
How to Start Your ECO-I Net-Zero Action Plan

Date published:
1 Mar 2022
Reading time:
4 minutes
Enterprise Fellow in Sustainable Design Innovation, Dr Graeme Heyes
Enterprise Fellow in Sustainable Design Innovation, Dr Graeme Heyes

During COP26 this year, the UK Government announced plans for firms to show how they intend to hit net-zero. At the same time, local authorities are outlining increasingly ambitious plans for their businesses and communities to move towards zero-carbon and zero-waste ways of doing business; with Greater Manchester for example setting a target of becoming net-zero by 2038.

For those looking to tackle sustainability issues for the first time this may seem daunting however, developing net-zero action strategies is no different from delivering any other long term strategic vision. Below, I list six tips that can help your organisation move towards net-zero, avoiding the risks posed by this growing movement, whilst helping to contribute to making the world a better place.

Start at the end

Effective long-term strategy is developed by thinking about the ultimate destination that you want to arrive at. This is why businesses often have Mission Statements – simple descriptions that outline why a business exists and that the what they do. A useful way to do this is to start by identifying what the world will look like in the future, and then asking “what does our business need to do to not just survive, but to thrive in that future world”. This can help to give you direction and shape company culture but it can also act as a framework for company activity - if what you are doing does not contribute to this vision should you really be doing it?

Be ambitious

Thinking small constrains the capacity for innovation and creativity to take place. If the climate emergency means reshaping the way in which we do business, then we need bigger and more creative ideas to get us there. Thankfully however, this sort of radical step-change innovation is also the best way for an organisation to grow and expand into new markets. So be bold, think big, and remember that this is your opportunity to make a difference and leave a positive mark on the planet.

Set your baseline

So, you have now identified an ambitious destination where you want your organisation to be headed, but to understand what the journey will look like you also need to know where you are starting from. The key thing here is understand your organisation in detail, asking questions such as – “what activities do we do?”, “What resources do we use?”, “Who and what is impacted by our activities and how?”. For Net-Zero, this part of this mapping is likely to include some level of carbon accounting so that you can understand where you are having the greatest impact as a business. Consider spending some time mapping and understanding your business and try to identify areas where you could investigate change.

Be creative

Action planning documents are essentially an articulation of how your organisation intends to adapt to reach a certain goal. This means doing things differently – also known as innovation. The key to effective innovation is being creative, thinking beyond the world today and having the confidence to think about and discuss new and challenging ideas without rejecting them. Keep your future vision in mind, be ambitious and try to think of the things other people may not have thought of and remember - the best way to get good ideas is to have lots of ideas!

Remember the good things

It is important to remember that your business is likely to create a whole host of positive impacts too, whether they be through the creation of jobs, or work you do in your communities. Spend time identifying these positives so that you can ensure they are maintained and communicated to your stakeholders. Whist you’re at it, ask yourself – “Is there any other way I can help my business make the world a better place?”.

Collaborate with MMU!

If you are interested in learning how your organisation can adapt to the threats and opportunities posed by the climate emergency and the Net-Zero agenda, then you may be interested in our fully ERDF funded programme Eco-Innovation North West, which exists to help North West SMEs to learn how to embed innovation into their businesses. If you would like more information or to register your interest, please visit our project website.