
University named in world top 100 Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023

Date published:
1 Jun 2023
Reading time:
2 minutes
Manchester Met recognised for helping sustainable development
Manchester Met is ranked 66th globally in the Times Higher Education's Impact Rankings
Manchester Met is ranked 66th globally in the Times Higher Education's Impact Rankings

Manchester Metropolitan University has been named in the world top 100 of the Times Higher Education’s Impact Rankings.

The rankings – based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – shine a light on the commitment of universities to take positive action on sustainable development including on climate change, promoting good health and wellbeing, and cutting inequality.

Manchester Met is ranked 66th in the overall global league table, while it is 3rd in the Responsible Consumption and Production category and 7th in the Partnerships for the Goals category.

SDGs are a set of global targets to measure progress in creating a sustainable world. Each university in the THE’s Impact Rankings are scored against these.

The University was also ranked strongly against SDGs including:

  • Good health and wellbeing, that focuses on the number of graduates in health-related degrees and the strength of research in this area
  • Quality education, that focuses on the percentage of graduates with teaching qualifications as well as a commitment to lifelong learning and opportunities for first generation students
  • Decent work and economic growth, that focuses on sustainable economic growth and decent work with equal pay
  • Sustainable cities and communities, that focuses on the support for the arts and heritage sectors as well as sustainable practices
  • Climate action, that focuses on low-carbon energy use and environmental education, which includes Manchester Met’s pioneering Carbon Literacy training
  • Life on land, that focuses on ecosystem education and action, including nature-based solutions to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss.

Professor Liz Price, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Sustainability at Manchester Metropolitan University, said: “We are delighted to be ranked in the top 100 universities globally, which highlights our commitment and action on sustainable development.

“Whether it’s through the creation of a sustainable campus, or educating our students, partners and the wider community to be agents of change for sustainability, these rankings show that we are making a positive difference.

“The strong ranking of our partnership work also shows the impact of initiatives such as our carbon literacy training and our work with regional employers in meeting the future demand for net zero skills.”

Manchester Met has recently published its Sustainability Strategy to run up to 2026, which sets out ambitious targets and aims to set an example of sustainability for universities around the world.

The strategy builds on the University’s work in shaping a greener, zero-carbon campus and sustainable practices  – Manchester Met has been ranked in the top three in the People and Planet University League for environmental performance for a decade – but also outlines how it will support global agendas to tackle poverty, inequality and injustice.