
Alternate Name(s): New name for LexisLibrary. LexisLibrary has changed to Lexis+. Lexis+ has full-text, up-to-date access to all UK in-force legislation. Select Content then Newspapers link to search in newspapers. Our subscription does not include practical guidance and is for teaching and learning use only. We can access the Overviews content from Practical Guidance.

Alternative access links
IP access link - works if your device has a Manchester Met IP address, e.g. on Manchester Met networked PC on campus, staff laptop, Eduroam on campus. No personalisation features.
Off campus link  No personalisation features.


Log in with your University username and password.


Full text up-to-date access to all UK in-force legislation; a case search facility and access to a number of full text law reports series including the England Law Reports Service, Company Cases, Human rights and Industrial Law Reports.
Whilst Lexis+ is primarily a law database, it also includes full-text articles from a range of UK national and regional newspapers.

Video guides

Journal articles

Full text availability

Full-text books, reports and articles.
Some gaps in newspaper coverage.
Our subscription to Lexis+ does not include Practical Guidance.

