Iqra Choudry

About me


I am an HR Manager at Metrolink; UK’s largest light rail network. This role offers me a great opportunity where I get to use my people skills and employment law knowledge but also get to learn something new every day by encountering new and unique challenges.

I worked hard to get to where I am in my career today. It did not happen overnight. It was a gradual, incremental process, a build-up of a series of small steps. Building a career is like climbing a mountain which can feel daunting but when you break it down into manageable steps, the ascent becomes much more achievable. I could not have done it in any other way. Coming into the UK 12 years ago, with no prior experience or HR qualification was a massive barrier for me. It all started by taking one step at a time, one day at a time. My journey began with volunteering at a local charity, and then taking on a part time role when it came along. But what really accelerated my career and became instrumental in opening many new doors for me, was taking a post-graduate course at Manchester Met. The course gave me the knowledge, exposure and the credibility that helped me to stand out as a professional in the job market. It led me to my first HR job as an ‘HR Advisor’ in the same charity where I first started as just a volunteer. It was a big milestone moment for me!


Keep trying! You don’t know what you can achieve until you try it. Rejection just means redirection. Learn from it and move on!


My mum, who couldn’t have the opportunity to finish high school, but had the vision to dream big and see her daughter graduating from university. Her words of encouragement kept me going and still inspire me every single day. Today, I have three master’s degrees and a thriving career as an HR professional and a visiting lecturer.

I wish to set an example for my two young daughters that if Mummy can achieve this despite being a first-generation university student and an immigrant in the UK, they can too.


I loved the support and encouragement I had received from the tutors throughout my time at Manchester Met.

A highlight of my university life was an opportunity to participate in a debate contest representing Manchester Met, where we competed against six other universities and won the contest. I learned teamwork, collaboration and how to win arguments with reasoning and storytelling.

The learning experience at Manchester Met has equipped me to establish a career that I always desired.

The process of learning has not ended for me since I left Manchester Met. I continue to learn to this day; in a variety of ways, whether it is through watching webinars, listening to podcasts, attending events or discussions with peers.

Lifelong learning is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity in todays’ competitive world to excel in any career!

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