Dr Carmen Herrero
Dr Carmen Herrero
Principal Lecturer in Spanish Studies / Section lead- Languages / Director of FLAME (Research Group for Film, Languages and Media in Education)
My profile
I teach Spanish and Latin America cultures at undergraduate level. I supervise and examine doctoral students on a range of topics, including Hispanic cinemas, film pedagogy and language education, new technologies and education and Spanish literature.
I believe that good teaching is about facilitating the learning experience by supporting, advising and guiding. Learning a language supports the growing need for international, intercultural and critical skills in today’s world. My doctoral thesis (and first book) was on avant-garde theatre through a semiotic analysis. Since then I have moved from literature to cinema as my primary area of specialism. I am particularly interested in contemporary Hispanic cinema. At the same time, I have developed my interest in pedagogical research through applications of film and media to language and culture learning. I am leading the Resarch Group Film, Languages and Media in Education (FLAME). I am actively involved in film and language education through workshops for students and language teachers. I am the co-founder and co-director of FILTA (Film in Language Teaching Association). I collaborate with HOME (Manchester) in the Education Events for schools. I regularly offer teacher training sessions on the use of film for language teaching and learning at Manchester Metropolitan University, and in collaboration with other institutions in the UK and Europe. I am very enthusiastic about what I do and I hope that students find they can come and talk to me or ask for help at all times.
Words of wisdom
If you intend to take Spanish, I would say make sure you see learning the language as a creative and life-enhancing experience. You must also consider from the first year how you are going to maximise your career prospects using Spanish.
Academic and professional qualifications
BA (Hons) Hispanic Philology, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain) [1988]
BA (Hons) in English Philology, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain) [1995]
Cursos de doctorado (equivalent to MA Spanish Language and Literature), Universidad de Valladolid (Spain) [1990]
PhD in Spanish Studies, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain) [1992]
Other academic service (administration and management)
From September 2011 to December 2012 she was the Acting Head of the Department of Languages, Information and Communications.
Former External examiner roles
- The University of Central Lancashire (Spanish at UG level)
- The University of Coventry (Spanish at UG level)
- Westminster University -Postgraduate International Liaison and Communications (Spanish) (since 2017).
Consultancy and advisory roles
I collaborate with HOME Manchester (the Education Events and the Viva! Spanish and Latin American Film Festival.
I have been consulted in the following areas:
- Seminar presentations, workshops, INSETS and CPDs for film and language education.
- Teaching training and language teaching.
- Languages and creative industries.
- Teaching materials (film and language teaching).
Community, charity and NGO links
Cornerhouse and Routes into Languages (Languages Education events):
- AS/A2 Study Day: El orfanato Wed 25 Sep 2013. This session is open only to young people aged 14 – 19 years old, accompanied by their teachers. Part ofProjector 2013/2014, Projector Modern Foreign Languages.
- GCSE Study Day: March 2014, part of the VIVA Spanish and Latin American Film Festival
- AS/A2 Study Day: March 2014, part of the VIVA Spanish and Latin American Film Festival
- Adult learner Study Day: March 2014, part of the VIVA Spanish and Latin American Film Festival
Workshop: Using film in the Transition year (Spanish) at the AGM of the Association of Teachers of Spanish of Ireland (Dublin, 5th October 2013).
Government and industry links
Winner of the Innovation in Teaching Award - Students’ Union Teaching Awards at Manchester Metropolitan University (2018).
Socia de Honor del Grupo Comunicar (Spain).
Visiting and honorary positions
Summer course Fundación Ortega Gasset-Maroñón (Madrid), El uso del cine en la clase de español.
Summer course: Recursos audiovisuales en el aula de ELE, Universidad International Menéndez Pelayo.
Editorial Board membership
- Comunicar Journal (http://www.comunicarjournal.com/)
- Journal of Iberian Studies http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/journals/view-Journal,id=140/view,page=3/
- Journal Philologia Hispalensis http://editorial.us.es/es/philologia-hispalensis
- Journal Verbeia (Revista de Estudios Filológicos / Journal of English and Spanish Studies.
Membership of professional associations
- Co-founder and co-director of Film in Language Teaching Association (FILTA) [http://www.filta.org.uk] [over 5200 members from 100 countries]
- Member of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland
- Member of the Association for Language Learning
- Member of the British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies and Founding Member for the Film/making Education SIG.
- Member of the Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS)
- Member of the Canadian Association of Hispanists
- UNESCO Open Educational Practice Fellow (since 2017)
I am actively involved in film and language education through workshops for students and language teachers. I am the co-founder and co-director of FILTA (Film in Language Teaching Association www.filta.org.uk).
My doctoral thesis (and first book) was on avant-garde theatre through a semiotic analysis. Since then I have moved from literature to cinema as my primary area of specialism. I am particularly interested in contemporary Hispanic cinema. At the same time, I have developed my interest in pedagogical research through applications of film and media to language and culture learning. I am currently working on a monograph dedicated to the study of the representation of motherhood in contemporary documentaries and feature films.
Why do I teach?
I think Languages are critical to our education. Working in MMU has provided me with the opportunity to share my passion for Spanish and make studying at MMU a truly international experience. My cinema and culture classes include a range of multimodal activities which I hope will develop students’ critical thinking.
Subject areas
I supervise and examine doctoral students on a range of topics, including Hispanic cinemas, film pedagogy and language education, new technologies and education and Spanish literature. I have supervised PhDs on contemporary Spanish Theatre; contemporary Spanish Literature; and Basque and Catalan cinemas; Audiovisual Translation applied to language teaching.
You can find more information here: https://www.mmu.ac.uk/languages/flame/
Current PhD student supervisor as Director of Studies
Laura Jenkins: An Analysis of Methodologies, Motivations and Personalization Techniques in Adult Foreign Language Acquisition (PhD from April 2022
Completed PhD student supervision as Director of Studies:
1. Alicia Sánchez Requena (2018). Audiovisual Translation applied to Foreign Teaching Languages: the use of direct dubbing to improve fluency and pronunciation in spontaneous conversation [AHRC NWCDTP Studentship grant]
2. Emma Leather (2009). Time, Memory and the Human Gaze in the Films of José Luis Guerin and Marc Recha.
3. Philip Morris (2007). The Cinema of Julio Medem: Region and Nation in Contemporary Spanish [AHRC Studentship grant]
4. Stephen Pearson (2005). Literary and Cinematic Narrative in Fin-de-Siècle Spain: Sociological Paradigms.
5. Susana Lorenzo (2001). Teatro español de autoría femenina en el umbral del nuevo milenio: identidad individual, genérica y colectiva en la dramaturgia de Yolanda Pallín.
PhD Supervision as First supervisor:
Rebecca Wynne-Walsh (submitted in 2022): Basque Gothic Cinema (1990-2020): A Regionalist Challenge to the Spanish Model of National Cinema Production and Cultural Identity.
Master by Research Supervison as DoS (completed):
Clare Moley (2013): Female Madness and Cultural Consumption: the Representation and Objectification of Juana la Loca in Film and Fiction.
Principal Lecturer in Spanish Studies
Research outputs
Books (authored/edited/special issues)
Romero, E.D., Bobkina, J., Stefanova, S., Herrero, C. (2023) Rethinking multimodal literacy in theory and practice.
Herrero, C., Suarez, M.F. (2023) Teaching Languages with Screen Media: Pedagogical Reflections.
Herrero, M.D.C., Vanderschelden, I. (2019) Using Film and Media in the Language Classroom: Reflections on Research-led Teaching. Multilingual Matters.
Herrero, C., Vanderschelden, I. (2019) Introduction.
Herrero, C. (2001) El nombre en español El adjetivo. II. Salamanca: Colegio de Espana.
Herrero, C. (1997) El nombre: El sustantivo. Colegio de España.
Herrero, C. (1995) Utopía y el teatro la obra dramática de Ramón Gómez de la Serna. University of Colorado Press.
Chapters in books
Herrero, C. 'El cine en la clase de ELE.' Iniciación a la metodología de la enseñanza de ELE. (vol. IV) (Eds. Martínez-Atienza de Dios & A. Zamorano Aguilar).. enClaveELE,
Herrero, M.D.C. 'Enhancing series/serials literacy and multilingual competences: Jane the Virgin in the EFL classroom.' Popular Series in English Language Education. Narr Francke Attempto Verla,
Herrero, M.D.C. 'Práctica de transmediación aplicadas a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de lenguas (Transmedia practices in language teaching and learning).' Innovación metodológica en educación superior: enseñanza de lenguas y traducción (Methodological innovation in higher education). Valencia: Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch,
Herrero, M.D.C., Romero-Rodríguez, L.M., García-Peñalvo, F.J. (2025) 'Academic networks and personal branding in the open education movement.' In Ramírez Montoya, M.S., Montoya-Bayardo, M.Á., Zavala-Enríquez, G., Martínez-Arboleda, A. (ed.) Research Training from the Frontiers of Education: Pioneering Innovations and Sustainable Practices with Open Science. Routledge,
Herrero, M.D.C., Vanderschelden, I. (2024) 'Transmediation: pedagogical applications to film adaptation in modern foreign language education.' In Bolaños García-Escribano, A., Oaknín, M. (ed.) Inclusion, Diversity and Innovation in Translation Education. London: UCL Press,
Herrero, C., Vaderschelden, I. (2023) 'Training language teachers to use short films in the language classroom: innovations and challenges.' In Domínguez Romero, E., Bobkina, J., Radoulska, S.S., Herrero, C. (ed.) Rethinking Multimodal Literacy in Theory and Practice. Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 121-140.
Herrero, C., Suarez, M.F., Sánchez-Requena, A. (2023) 'Screen media in language education: Towards a student-centred approach.' Teaching Languages with Screen Media: Pedagogical Reflections. pp. 17-45.
Herrero, C., Suarez, M.F. (2023) 'Screen cultures and language education: Current and future trends in teaching, learning and research.' Teaching Languages with Screen Media: Pedagogical Reflections. pp. 1-13.
Herrero, C. (2023) 'Integrating screen media into the language curriculum.' Teaching Languages with Screen Media: Pedagogical Reflections. pp. 47-67.
Herrero, M.D.C. (2022) 'Applications of transmedia practices and open educational resources in higher education.' In Domínguez Romero, E., Bobkina, J., Herrero, M.D.C., Radoulska, S.S., Vanderschelden, I. (ed.) Visual Literacy and Digital Communication: the role of media in new educational practices. Comares, pp. 43-60.
Herrero, C. (2021) 'Visual Explorations of a New Life: Language, Identity and Landscape in El futuro perfecto and Ingen Ko På Isen.' In Brownlie, S., Abouddahab, R. (ed.) Figures of the Migrant The Roles of Literature and the Arts in Representing Migration. Routledge,
Herrero, C. (2019) 'Afterword: Present and Future Directions for Video, Film and Audiovisual Media in Language Teaching.' In Herrero, C., Vanderschelden, I. (ed.) Using Film and Media in the Language Classroom: Reflections on Research-led Teaching. Multilingual Matters,
Herrero, C., Vanderschelden, I. (2019) 'Introduction.' Using Film and Media in the Language Classroom: Reflections on Research-led Teaching. Multilingual Matters,
Vanderschelden, I., Herrero, C. (2019) 'introduction.' Using Film and Media in the Language Classroom Reflections on Research-led Teaching. Multilingual Matters,
Herrero, C. (2019) 'Escritura digital: estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje en entornos digitales.' Lectoescritura digital. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte and Centro Nacional de Innovación e Investigación Educativa, pp. 123-132.
Herrero, C. (2019) 'From New Literacies to Transmedia Literacies: The New Approaches to Transmedia and Language Pedagogy Project.' In Biasini, R., Becerra, N., Magedera-Hofhansl, H., Reimão, A. (ed.) Innovative language teaching and learning at university: a look at new trends. Research-publishing.net, pp. 19-26.
Herrero, C. (2019) 'Conclusion: Present and Future Directions for Video, Film and Audiovisual Media in Language Teaching.' Using Film and Media in the Language Classroom: Reflections on Research-led Teaching. pp. 188-197.
Herrero, C. (2018) 'Medios audiovisuales.' In Muñoz-Basols, J., Gironzetti, E., Lacorte, M. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching: metodologías, contextos y recursos para la enseñanza del español L2.. Routledge,
Herrero, C. (2014) 'Hybrid Models: Auteurism and Genre in Contemporary Spanish Crime Thrillers.' In Camet, F., Wheeler, D. (ed.) (Re)viewing Creative, Critical and Commercial Practices in Contemporary Spanish Cinema. London: Intellect, pp. 351-364.
Herrero, C., Herrero, C. (2011) 'Cultura participativa y alfabetización multimodal aplicadas a la enseñanza de lenguas.' In Buisine-Soubeyroux, M. (ed.) Image et éducation. Lyon: Le Grihm/ Passages XX-XXI and Université Lumiere-Lyon 2, pp. 277-286.
Herrero, C. (2009) 'Metaficción y arquetipo héroico en la narrativa de Juan Manuel de Prada.' Tradition and Modernity: Cervantes's Presence in Spanish Contemporary Literature. Peter Lang Publishing,
Herrero, C. (2007) 'Nostalgia en el cine español contemporáneo.' Trazos de cine español. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, pp. 79-90.
Herrero Vecino, C., Ramos, A.C.N. (1999) 'La experiencia de un compromiso: la enseñanza del españaol en una universidad británica.' pp. 201-206.
Vecino, C.H., Ramos, A.C.N. (1999) 'Más allá de las imágenes: el cine como recurso en las clases de espa nol.' pp. 817-824.
Internet publications
Nicholson, D., Herrero, M.D.C. (2024) Creating Momentum Around Transformative Active Learning. https://altc.alt.ac.uk/blog/2024/02/creating-momentum-around-transformative-active-learning/.
Journal articles
Herrero, M.D.C. (2024) 'Redes de memoria (femenina) contra el olvido y otras formas de resistencia en Hoy y no mañana (Josefina Morandé 2018) y Me duele la memoria (Iara Heredia Lozar y Bastien Genoux 2018).' A Contracorriente, 21(2) pp. 85-104.
Herrero, C., Spence, P. (2023) 'Introduction: reflections on post-pandemic pedagogical trends in language education.' Modern Languages Open, 2023(1)
Herrero, C. (2022) 'Memory and affective discourses in Pepe Mujica, Lessons from the Flowerbed (Heidi Specogna, 2015) and El Pepe: A Supreme Life (Emir Kusturica, 2018).' Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, 28(1) pp. 67-79.
Herrero, C. (2021) 'La educación transmedia como estrategia innovadora para integrar lengua y cultura en la enseñanza de ELE.' Doblele. Revista de lengua y literatura, 7pp. 50-66.
Herrero, C. (2021) 'La interrelación entre colonialidad y decolonialidad en "Palmeras en la nieve" (2015).' Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispanos, 46(1) pp. 127-146.
Herrero, C., Valverde, K., Costal, T., Sánchez-Requena, A. (2020) 'The "Film and Creative Engagement Project": Audiovisual Accessibility and Telecollaboration.' Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives (REALIA), (24) pp. 89-104.
Herrero, C. (2020) 'The Beyond Babel Multilingual Film Festival.' Journal of Film and Video, 72(1-2)
Suarez, M.F., Herrero, C. (2020) 'Globalisation and Coloniality of Power in También la lluvia / Even the Rain (2010): Exploring Resistance and Indigenous Empowerment.' Ottawa Hispanic Studies, 28pp. 133-154.
Herrero, C. (2018) 'Book Review: Up Against the Wall: Re-imagining the U.S.–Mexico Border.' Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture, 9(2) pp. 289-291.
Herrero, C., Sanchez-Requena, A., Escobar, M. (2018) 'Una propuesta triple: análisis fílmico, traducción audiovisual y enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras.' inTRAlinea : Online Translation Journal, 19
Herrero, C., Escobar, M. (2018) 'A Pedagogical Model for Integrating Film Education and Audio Description in Foreign Language Acquisition.' Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts, 4(1) pp. 30-54.
Herrero, C. (2016) 'The film in language teaching association (FILTA): A multilingual community of practice.' ELT Journal, 70(2) pp. 190-199.
Herrero, C., Valbuena, A. (2011) 'El aprendizaje del español en estudiantes adultos: estrategias de aprendizaje a través del cine.' Actas de las IV Jornadas Didácticas del Instituto Cervantes de Mánchester, pp. 83-87.
Herrero, C. (2010) 'Edgy art cinema: cinephilia and genre negotiations in recent Spanish rural thrillers.' Studies in European Cinema, 7(2) pp. 123-134.
Herrero, C. (2009) 'Reflections of female scorn: un cos al bosc (1996, Joaquim Jordà) and el alquimista impaciente (2002, Patricia Ferreira).'
Herrero, C. (2009) 'Metaficción y arquetipo héroico en la narrativa de Juan Manuel de Prada.' Tradition and Modernity: Cervantes’s Presence in Spanish Contemporary Literature. Oxford: Peter Lang,
Herrero, C. (2009) 'Diálogo intercultural en el cine británico.'
Herrero, C. (2008) '6. El uso de cortometrajes en la clase de espa nol.'
Herrero, C. (2007) 'NOSTALGIA EN EL CINE ESPA NOL CONTEMPORÁNEO.' Trazos de cine espa nol, pp. 75-75.
Herrero, C. (2007) 'Paisajes urbanos y’no lugares’ en el thriller espa nol contemporáneo: Fausto 5.0 y La caja 507.' Romance Studies, 25pp. 137-149.
Herrero, C. (2004) 'El discreto encanto de la farsa: "Hamlet" de Luis Bunuel.'
Herrero, C. (2003) 'La de/construccion del discurso auto/biografico en "mi autobiografia" (1924) de Ramon Gomez de la Serna.'
Herrero Vecino, C. (1999) 'Radio theater in Spain: The weekly magazine Ondas (1925-1936).' ANALES DE LA LITERATURA ESPANOLA CONTEMPORANEA, 24(3) pp. 557-570.
Vecino, C.H. (1993) 'Ramón Gómez de la Serna y el público teatral: el teatro en soledad.' Draco: Revista de literatura espa nola, pp. 63-85.
Conference papers
Herrero, C. (2023) 'Training language teachers to use films in the language classroom: Innovation and challenges.' In , Applied Linguistics and Transdisciplinary Impact: Critical Perspectives and Opportunities for Researcher Development, British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL)/Cambridge University Press Seminar Programme 2018-19. University of Central Lancashire, 26/7/2019 - 26/7/2019.
Herrero, C. (2019) 'Transmedia, crossmedia e Historia: estrategias pedagógicas aplicadas a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de ELE.' In Contar la Historia, contar historias a través de la literatura y el cine. Université de Lausanne (Switzerland), 6/9/2019 - 7/9/2019.
Herrero, C., Valbuena, A. (2011) 'La enseñanza intercultural en la clase de ele a través del cine: una propuesta con Un franco, 14 pesetas (Carlos Iglesias, 2006) y Sleep Dealer (Álex Rivera, 2008) para niveles b1 y b2-c1 del MCER.' In 1er Congreso Internacional en la Red sobre Interculturalidad y Educación. 1. 1/3/2010 - 21/3/2010. Villalaba, F., Villatorre, J. (ed.) Letras 25,
Herrero, C., Valbuena, A. (2009) 'Nuevos alfabetismos en la clase de ELE a través del cine (New literacies in the ELE class through the cinema).' In II Educational Conference of the Instituto Cervantes. Manchester, 3/7/2009 - 3/7/2009. Instituto Cervantes, pp. 52-66.
Herrero, C. (2008) 'El uso de cortometrajes en la clase de espa nol: la representación de las minorías étnicas.' In Actas de las Primeras Jornadas Didácticas del Instituto Cervantes de Mánchester. Manchester, UK, 4/7/2008 - 4/7/2008. Instituto Cervantes,
Career history
Subject Lead- Languages- at Manchester Metropolitan University
Subject Lead-Spanish Section- at Manchester Metropolitan University
Director of the research group Film, Languages and Media in Education (FLAME)
Acting Head of the Department of Languages, Information and Communications at Manchester Metropolitan University
Principal Lecturer in Spanish Studies, Department of Languages, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Lecturer in Spanish Studies, Department of Languages, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Spanish Language Tutor, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain).
Lecturer in Spanish, University of Ulster at Coleraine, Northern Ireland.
Language Assistant, Department of Hispanic Studies, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Press and media
- Rada, J. (2021). “Y la clase de ELE se convirtió en La casa de papel’, Archiletras (February).
- Suarez, M. (2019) “An Interview with Dr Carmen Herrero, an Expert in Film and Language Education”, Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, Barcelona: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, pp. 113-118. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/jtl3.837
- Santos, C. (2018): “Tecla Projecto: FILTA”, Revista TECLA 1/2018, London: Consejería de Educación de España, pp. 10-14. Link
- Interview on Spanish Radio 3 (2018): “Trends in Education, Audiovisual Culture, Accessibility and Media” (9/5/2018).Link
- On-line chat on “The Role of Film in the Schools”, The Guardian (12/11/2014). Link
- Interview on the VIVA Spanish and Latin American Film Festival for The Culture Show, BBC2 Television (3/3/2012).