
Senior lecturer made Queen’s Nurse for excellence in nursing education

By Chris Morris
Date published:
15 Dec 2023
Reading time:
2 minutes
Senior lecturer made Queen’s Nurse for excellence in nursing education

The Queen’s Nursing Institute has formally recognised a senior lecturer in adult nursing for her pioneering work as an educator in pre-registration adult nursing.

Katie Higgins has been officially made a Queen’s Nurse (QN) – the prestigious and historic title awarded to individual nurses who have demonstrated a high level of commitment to patient care and nursing practice. The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) has acknowledged her efforts equipping the next generation of nurses for better skills for their practice.

Katie has been part of the nursing project team delivering simulation-based education using hi-tech patient mannequins that breathe, talk, have a pulse, blink and can even go into cardiac arrest.

She is currently working on a community-based simulation collaborating with the University’s Department of Social Care and Social Work to help nursing students to better identify and treat patients who have experienced domestic violence.

Katie said: “Being made a Queen’s Nurse is a proud moment for me personally, and a display of my personal commitment to promoting quality of care in the community. I see it as another opportunity to share my passion for community and innovation in nursing with my students and my wider practice colleagues.

“My vision and goals for nurse education are to make the student nurse learning experience more community driven and to pass on my enthusiasm for innovation to my students.”

The QNI is the oldest professional nursing organisation in the UK and believed to be the oldest nursing charity in the world. The QN title is a formal recognition that individual nurses are part of a professional network of nurses committed to delivering and leading outstanding care in the community.

Manchester Met’s excellence in nursing was also recognised earlier this year, with the accolade of Nurse Education Provider of the Year (Post-Registration) at the prestigious Student Nursing Times Awards 2023.

Mark Hayter, Manchester Met’s Head of Nursing, said: “We are absolutely delighted for Katie on her much-deserved title of Queen’s Nurse. This recognition is testament to her hard work, skill and dedication to our nursing students, colleagues and the wider community.”