
We have a range of accommodation for our students including university halls of residence and private residences. We also offer short-term accommodation and summer accommodation. Explore your options and contact us if you would like more information.

Find accommodation

Bookings for September 2024

We have quality student accommodation available in the heart of Manchester.

Check the booking portal for live availability, contact the team or add your details to our waiting list and we'll contact you as soon as we have availability.
  • Students chatting with a drink in a social area

    Choose your accommodation

    Compare the halls of residence at Manchester Met to find the perfect base for your life on campus.

    Find out more
  • Two international students looking at an iPad in a halls of residence kitchen

    Find accommodation as an international student

    This guide will help you find somewhere to live in the UK. Find out what renting is likely to cost, where to look for properties, who can help and more.

    Find out more
  • Accommodation Guarantee

    Accommodation guarantee

    Discover the guarantee that we offer to our new full-time undergraduate students who are seeking accommodation in Manchester.

    Find out more

Virtual tour

Explore our campus and accommodation with our virtual tour.

Booking accommodation

Book accommodation

Moving in and life in halls

Moving in and life in halls

Accommodation awards and answers

Frequently asked questions

Get answers to common questions about accommodation.