About Enterprise

Do what you love and help make the world a better place. Entrepreneurial people solve problems and create a healthier, smarter, more equal and sustainable future. 

What is enterprise?

Enterprise is all about turning ideas into reality. Even if you don’t have an idea yet, getting involved in enterprise can help you develop a lot of important skills for the future. It’s about being creative and thinking of new ways to solve problems, being brave enough to try new things, and not being afraid to fail. 

You could be:

  • a freelancer
  • self-employed 
  • selling your arts and crafts
  • a side hustler, for example selling items online 
  • starting your own business
  • developing a new idea
  • helping the wider community through your business and much more

We offer you a unique chance to develop real-world skills beyond the classroom to prepare you for future success.  


Read our guides to learn more about enterprise, what it means, and how you get started on your chosen path:

Other resources to help you:

  • For step-by-step guides on setting up a business and extensive information on topics such as tax, licenses, and financial support, visit the GOV.UK Business and self-employed tools and guidance.
  • You can learn more about tax regulations and access guidance on accounting and VAT with HMRC.
  • Several guides on freelancing, personal branding, networking, and much more can be found on Creative Lives in Progress.

The Enterprise Team is available to chat with you if you have any specific questions. Email us at enterprise@mmu.ac.uk.

Join our Enterprise Community

Sign up to the Manchester Met Enterprise LinkedIn Group to meet like-minded changemakers and get the latest information.

Go to LinkedIn

Resources for self-study

Explore our Enterprise Rise Self Study Kits to learn the basics of working for yourself.

Go to Rise


  • Students

    Ideas Festival

    Take part in the Ideas Festival, our annual celebration of student and recent graduates' ideas with prizes up to £1000.

    Go to Ideas Festival