i. If a student is considering suspending their programme of study they should, in the first instance, be directed to discuss the implications with a Student Adviser in a Student Hub. The Student Adviser will advise the student to speak to their Programme Leader and/or Personal Tutor if they haven’t already done so. A referral to Student Billings to discuss any financial implications of a decision should also be made by the Student Adviser and a referral to the International Compliance team should also be made if they are fee assessed as overseas.
ii. In cases where the student concludes that they still wish to suspend their studies, the student should be directed to complete a ‘Request to suspend study’ form online which will then go to the relevant Programme Leader.
iii. The relevant Programme Leader (or delegated staff member) will be asked to consider all student-led suspension requests and will make the final decision. Where they consider the reasons for the request are valid, a suspension generally for up to one calendar year may be approved. The timeframe and duration for any approved suspension must take account of any implications for the student’s capacity to re-engage with the programme of study at a later date and with all required assessment or reassessment points.
iv. Medical evidence will be required for all health-related suspensions.
v. Students considering suspension on the grounds of pregnancy, adoption or a parental order should first consult the Student Pregnancy and Maternity Guidelines.
vi. Where a suspension of studies is for a full calendar year, the expectation is that the student will return to their programme at the same point in the next academic year. Students will bank any marks they have already received (including any fails) and their (re)assessment status on units previously undertaken will be identical to that prior to the start of the suspension. This will include any penalties applied or unspent approved Exceptional Factors.
vii. If the student returns at an earlier point in the next academic session, additional tuition fees will be due unless approved by the Student Billings Manager. Exceptionally, if the student is allowed to return from suspension at the start of the next academic session to retake the year, they will not bank previously achieved marks, although penalties (such as academic misconduct) may still apply (e.g. 40% capped penalty would be applied to work submitted for that unit in a retake year). Returning from suspension at the start of the next academic year could have serious financial implications.
viii. Suspension requests submitted after the end of teaching in Semester 2 will not be approved.
ix. The expectation is that first requests for suspensions of studies will be approved, except where there are clear reasons for not doing so (e.g. an attempt to avoid a University disciplinary process, the academic expulsion procedure, payment towards tuition fees). Suspension should not be granted to allow a student to defer submission of assessment in the final term where all teaching or placement elements have already been completed.
x. In all instances, requests for a second or a subsequent suspension of studies must be approved by the relevant Head of Department (or delegated staff member) with any decision based on the likelihood of the student returning to, and successfully completing, the Programme.
xi. Where a request from a student for a suspension of studies is rejected, the student will be invited to continue on the Programme. In such instances, the student will have the right to submit an appeal against the decision under the Academic Appeals Procedures (see section 7).
xii. The Student Records Operations team will email students the outcome of all suspension requests to their Manchester Met account and any other email addresses held for the student on the student records system.
xiii. The effective date of suspension noted in the email relates to the date the student last actively engaged with the University and must not be the date when the formal suspension process commenced. The definition of engagement here includes attending classes, submitting assessed coursework, and/or engaging with Moodle.
xiv. Student Billings will update Student Finance England for any relevant students. If a student fails to return to the University at the end of their agreed suspension, they may be withdrawn from their Programme.