
MCYS Recent Activities September Round-up

Date published:
17 Oct 2023
Reading time:
1 minute
Read all about our recent activities and exciting new projects here
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We had a very busy September here in Manchester Centre for Youth Studies!

Recent papers and public presentations 

We began the month with presentations at a major conference. MCYS members Paul Gray, Daniel Marshall and Hannah Smithson presented papers at the European Society of Criminology in Florence.

Later in the month, Hannah Smithson attended the Youth Justice Research Symposium hosted by the Ministry of Justice. It included a contribution by Justice Secretary Damian Hinds MP.

New Roles and Appointments: 

In other exciting news, Hannah Smithson and Caitlin Nunn have been accepted to the UKRI Interdisciplinary Assessment College.     

Upcoming Research Activities:

And finally, we have a new research project on the horizon! Hannah Smithson, Fatima Khan and Kathryn Westwood have been commissioned by the Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) to undertake a piece of research engaging children and young people in the development of the VRU’s new strategy.