Cite Them Right Harvard
Cite Them Right Harvard is the institutional author-date referencing style used at Manchester Met.
Most students follow Cite Them Right Harvard, but some departments use different referencing styles.
If unsure, please check with your course or module leader which style to use.
About our referencing style
Where can I find general guidance on presenting citations in different scenarios and on referencing?
Can the Library Referencing Team proofread, check or confirm my citations and references?
How do I cite and reference something an author has cited?
How do I reference a source with 4 or more authors in my reference list (both manually and using EndNote)?
Do I need to create a personal account on Cite Them Right?
How do I cite and reference information from the GOV.UK webpages?
How do I reference NICE guidelines?
How do I reference an artwork I have located online?
How do I reference an online PDF?
How do I include images in my work? (School of Art and Fashion Institute students)