
Please note that your booking is not valid until it has been confirmed from our side.
We would really like to get in touch to tell you about the services and benefits we can offer you. If you would like to receive this information from time to time then please tick below:

Data Protection

The Manchester Metropolitan University ('the University') is the Data Controller for the personal data you disclose via this form. This form is to submit a treatment booking enquiry to the Manchester Movement Unit. If you have consented to receive our marketing communications we will also use your personal data to send you targeted information about relevant services and benefits which we think will be of interest. You can withdraw your consent to receiving any, or all, of the above communications at any point by emailing [email protected]. All booking form responses are permanently deleted immediately after a member of the Manchester Movement Unit has spoken to the individual. Any individuals that do not respond to their call back from the Manchester Movement Unit will have their booking form response permanently deleted after 7 days, or 3 attempts to call back, whichever comes first For further information about us, how we process your personal data and your rights, please view our privacy notice.