
How to save money on your energy bills

Date published:
21 Feb 2022
Reading time:
2 minutes
Tips to save money and reduce your consumption
Students socialising in accomodation
Make smarter choices with your energy use

As energy and gas prices continue to rise, many of us are looking for ways we can reduce our consumption to save money – and the planet too!

Our Sustainability team have shared ways you can save money on your energy bills:

1. Turn off standby appliances

  • Turn appliances off at the plug to save an average of £30 a year
  • Don’t leave electricals on standby either – laptops cost approx. £5 annually, while consoles and TVs can be as much as £16 each
  • Use low-cost timer plugs to schedule turning appliances off or plug sockets that can be turned on and off via your phone

2. Turn down your thermostat

  • Almost half the money spent on energy bills is on heating and hot water – turning your heating down by just one degree could save up to £80 a year
  • A cold draught can cause your home to lose heat – draught excluders or draught-proofing kits are a good way to keep your home feeling warm and cosy
  • Seal cracks in floors and skirting boards, line your letterbox, and block an unused chimney to reduce your heating bills by up to £35 a year

3. Be smarter about water

  • You can save around £25 a year by washing up in a bowl rather than using a running tap
  • Buying a more efficient showerhead can save you as much as £18 per person a year on energy bills
  • Fit a shower timer in your bathroom and you could save up to £7 per person each year by cutting just one minute off every shower

4. Buy efficient appliances and use them efficiently

  • When it is time to swap an appliance, choosing one with a high energy-efficiency rating can be worth the investment
  • Don’t leave fridge or freezer doors open any longer than necessary, and leave food to cool down before placing it inside
  • A pierced covering over the food will hold in moisture and speed up microwave cooking times

5. Monitor your usage

  • If you haven’t got one already, speak to your landlord about getting a smart meter
  • Keeping a watchful eye on your consumption levels can help you to spot areas where you can make changes

Want to reduce your energy consumption and maximise your savings even further? You can find more tips on the Energy Saving Trust website.

Visit our Sustainability webpages for the latest sustainability news and events at Manchester Met.

For more money saving tips, follow @ManMetUni on Facebook or Instagram.