You might consider school experience or becoming a teaching assistant before your PGCE, it can help prepare your first time on placement.
Get organised! Buy a diary and stationery and use it. Take notes and ask lots of questions.
Be prepared to get out of your comfort zone and be ready for things when they don’t go to plan. Don’t be too hard on yourself when they don’t, learn and adapt!
Do your research. Read up on your subject and curriculum so you have an idea of what is being taught.
Each trainee has a personal tutor from the University whom they are familiar with.
They’ll write your references for employment in the future.
You’ll have a professional mentor who may be a teacher at the school or the individual responsible for trainees in that school.
You’ll have a subject or class mentor who supports you. They will meet with you weekly and set targets for you to help you progress.
You may be at a school with other trainees, where you’ll have a peer group and support network at the school.
You’ll be required to complete a minimum of 120 days across two different placements.
Your placements will be contrasting, meaning you will gain experience from different age groups, locations or specialisms.
For each phase of your placement, your progress will be monitored against the Manchester Met curriculum.
We start with your term-time postcode and match it with placement offers from our partner schools.
Schools are situated across the North West from different economic and cultural backgrounds to provide a diverse range of experiences.