
The benefits of being a library member

Date published:
9 Jun 2023
Reading time:
2 minutes
Why become a member of Manchester Poetry Library? Let's talk about the benefits of library membership...
A photo of a sign reading 'welcome' in Manchester Poetry Library, above the reception desk.
Welcome to Manchester Poetry Library.

As we celebrate the Festival of Libraries this week, it’s time to talk about membership. Are you a member of Manchester Poetry Library? Membership is free, open to all and a really easy process to follow, but why become a member?


The first and most obvious one is the books - of course! Libraries are full of books, and we’re no different (well, other than the fact that our books all contain poetry). We have over 12,000 items in our collection for all ages and in a variety of languages, and with a library card you can take a book out and read it wherever you fancy. On the bus? In your living room? Hanging out in All Saints park? There’s a book for that. 


It doesn’t stop at books, we also have a collection of poetry on vinyl for when your eyes are tired or those times you want to hear the words the way a poet intended. You can grab a pair of headphones from the reception desk and listen to your heart’s content. 


Did you know we have a calendar of events running throughout the year? We host poetry readings, open mics, book launches, workshops, exhibitions, art projects and more, and they’re pretty much always free. You don’t need to be a member to come along to our events, but once you’ve visited the space you’ll probably want to join the club…

Prize draw

If you’re not already a member, you get the fun job of signing up for membership, which automatically enters you into a monthly prize draw to win some sweet poetry goods! Each month we announce a new prize on our Instagram and Twitter pages, and everybody who signs up in that month is in with a chance of winning. So you might even get your own book (or game) to keep! 


You’ll get a cute little card to carry around, and we all know having fun isn’t hard when you’ve got a library card. 

Have we convinced you to become one of us? You can sign up for membership on our website or speak to a member of staff in the library space whenever you visit us. We’d be happy to help welcome you to the club!