Clare Wheatley

When did you first recognise an interest in sport?

Apparently, I wanted a ball at my feet even in the pram!

What made you choose to study the Master in Sport Directorship (MSD) at Manchester Met?

I was ready for some significant CPD and had heard good things about this course from previous Alumni.

How beneficial was the ‘Women in Sport’ scholarship for you, during your studies? How do you think it could help others?

This was really helpful particularly in getting internal approval across the line.

Why do you think we need more women in sport, particularly in senior positions?

We need more women in senior roles so there is greater visibility for younger women to aspire to these senior roles and retain women in sport.

What was your favourite part of studying on the MSD?

I loved being able to share aspects of the same ‘journey’ in sport with my classmates as well as meeting great people across different sports.

What skills did you learn on the course that you apply to your current role?

To be more assertive, tolerant and patient in equal measure as well as changing my communication style to suit others.

How has having an MSD qualification impacted your career?

It’s given me more confidence when speaking with more senior people in my organisation. It’s also made me make more time to reflect on things as well as ensuring I ‘strategize’ more!