Olivia Loughlin

When did you first recognise an interest in sport?

From a young age by participating in sport, this progressed to volunteering at various sporting events by wanting to be involved from an alternate aspect. My interest grew from being involved in sport in a different way, whether this was helping to plan a tournament or helping deliver it on the day. I chose to study Sport Development at undergraduate level which provided a great insight into the many roles within sport.

What made you choose to study the Master of Sport Directorship (MSD) at Manchester Met?

To develop my knowledge and understanding of the sporting sector and take these to the next level. The MSD is sport specific which allows me to apply key learnings into practice whilst studying on the course. The units are relevant and realistic which ensure applying learnings into practice is possible.

What has been your favourite part of studying on the MSD?

Exposure to experts within different areas as part of the masterclasses. The units are specific to sport and provide relevant information that gives context and realistic examples. The assignments are structured in a way that encourage you to develop key skills and knowledge in relation to your job role and realistic situations that may arise within the working environment.

What skills have you learned on the course that can apply to your current role?

Confidence when communicating in the group discussions. The cohorts consist of experienced people within their fields – the discussions provide a variety of knowledge from different sports, roles and experiences. The course has provided me with the knowledge to view situations from an alternate perspective, the unit content encourages you to think differently and have an open mindset within the working environment.

How has studying the msd impacted your career?

Giving me the confidence to apply for more senior positions and put forward new ideas to senior management.