My profile


My specialisms are in early-twentieth-century literature, particularly literary modernism and the Gothic of the period. I also have a penchant for literary theory, including, but not limited to, psychonalytic (Freud, Lacan, Kristeva) and Derridean thought. 

Words of wisdom

Live and read in equal measure. 

Academic and professional qualifications

  • 1st Class BA (Hons.) in English (University of Strathclyde)
  • MLitt (with distinction) in The Gothic Imagination (University of Stirling)
  • PhD in English Studies (University of Stirling)

Other academic service (administration and management)

I am currently the administrator of the International Gothic Association’s Allan Lloyd Smith Memorial Prizes. At MMU, I sit on the Faculty Research Ethics and Governance Committee for Arts and Humanities.


I am the academic lead for our gothic tourism and culture initiative Haunt Manchester.

Haunt Manchester

Once infamous for its dark, satanic mills, Manchester is now revelling in its Gothic heritage - and its spooky and macabre past may just prove to be the key to a brighter future.


Office hours

My office hours for this year run on Thursdays 11am to 1pm in Bellhouse G.02 during teaching weeks. These office hours are particularly aimed at students on two units I teach this year: Postwar and Contemporary Literature and Culture and Nineteenth-Century Writing to Modernism. 

Why do I teach?

I see the classroom as a potentially inspirational space: both for me, as I learn from the perspectives of my students, and hopefully for those whom I teach too. It’s rare to be in a room made-up purely of readers and the potential to have a great conversation — finding some critical insights along the way, of course — about literature is the main reason I stil love teaching. 

How I’ll teach you

I’ll be enthusiastic and the work student-centred. 

Why study…

If you read good books for long enough, you get to live a thousand lives, and learn from a thousand perspectives. 

Subject areas

English Literature

Research outputs

Modernism; Gothic Literature; Critical Theory