge many into both contemplating and engaging in the Couch to 5k scheme.