My profile

Research outputs

  • Books (authored/edited/special issues)

    Fa, J., Funk, S.M., Nasi, R. (2022) Hunting Wildlife in the Tropics and Subtropics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Coad, L., Fa, J., Abernethy, K., van Vliet, N., Santamaria, C., Wilkie, D., El Bizri, H., Ingram, D.J., Cawthorn, D.M., Nasi, R. (2019) Towards a sustainable, participatory and inclusive wild meat sector. CIFOR.

    Fa, J.E., Funk, S.M., O’Connell, D. (2011) Zoo conservation biology. Cambridge University Press.

    Fa, J.E., Lindburg, D.G. (1996) Evolution and Ecology of Macaque Societies. Cambridge University Press.

    Fa, J.E. (1993) Biological Diversity of Mexico Origins and Distribution. New York: Oxford University Press, USA.

    Fa, J.E. (1991) Conservación de los ecosistemas forestales de Guinea Ecuatorial. IUCN.

    Fa, J.E., Southwick, C.H. (1988) Ecology and behavior of food-enhanced primate groups.

    Fa, J.E. (1986) Use of Time and Resources by Provisioned Troops of Monkeys - Social Behaviour, Time and Energy in the Barbary Macaque at Gibraltar..

    Fa, J.E. (1984) The Barbary Macaque - A Case Study in Conservation.. Springer.

  • Chapters in books

    Ferreras, P., Mateo-Moriones, A., Duarte, J., Fa, J.E., Blanco-Aguiar, J.A., Villafuerte, R. (2022) 'Is predation the key factor of partridge ecology and management?.' In Casas, F., García, J.T. (ed.) The Future of the Red-legged Partridge. Springer, pp. 69-98.

    Fa, J., Funk, S.M., Tagg, N. (2021) 'Socioeconomics and the Trade in Ape Meat and Parts.' Killing, Capture, Trade and Ape Conservation. Cambridge University Press,

    O’Hagan, R., O’Connor, A., Fa, J.E., Sunderland, T. (2020) 'Community Forestry in Liberia*: Progress and Pitfalls.' The Wicked Problem of Forest Policy: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Sustainability in Forest Landscapes. pp. 354-375.

    Delibes-Mateos, M., Barrio, I.C., Barbosa, A.M., Martínez-Solano, I., Fa, J.E., Ferreira, C.C. (2019) 'Rewilding and the risk of creating new, unwanted ecological interactions.' In Pettorelli, N., Durant, S.M., du Toit, J.T. (ed.) Rewilding. Cambridge University Press, pp. 355-374.

    Fa, J.E. (2016) 'Importance of Antelope Bushmeat Consumption in African Wet and Moist Tropical Forests.' Antelope Conservation: From Diagnosis to Action. pp. 78-91.

    Fa, J.E., Tagg, N. (2016) 'Hunting and primate conservation..' An Introduction to Primate Conservation. Oxford University Press,

    Fa, J.E. (2016) 'Antelopes and bushmeat hunting in the Congo Basin forests.' Antelope Conservation in the 21st Century: From Diagnosis to Action. Cambridge University Press,

    Fa, J.E., van Vliet, N., Nasi, R. (2016) 'Bushmeat, food security and conservation in African rainforests..' Tropical Conservation: Perspectives on Local and Global Priorities. Oxford University Press,

    Fa, J.E. (2014) 'The bigger picture: indirect impacts of extractive industries on apes and ape habitat..' State of the Apes: Extractive Industries and Ape Conservation.. Cambridge University Press,

    Fa, J.E. (2013) 'Macaca sylvanus..' Vol 2: Mammals of Africa.. Bloomsbury Publishers,

    Pullin, A.S., Sutherland, W.J., Gardner, T., Kapos, V., Fa, J.E. (2013) 'Conservation priorities: identifying need, taking action and evaluating success..' Key Topics in Conservation Biology 2. John Wiley & Sons,

    Fa, J.E. (2012) 'The environment and endangered species/species extinctions..' The Praeger Handbook of Environmental Health. ABC-CLIO,

    Waters, J.J.J., Rodrigues, A., Balmford, A., Milner-Gulland, E.J., Fa, J.E., Weinbaum, K., Brashares, J., Parry, L., Rowcliffe, M. (2008) 'Wild animal products.' Review of the Economics of Biodiversity Loss: Scoping the Science.. European Commission. ENV/070307/2007/486089/ETU/B2,

    Fa, J.E. (2007) 'Chapter 3: Bushmeat markets - White elephants or red herrings?.' Bushmeat and Livelihoods: Wildlife Management and Poverty Reduction. Blackwell Publishing Ltd,

    Fa, J.E., Stanley Price, M.R. (2007) 'Re-introductions from zoos: a guiding light or shooting star..' Zoos in the 21st. Century: Catalysts for Conservation.. Cambridge University Press,

    Fa, J.E. (2006) 'Bushmeat: The challenge of balancing human and wildlife needs in African moist tropical forests..' Key Topics in Conservation Biology. Blackwell Publishing,

    Fa, J.E., Lind, R. (2005) 'Population Viability and Management of the Gibraltar Barbary Macaques..' Evolution and Ecology of Macaque Societies. Cambridge University Press,

    Fa, J.E., Peres, C.A. (2001) 'Game vertebrate extraction in African and Neotropical forests: an intercontinental comparison..' Conservation of Exploited Species. Cambridge University Press,

    Fa, J.E. (2001) 'Bushmeat hunting –The fall of mammals..' The New Encyclopaedia of Mammals..

    Fa, J.E. (2000) 'Hunted animals in Bioko Island, West Africa: sustainability and future..' Hunting for Sustainability in Tropical Forests.. Columbia University Press,

    Fa, J.E. (1999) 'The Barbary Macaque.' Atlas of European Mammals. Academic Press,

    Fa, J.E., Morales, L.M. (1993) 'Patterns of mammalian diversity in Mexico..' Biological Diversity of Mexico: Origins and Distribution. Oxford University Press,

    Fa, J.E., Morales, L.M. (1991) 'Mammals and protected areas in the Trans-Mexican Neovolcanic Belt..' Latin American mammalogy: history, biodiversity, and conservation.. University of Oklahoma Press,

    Fa, J.E. (1991) 'Provisioning of Barbary macaques on the Rock of Gibraltar..' Primate Responses to Environmental Change.. Chapman & Hall,

    Fa, J.E., Bell, D.J. (1990) 'The volcano rabbit.' Rabbits, Hares and Pikas: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan.. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources,

    Fa, J.E. (1990) 'Influence of people on the behavior of display primates..' Housing, Care and Psychological Well-Being of Captive and Laboratory Primates (Noyes Series in Animal Behavior, Ecology, Conservation, and Management). William Andrew,

    Fa, J.E. (1988) 'Supplemental food as an extranormal stimulus - Its impact on activity budgets of the Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus) at Gibraltar..' Ecology and Behavior of Food-Enhanced Primate Groups.. Alan R. Liss,

    Fa, J.E. (1986) 'Balancing the captive-wild equation - The case of the Barbary macaque.' Primates: The Road to Self-Sustaining Populations. Springer,

    Fa, J.E., Taub, D.M., Menard, N., Stewart, P.J. (1984) 'Distribution and current status of the Barbary macaque in North Africa..' The Barbary Macaque - A Case Study in Conservation.. Plenum Press,

    Fa, J.E. (1984) 'Structure and dynamics of the Barbary macaque population in Gibraltar..' The Barbary Macaque: A Case Study in Conservation. Plenum Press,

    Fa, J.E. (1984) 'Conclusions and Recommendations.' The Barbary Macaque: A Case Study in Conservation..

    Fa, J.E. (1984) 'The Barbary macaque..' The Barbary Macque: A Case Study in Conservation. Plenum Press,

    Fa, J.E. (1983) 'An analysis of the status of the Barbary macaque in the wild - Steps towards its conservation..' Proceedings of the Symposium on the Conservation of Primates and their Habitats, Vol. I. Primate Conservation in the Wild.. University of Leicester, UK.,

  • Reports

    Nasi, R., Fa, J., van Vliet, N., Coad, L., Pinedo-Vasquez, M., Swamy, V., Lee, T.M. (2021) Wild Meat. The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA).

    Coad, L., Willis, J., Maisels, F., Funk, S.M., Doughty, H., Fa, J., Gomez, J., Ingram, D.J., Li, Y., Nihotte, L., Paemelaere, E., Sartoretto, E., van Vliet, N., Nasi, R. Impacts of Taking, Trade and Consumption of Terrestrial Migratory Species for Wild Meat. Convention on Migratory Species.

    Brittain, S., Booker, F., Kamogne Tagne, C.T., Maddison, N., Milner-Gulland, E.J., Mouamfon, M., Fa, J., El Bizri, H., Morcatty, T.H., Roe, D. Proyectos alternativos a la carne de monte: guía práctica para el diseño de proyectos con estudios de caso de América Latina: Una guía paso a paso para el diseño de proyectos alternativos a la carne de monte, centrada en la comprensión del porqué las comunidades rurales consumen carne de monte. IIED.

    Fa, J.E., Coad, L., Nasi, R. (2017) Guidance for better governance towards a sustainable, participatory and inclusive wild meat sector.. Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice.

  • Internet publications

    Guynup, S. (2017) African great ape bushmeat crisis intensifies; few solutions in sight.

    Actman, J. (2016) Monkey hunting could drive these species extinct.

  • Journal articles

    dos Santos, J.L.D., de Morais, M.V., Fa, J.E., Braga-Pereira, F. (2024) 'Struggles beneath the waves: unveiling the incidental capture of sea turtles by artisanal fisheries in Angolan waters.' Global Ecology and Conservation, 51

    Braga‐Pereira, F., Mayor, P., Morcatty, T.Q., Pérez‐Peña, P.E., Bowler, M.T., de Mattos Vieira, M.A.R., Alves, R.R.D.N., Fa, J.E., Peres, C.A., Tavares, A.S., Mere‐Roncal, C., González‐Crespo, C., Bertsch, C., Rodriguez, C.R., Bardales‐Alvites, C., von Muhlen, E., Paim, F.P., Tamayo, J.S., Valsecchi, J., Gonçalves, J., Torres‐Oyarce, L., Lemos, L.P., Gilmore, M.P., Correa, M.A., Perez, N.C.A., Puertas, P., El Bizri, H.R. (2024) 'Predicting animal abundance through local ecological knowledge: An internal validation using consensus analysis.' People and Nature, 6(2) pp. 535-547.

    Luiselli, L., Demaya, G.S., Benansio, J.S., Ajong, S.N., Behangana, M., Marsili, L., Giovacchini, P., Dendi, D., Fa, J.E., Walde, A.D., Battisti, C. (2024) 'Searching priorities for a species at the brink of extinction: Threats analysis on the critically endangered Nubian Flapshell Turtle (Cyclanorbis elegans).' African Journal of Ecology, 62(2)

    Amadi, N., Tasie, F., Luiselli, L., Fa, J.E., Alawa, N.G., Amuzie, C., Petrozzi, F., Owoh, A., Wala, C., Wodi, P.S., Battisti, C., Akani, G.C., Ajuru, M.G. (2024) 'Nesting trees used by a pest bird (Village Weaver, Ploceus cucullatus): a large field survey suggests further human conflicts with local stakeholders in Southern Nigeria.' Folia Oecologica, 51(1) pp. 75-82.

    Staerk, J., Colchero, F., Kenney, M.A., Wilson, K.A., Foden, W.B., Carr, J.A., Pereboom, Z., Bland, L., Flesness, N., Martin, T., Maiorano, L., Fa, J.E., Possingham, H.P., Conde, D.A. (2024) 'A decision framework to integrate in-situ and ex-situ management for species in the European Union.' Frontiers in Conservation Science, 4

    García‐Carrasco, J., Souviron‐Priego, L., Muñoz, A., Olivero, J., Fa, J.E., Real, R. (2024) 'Present and future situation of West Nile virus in the Afro‐Palaearctic pathogeographic system.' Ecography,

    Tumelty, L., Fa, J.E., Coad, L., Friant, S., Mbane, J., Kamogne, C.T., Tata, C.Y., Ickowitz, A. (2023) 'A systematic mapping review of links between handling wild meat and zoonotic diseases.' One Health, 17

    Oliveira, M.A., El Bizri, H.R., Morcatty, T.Q., Braga-Pereira, F., Fa, J.E., Messias, M.R., da Costa Doria, C.R. (2023) 'The Role of Religion, Wealth, and Livelihoods in the Hunting Practices of Urban and Rural Inhabitants in Western Amazonia.' Human Ecology, 51(6) pp. 1239-1252.

    Hema, E.M., Belemsobgo, U., Ouattara, Y., Tou, I.M., Sanou, Y., Karama, M., Fa, J.E., Luiselli, L. (2023) 'A seven-year study of large mammal populations in the Sahel, West Africa.' Journal of Arid Environments, 219

    Simkins, A.T., Donald, P.F., Beresford, A.E., Butchart, S.H.M., Fa, J.E., Fernández-Llamazares, Á., Garnett, S.T., Buchanan, G.M. (2023) 'Rates of tree cover loss in key biodiversity areas within Indigenous Peoples' lands.' Conservation Biology,

    Demaya, G.S., Behangana, M., Petrozzi, F., Fa, J.E., Luiselli, L. (2023) 'Human density impacts Nubian Flapshell turtle survival in Sub-Saharan Africa: Future conservation strategies.' Journal of Arid Environments, 217

    Beattie, M., Fa, J.E., Leiper, I., Fernández-Llamazares, Á., Zander, K.K., Garnett, S.T. (2023) 'Even after armed conflict, the environmental quality of Indigenous Peoples' lands in biodiversity hotspots surpasses that of non-Indigenous lands.' Biological Conservation, 286pp. 110288-110288.

    Kennedy, C.M., Fariss, B., Oakleaf, J.R., Garnett, S.T., Fernández-Llamazares, Á., Fa, J.E., Baruch-Mordo, S., Kiesecker, J. (2023) 'Indigenous Peoples’ lands are threatened by industrial development; conversion risk assessment reveals need to support Indigenous stewardship.' One Earth, 6(8) pp. 1032-1049.

    Petrozzi, F., Bi, S.G., Segniagbeto, G.H., Pacini, N., Fa, J., Luiselli, L. (2023) 'Trophic resource use by sympatric vs. allopatric Pelomedusid turtles in West African forest waterbodies.' Biology, 12(8)

    Sainge, M., Wusha-Conteh, F., Fa, J., Sullivan, M., Cuni-Sanchez, A. (2023) 'Wild meat consumption in urban Sierra Leone during Coronavirus-19.' Oryx: journal of fauna and flora international,

    Jesus, A.D.S., El Bizri, H.R., Fa, J.E., Valsecchi, J., Rabelo, R.M., Mayor, P. (2023) 'Comparative gastrointestinal organ lengths among Amazonian primates (Primates: Platyrrhini).' American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 181(3) pp. 440-453.

    García-Carrasco, J.M., Muñoz, A.R., Olivero, J., Figuerola, J., Fa, J.E., Real, R. (2023) 'Gone (and spread) with the birds: can chorotype analysis highlight the spread of West Nile virus within the Afro-Palaearctic flyway?.' One Health, 17pp. 100585-100585.

    Fa, J.E., Luiselli, L. (2023) 'Community forests as beacons of conservation: enabling local populations monitor their biodiversity.' African Journal of Ecology, 62(1)

    Patel, E.H., Martin, A., Funk, S.M., Yongo, M., Floros, C., Thomson, J., Fa, J.E. (2023) 'Assessing disease risk perceptions of wild meat in savanna borderland settlements in Kenya and Tanzania.' Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11pp. 1033336-1033336.

    Dendi, D., Rugiero, L., Luiselli, R., Fa, J.E., Amori, G., Luiselli, L. (2023) 'Phenology, sex-ratio and protandry in three stag beetle species (Lucanidae) from central Italy.' Journal of Natural History, 57(33-36) pp. 1540-1558.

    Dendi, D., Ajong, S.N., Ségniagbeto, G.H., Amori, G., Eniang, E.A., Fa, J.E., Demaya, G.S., Lado, T.F., Luiselli, L. (2022) 'Detecting declines of West African Goliath beetle populations based on interviews.' Journal of Insect Conservation, 27(2) pp. 249-259.

    Funk, S.M., Nkono, J., Lushimba, A., Fa, J., Williams, D. (2022) 'Determining baselines and trends of Eastern chimpanzees and forest elephants in a Central African protected area after civil strife.' Journal for Nature Conservation, 70pp. 126296-126296.

    Segniagbeto, G.H., Akpamou, K.G., Konko, Y., Gaglo, J.K.T., Ketoh, G.K., Dendi, D., Fa, J.E., Luiselli, L. (2022) 'Diversity and Relative Abundance of Ungulates and Other Medium and Large Mammals in Flooded Forests in the Dahomey Gap (Togo).' Animals, 12(21) pp. 3041-3041.

    Real, R., Báez, J.C., Fa, J.E., Olivero, J., Acevedo, P. (2022) 'Making the competitive exclusion principle operational at the biogeographical scale using fuzzy logic.' Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10(991344) pp. 1-8.

    Estrada, A., Garber, P.A., Gouveia, S., Fernández-Llamazares, Á., Ascensão, F., Fuentes, A., Garnett, S.T., Shaffer, C., Bicca-Marques, J., Fa, J.E., Hockings, K., Shanee, S., Johnson, S., Shepard, G.H., Shanee, N., Golden, C.D., Cárdenas-Navarrete, A., Levey, D.R., Boonratana, R., Dobrovolski, R., Chaudhary, A., Ratsimbazafy, J., Supriatna, J., Kone, I., Volampeno, S. (2022) 'Global importance of Indigenous Peoples, their lands, and knowledge systems for saving the world’s primates from extinction.' Science Advances, 8(32) pp. eabn2927-eabn2927.

    Benansio, J.S., Funk, S.M., Lino, J.L., Balli, J.J., Dante, J.O., Dendi, D., Fa, J.E., Luiselli, L. (2022) 'Perceptions and attitudes towards climate change in fishing communities of the Sudd Wetlands, South Sudan.' Regional Environmental Change, 22(2) pp. 78-78.

    Wright, J.H., Malekani, D., Funk, S.M., Ntshila, J., Mayet, L., Mwinyihali, R., Fa, J.E., Wieland, M. (2022) 'Profiling the types of restaurants that sell wild meat in Central African cities.' African Journal of Ecology, 60(2) pp. 197-204.

    Sonhaye-Ouyé, A., Hounmavo, A., Assou, D., Konko, F.A., Segniagbeto, G.H., Ketoh, G.K., Funk, S.M., Dendi, D., Luiselli, L., Fa, J. (2022) 'Wild meat hunting levels and trade in a West African protected area in Togo.' African Journal of Ecology, 60(2) pp. 153-164.

    Dendi, D., Ajong, S.N., Eniang, E.A., Segniagbeto, G.H., Assou, D., Ketoh, G.K.K., Gomina, M., Radji, R.A., Simon, G.S., Benansio, J.S., Muscarella, C., Di Vittorio, M., Fa, J., Amori, G., Luiselli, L. (2022) 'Microhabitat use and seasonality of the sexually dimorphic West African centaurus beetle Augosoma centaurus.' Entomological Science, 25(1) pp. e12494-e12494.

    Le Duc, O., Van Thong, P., Bordes, C., LePrince, B., Ducotterd, C., Zuklin, T., Quang Vinh, L., Fa, J., Luiselli, L. (2021) 'Characteristics of a snake community in the hilly forest of Quan Son District, northern Vietnam.' Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 16(3) pp. 491-505.

    Funk, S.M., Fa, J.E., Ajong, S.N., Eniang, E.A., Dendi, D., Nasi, R., Di Vittorio, M., Petrozzi, F., Amadi, N.K., Akani, G.C., Luiselli, L. (2021) 'Impact of COVID-19 on wild meat trade in Nigerian markets.' Conservation Science and Practice, 4(2) pp. e599-e599.

    Duarte, J., Romero, D., Rubio, P.J., Farfán, M.A., Fa, J.E. (2021) 'Implications for conservation and game management of the roadkill levels of the endemic Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis).' Scientific Reports, 11(1)

    Ingram, D.J., Coad, L., Milner-Gulland, E.J., Parry, L., Wilkie, D., Bakarr, M.I., Benítez-López, A., Bennett, E.L., Bodmer, R., Cowlishaw, G., Bizri, H.R.E., Eves, H.E., Fa, J.E., Golden, C.D., Iponga, D.M., Minh, N.V., Morcatty, T.Q., Mwinyihali, R., Nasi, R., Nijman, V., Ntiamoa-Baidu, Y., Pattiselanno, F., Peres, C.A., Rao, M., Robinson, J.G., Rowcliffe, J.M., Stafford, C., Supuma, M., Tarla, F.N., van Vliet, N., Wieland, M., Abernethy, K. (2021) 'Wild meat Is still on the menu: Progress in wild meat research, policy, and practice from 2002 to 2020.' Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 46(1)

    Petrozzi, F., Akani, G.C., Eniang, E.A., Ajong, S.N., Funk, S.M., Fa, J.E., Amadi, N., Dendi, D., Luiselli, L. (2021) 'Generalist, selective or ‘mixed’ foragers? Feeding strategies of two tropical toads across suburban habitats.' Journal of Zoology, 315(4) pp. 288-300.

    Georgewill, I., Akani, G.C., Luiselli, L., Petrozzi, F., Dendi, D., Ugbomeh, A.P., Fa, J.E., Onuegbu, G.C. (2021) 'Determining the composition and structure of antelope communities in three study sites within the Niger Delta (Nigeria) based on bushmeat market data.' Tropical Ecology, 63(1) pp. 145-150.

    Rugiero, L., Capula, M., Dendi, D., Petrozzi, F., Fa, J.E., Funk, S.M., Burke, R.L., Luiselli, L. (2021) 'Testing hypotheses of habitat use and temporal activity in relation to body plan in a mediterranean lizard community.' Canadian Journal of Zoology, 99(10) pp. 921-929.

    Aliaga-Samanez, A., Cobos-Mayo, M., Real, R., Segura, M., Romero, D., Fa, J.E., Olivero, J. (2021) 'Worldwide dynamic biogeography of zoonotic and anthroponotic dengue.' PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15(6)

    Segniagbeto, G.H., Assou, D., Agbessi, E.K.G., Atsri, H.K., D’Cruze, N., Auliya, M., Fa, J.E., Luiselli, L. (2021) 'Insights into the status and distribution of pangolins in Togo (West Africa).' African Journal of Ecology, 59(2) pp. 342-349.

    Lemos, L.P., Loureiro, L.F., Morcatty, T.Q., Fa, J.E., de Vasconcelos Neto, C.F.A., de Souza Jesus, A., da Silva, V.C., de Oliveira Ramalho, M.L., de Matos Mendes, A., Valsecchi, J., El Bizri, H.R. (2021) 'Social correlates of and reasons for primate meat consumption in Central Amazonia.' International Journal of Primatology, 42(3) pp. 499-521.

    Gbewaa, S.B., Oppong, S.K., Horne, B.D., Tehoda, P., Petrozzi, F., Dendi, D., Akani, G.C., Di Vittorio, M., Ajong, S.N., Pacini, N., Fa, J.E., Luiselli, L. (2021) 'Community Characteristics of Sympatric Freshwater Turtles from Savannah Waterbodies in Ghana.' Wetlands: the journal of the Society of Wetland Scientists, 41(5)

    Fa, J.E., Nasi, R., Funk, S.M. (2021) 'The COVID-19 Pandemic Endangers Africa’s Indigenous Pygmy Populations.' Ecohealth, 18(4) pp. 403-405.

    Jonas, H.D., Ahmadia, G.N., Bingham, H.C., Briggs, J., Butchart, D.H.M., Cariño, J., Chassot, O., Chaudhary, S., Darling, E., DeGemmis, A., Dudley, N., Fa, J., Fitzsimons, J., Garnett, S.T., Geldmann, J., Kroner, R.G., Gurney, G.G., Harrington, A.R., Himes‐Cornell, A., Hockings, M., Jonas, H.C., Jupiter, S., Kingston, N., tebrakunna country and Lee E., , Lieberman, S., Mangubhai, S., Marnewick, D., Matallana‐Tobón, C.L., Maxwell, S.L., Nelson, F., Parrish, J., Ranaivoson, R., Rao, M., Santamaría, M., Venter, O., Visconti, P., Waithaka, J., Walker Painemilla, K., Watson, J.E.M., von Weizsäcker, C. (2021) 'Equitable and effective area‐based conservation: towards the conserved areas paradigm.' PARKS: The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation, 27

    Harris, W.E., De Kort, S., Bettridge, C., Borges, J., Cain, B., Dulle, H., Fyumagwa, R., Gadiye, D., Jones, M., Kahana, L., Kibebe, J., Kideghesho, J.R., Kimario, F.F., Kisingo, A., Makari, F., Martin, E., Martin, A., Masuruli, M.B., Melubo, K., Mossman, H., Munishi, L., Mwaya, R., Nasi, R., Nyakunga, O., Price, E., Shoo, R.A., Strange, E.F., Symeonakis, E., Fa, J. (2021) 'A Learning Networks approach to resolve conservation challenges in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.' African Journal of Ecology, 59(1) pp. 326-331.

    Franco, C.L.B., El Bizri, H.R., e Souza, P.R., Fa, J., Valsecchi, J., Soares de Sousa, I., Lima de Queiroz, H. (2021) 'Community-based environmental protection in the Brazilian Amazon: Recent history, legal landmarks and expansion across protected areas.' Journal of Environmental Management, 287

    Funk, S.M., Fa, J.E., Ajong, S.N., Eniang, E.A., Dendi, D., Di Vittorio, M., Petrozzi, F., Amadi, N.K., Akani, G.C., Luiselli, L. (2021) 'Pre- and post-Ebola outbreak trends in wild meat trade in West Africa.' Biological Conservation, 255pp. 109024-109024.

    Fa, J., Ros Brull, G., Ávila Martin, E., Kale, R., Fouda, F., Fárfan, M.A., Cain, B., Fisher, R., Coad, L., Funk, S.M. (2021) 'Hunting territories and land use overlap in sedentarised Baka Pygmy communities in southeastern Cameroon.' Scientific Reports, 11

    El Bizri, H.R., Fa, J.E., Lemos, L.P., Campos-Silva, J.V., Vasconcelos Neto, C.F.A., Valsecchi, J., Mayor, P. (2021) 'Involving local communities for effective citizen science: determining game species' reproductive status to assess hunting effects in tropical forests.' Journal of Applied Ecology, 58pp. 224-235.

    Petrozzi, F., Ajong, S.N., Pacini, N., Dendi, D., Bi, S.G., Fa, J.E., Luiselli, L. (2021) 'Spatial niche expansion at multiple habitat scales of a tropical freshwater turtle in the absence of a potential competitor.' Diversity, 13(2) pp. 1-12.

    Farfán, M.A., Fa, J.E., Martín-Taboada, A., García-Carrasco, J.M., Duarte, J. (2020) 'Lack of maintenance of motorway fences works against their intended purpose with potential negative impacts on protected species.' Scientific Reports, 10(1) pp. 791-791.

    Van Thong, P., Le Duc, O., Leprince, B., Bodres, C., Zuklin, T., Ducotterd, C., Vinh, L.Q., Oanh, L.V., Anh, N.T., Fa, J., Luiselli, L. (2020) 'Unexpected high forest turtle diversity in hill forests in northern Vietnam.' Biodiversity and Conservation, 29(14) pp. 4019-4033.

    Billong Fils, P.E., Afiong Nana, N., Betti, J.L., Njimbam, O.F., Womeni, S.T., Avila Martin, E., Ros Brull, G., Okale, R., Fa, J., Funk, S.M. (2020) 'Ethnobotanical survey of wild edible plants used by Baka people in southeastern Cameroon.' Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 16(64)

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    Taylor, G., Scharlemann, J.P.W., Rowcliffe, M., Kümpel, N., Harfoot, M.B.J., Fa, J.E., Melisch, R., Milner-Gulland, E.J., Bhagwat, S., Abernethy, K.A., Ajonina, A.S., Albrechtsen, L., Allebone-Webb, S., Brown, E., Brugiere, D., Clark, C., Colell, M., Cowlishaw, G., Crookes, D., De Merode, E., Dupain, J., East, T., Edderai, D., Elkan, P., Gill, D., Greengrass, E., Hodgkinson, C., Ilambu, O., Jeanmart, P., Juste, J., Linder, J.M., Macdonald, D.W., Noss, A.J., Okorie, P.U., Okouyi, V.J.J., Pailler, S., Poulsen, J.R., Riddell, M., Schleicher, J., Schulte-Herbrüggen, B., Starkey, M., van Vliet, N., Whitham, C., Willcox, A.S., Wilkie, D.S., Wright, J.H., Coad, L.M. (2015) 'Synthesising bushmeat research effort in West and Central Africa: A new regional database.' Biological Conservation, 181pp. 199-205.

    Fa, J.E., Olivero, J., Farfán, M.Á., Márquez, A.L., Vargas, J.M., Real, R., Nasi, R. (2014) 'Integrating sustainable hunting in biodiversity protection in central Africa: Hot spots, weak spots, and strong spots.' PLoS ONE, 9(11)

    Gusset, M., Fa, J.E., Sutherland, W.J., Barros, Y., Bensted, E., Blumer, E., Boyle, P., Breheny, J., Brooks, T., Bruford, M., Byers, O., Carrillo, L., Carroll, B., Carter, S., Clark, P., Conde, D., Conway, W., Craig, M., Dick, G., Dickie, L., Dinwiddie, D., Falla, C., Fidgett, A., Fifield, K., Flesness, N., Gagliardo, R., Greene, L., Hanson, B., Hibbard, C., Hofer, H., Holst, B., Hunt, S., Jensen, D., Jepson, P., Jones, R., Kao, C., Karsten, P., Killmar, L., Kongrom, U., Kramer, L., Larsson, H.O., Long, S., Lowry, R., Luz, S., Maloney, D., Manansang, E., Manansang, J., Marshall, A., Matamoros, Y., McGill, P., Nxomani, C., Oberwemmer, F., O'Connell, D., Oellgaard, A., Paulraj, S., Pearce-Kelly, P., Pilgrim, M., Pollard, E., Pullen, K., Robinson, J., Rübel, A., Shumaker, R., Simmons, L., Siriaroonrat, B., Stevenson, M., Street, W., Syed, H., Thongphakdee, A., Vehrs, K., Walker, S., Werth, J., Winata, H., Wünnemann, K. (2014) 'A horizon scan for species conservation by zoos and aquariums.' Zoo Biology, 33(5) pp. 375-380.

    Duarte, J., Farfán, M.A., Fa, J.E., Vargas, J.M. (2014) 'Seasonal and daily variations in red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa abundance during surveys in Mediterranean olive groves: the effect of habitat..' Ardeola, 61(1) pp. 31-43.

    Duarte, J., Farfán, M.A., Fa, J.E., Vargas, J.M. (2014) 'Soil conservation techniques in vineyards increase passerine diversity and crops use by insectivorous birds.' Bird Study: the science of pure and applied orinthology, 61pp. 193-203.

    Fa, J.E., Farfán, M.A., Marquez, A.L., Duarte, J., Nackoney, J., Hall, A., Dupain, J., Seymour, S., Johnson, P.J., Macdonald, D.W., Vargas, J.M. (2014) 'Mapping hotspots of threatened species traded in bushmeat markets in the Cross-Sanaga Rivers region.' Conservation Biology, 28(1) pp. 224-233.

    Duarte, J., FarfáN, M.A., Fa, J.E., Vargas, J.M. (2014) 'Habitat-related effects on temporal variations in red-legged partridge alectoris rufa abundance estimations in olive groves.' Ardeola, 61(1) pp. 31-43.

    Fa, J.E., Gusset, M., Flesness, N., Conde, D.A. (2014) 'Zoos have yet to unveil their full conservation potential.' Animal Conservation, 17(2) pp. 97-100.

    Grande Vega, M., Carpinetti, B., Duarte, J., Fa, J.E. (2013) 'Contrasts in livelihoods and protein intake between commercial and subsistence bushmeat hunting villages in Bioko Island.' Conservation Biology, 27(3) pp. 576-587.

    Fa, J.E., Farfán, M.A., Márquez, A.L., Duarte, J., Vargas, J.M. (2013) 'Reflections on the impact and management of hunting of wild mammals in tropical forests.' Ecosistemas, 22(2) pp. 76-83.

    Fa, J.E., Stewart, J.R., Lloveras, L., Vargas, J.M. (2013) 'Rabbits and hominin survival in Iberia.' Journal of Human Evolution, 64(4) pp. 233-241.

    Márquez, C., Vargas, J.M., Villafuerte, R., Fa, J.E. (2013) 'Understanding propensity of wild predators to illegal poison baiting in southern Spain.' Animal Conservation, 16pp. 118-129.

    Gill, D.J.C., Fa, J.E., Rowcliffe, J.M., Kümpel, N.F. (2012) 'Drivers of Change in Hunter Offtake and Hunting Strategies in Sendje, Equatorial Guinea.' Conservation Biology, 26(6) pp. 1052-1060.

    Márquez, C., Vargas, J.M., Villafuerte, R., Fa, J.E. (2012) 'Risk mapping of illegal poisoning of avian and mammalian predators.' Journal of Wildlife Management, 77pp. 75-83.

    Farfán, M.A., Duarte, J., Vargas, J.M., Fa, J.E. (2012) 'Effects of human induced land-use changes on the distribution of the Iberian hare.' Journal of Zoology, 286(4) pp. 258-265.

    Macdonald, D.W., Johnson, P.J., Albrechtsen, L., Seymour, S., Dupain, J., Hall, A., Fa, J.E. (2012) 'Bushmeat trade in the Cross-Sanaga rivers region: Evidence for the importance of protected areas.' Biological Conservation, 147(1) pp. 107-114.

    Dupain, J., Nackoney, J., Mario Vargas, J., Johnson, P.J., Farfán, M.A., Bofaso, M., Fa, J.E. (2012) 'Bushmeat characteristics vary with catchment conditions in a Congo market.' Biological Conservation, 146(1) pp. 32-40.

    Vargas, J.M., Duarte, J., Farfán, M.A., Villafuerte, R., Fa, J.E. (2012) 'Are ‘reclamo’ hunting seasons for the Spanish red-legged partridge off the mark?.' Journal of Wildlife Management, 76:pp. 714-720.

    Fa, J.E. (2012) 'How effective and selective is traditional Red Fox snaring?.' Galemys, 24pp. 1-11.

    Pritchard, D.J., Fa, J.E., Oldfield, S., Harrop, S.R. (2012) 'Bring the captive closer to the wild: Redefining the role of ex situ conservation.' ORYX, 46(1) pp. 18-23.

    Macdonald, D.W., Johnson, P.J., Albrechtsen, L., Dutton, A., Seymour, S., Dupain, J., Hall, A., Fa, J.E. (2011) 'Association of Body Mass with Price of Bushmeat in Nigeria and Cameroon.' Conservation Biology, 25(6) pp. 1220-1228.

    Nijman, V., Nekaris, K.A.I., Donati, G., Bruford, M., Fa, J. (2011) 'Primate conservation: Measuring and mitigating trade in primates.' Endangered Species Research, 13(2) pp. 159-161.

    Merino, M.L., Semeñiuk, M.B., Fa, J.E. (2011) 'Effect of cattle breeding on habitat use of Pampas deer Ozotoceros bezoarticus celer in semiarid grasslands of San Luis, Argentina.' Journal of Arid Environments, 75(8) pp. 752-756.

    Fess, B., Glyn Young, H., Young, R.P., Rodríguez-Matamoros, J., Dvorak, M., Tebbich, S., Fa, J.E. (2010) 'To save the rarest Darwin's finch from extinction: The mangrove finch on Isabela Island.' Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 365(1543) pp. 1019-1030.

    Takahata, C., Amin, R., Sarma, P., Banerjee, G., Oliver, W., Fa, J.E. (2010) 'Remotely-sensed active fire data for protected area management: Eight-year patterns in the Manas National Park, India.' Environmental Management, 45(2) pp. 414-423.

    Funk, S.M., Fa, J.E. (2010) 'Ecoregion prioritization suggests an armoury not a silver bullet for conservation planning.' PLoS ONE, 5(1)

    Fa, J.E., Albrechtsen, L., Johnson, P.J., Macdonald, D.W. (2009) 'Linkages between household wealth, bushmeat and other animal protein consumption are not invariant: Evidence from Rio Muni, Equatorial Guinea.' Animal Conservation, 12(6) pp. 599-610.

    Nicholson, E., MacE, G.M., Armsworth, P.R., Atkinson, G., Buckle, S., Clements, T., Ewers, R.M., Fa, J.E., Gardner, T.A., Gibbons, J., Grenyer, R., Metcalfe, R., Mourato, S., Muûls, M., Osborn, D., Reuman, D.C., Watson, C., Milner-Gulland, E.J. (2009) 'Priority research areas for ecosystem services in a changing world.' Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(6) pp. 1139-1144.

    Fa, J.E., Brown, D. (2009) 'Impacts of hunting on mammals in African tropical moist forests: A review and synthesis.' Mammal Review, 39(4) pp. 231-264.

    Garcia, G., Lopez, J., Fa, J.E., Gray, G.A.L. (2009) 'Chytrid fungus strikes mountain chickens in Montserrat.' ORYX, 43(3) pp. 323-324.

    Copsey, J.A., Jones, J.P.G., Andrianandrasana, H., Rajaonarison, L.H., Fa, J.E. (2009) 'Burning to fish: Local explanations for wetland burning in Lac Alaotra, Madagascar.' ORYX, 43(3) pp. 403-406.

    Young, R.P., Volahy, A.T., Bourou, R., Lewis, R., Durbin, J., Wright, T.J., Hounsome, T.D., Fa, J.E. (2008) 'A baseline estimate of population size for monitoring the Endangered Madagascar giant jumping rat Hypogeomys antimena.' ORYX, 42(4) pp. 584-591.

    Young, R.P., Volahy, A.T., Bourou, R., Lewis, R., Durbin, J., Fa, J.E. (2008) 'Estimating the population of the Endangered flat-tailed tortoise Pyxis planicauda in the deciduous, dry forest of western Madagascar: A monitoring baseline.' ORYX, 42(2) pp. 252-258.

    Albrechtsen, L., Macdonald, D.W., Johnson, P.J., Castelo, R., Fa, J.E. (2007) 'Faunal loss from bushmeat hunting: empirical evidence and policy implications in Bioko Island.' Environmental Science and Policy, 10(7-8) pp. 654-667.

    Funk, S.M., Verma, S.K., Larson, G., Prasad, K., Singh, L., Narayan, G., Fa, J.E. (2007) 'The pygmy hog is a unique genus: 19th century taxonomists got it right first time round.' Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 45(2) pp. 427-436.

    Juste, J., Ferrández, A., Fa, J.E., Masefield, W., Ibáñez, C. (2007) 'Taxonomy of little bent-winged bats (Miniopterus, Miniopteridae) from the African islands of São Tomé, Grand Comoro and Madagascar, based on mtDNA.' Acta Chiropterologica, 9(1) pp. 27-37.

    Garcia, G., Cunningham, A.A., Horton, D., Garner, T., Hyatt, A., Hengstberger, S., Lopez, J., Ogrodowczyk, A., Fenton., C., Fa, J.E. (2007) 'Health status of the mountain chicken and sympatric amphibians in Montserrat..' Oryx, 41(3) pp. 398-401.

    Bennett, E.L., Blencowe, E., Brandon, K., Brown, D., Burn, R.W., Cowlishaw, G., Davies, G., Dublin, H., Fa, J.E., Milner-Gulland, E.J., Robinson, J.G., Rowcliffe, J.M., Underwood, F.M., Wilkie, D.S. (2007) 'Hunting for consensus: Reconciling bushmeat harvest, conservation, and development policy in West and Central Africa.' Conservation Biology, 21(3) pp. 884-887.

    Fa, J.E., Funk, S.M. (2007) 'Global endemicity centres for terrestrial vertebrates: an ecoregions approach.' Endangered Species Research, 3pp. 31-42.

    Waters, S.S., Aksissou, M., Harrad, A.E., Hobbelink, M.E., Fa, J.E. (2007) 'Holding on in the Djebela: Barbary macaque Macaca sylvanus in northern Morocco.' ORYX, 41(1) pp. 106-108.

    Funk, S.M., Fa, J.E. (2006) 'Phylogeography of the endemic St. Lucia whiptail lizard Cnemidophorus vanzoi: Conservation genetics at the species boundary.' Conservation Genetics, 7(5) pp. 651-663.

    Young, R.P., Fa, J.E., Ogrodowczyk, A., Morton, M., Lesmond, S., Funk, S.M. (2006) 'The St Lucia whiptail lizard Cnemidophorus vanzoi: A conservation dilemma?.' ORYX, 40(3) pp. 358-361.

    Fa, J.E., Seymour, S., Dupain, J., Amin, R., Albrechtsen, L., Macdonald, D. (2006) 'Getting to grips with the magnitude of exploitation: Bushmeat in the Cross-Sanaga rivers region, Nigeria and Cameroon.' Biological Conservation, 129(4) pp. 497-510.

    Albrechtsen, L., Fa, J.E., Barry, B., Macdonald, D.W. (2005) 'Contrasts in availability and consumption of animal protein in Bioko Island, West Africa: The role of bushmeat.' Environmental Conservation, 32(4) pp. 340-348.

    Fa, J.E., Ryan, S.F., Bell, D.J. (2005) 'Hunting vulnerability, ecological characteristics and harvest rates of bushmeat species in afrotropical forests.' Biological Conservation, 121(2) pp. 167-176.

    Fa, J.E., Johnson, P.J., Dupain, J., Lapuente, J., Köster, P., Macdonald, D.W. (2004) 'Sampling effort and dynamics of bushmeat markets.' Animal Conservation, 7(4) pp. 409-416.

    Fa, J.E., Burn, R.W., Stanley Price, M.R., Underwood, F.M. (2004) 'Identifying important endemic areas using ecoregions: Birds and mammals in the Indo-Pacific.' ORYX, 38(1) pp. 91-101.

    Menez, A., Fa, D.A., Sánchez-Moyano, J.E., García-Asencio, I., García-Gómez, J.C., Fa, J.E. (2003) 'The abundances and distributions of molluscs in the southern Iberian Peninsula: A comparison of marine and terrestrial systems.' Boletín. Instituto Español De Oceanografía, 19(1-4) pp. 75-92.

    Milner-Gulland, E.J., Bennett, E.L., Abernethy, K., Bakarr, M., Bodmer, R., Brashares, J., Cowlishaw, G., Elkan, P., Eves, H., Fa, J., Peres, C., Roberts, C., Robinson, J., Rowcliffe, M., Wilkie, D. (2003) 'Wild meat: The bigger picture.' Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 18(7) pp. 351-357.

    Fa, J.E., Currie, D., Meeuwig, J. (2003) 'Bushmeat and food security in the Congo Basin: Linkages between wildlife and people's future.' Environmental Conservation, 30(1) pp. 71-78.

    Fa, J.E., Soy, J.P., Capote, R., Martínez, M., Fernández, I., Avila, A., Rodríguez, D., Rodríguez, A., Cejas, F., Brull, G., Pedro, J. (2002) 'Biodiversity of Sierra del Cristal, Cuba: First insights.' ORYX, 36(4) pp. 389-395.

    Fa, J.E., Juste, J., Burn, R.W., Broad, G. (2002) 'Bushmeat consumption and preferences of two ethnic groups in Bioko Island, West Africa..' Human Ecology, 30pp. 397-416.

    Fa, J.E., Peres, C.A., Meeuwig, J. (2002) 'Bushmeat exploitation in tropical forests: An intercontinental comparison.' Conservation Biology, 16(1) pp. 232-237.

    Fa, D.A., Fa, J.E. (2002) 'Species diversity, abundance and body size in rocky-shore Mollusca: a twist in the Siemann, Tilman & Haarstad's parabola?.' Journal of Molluscan Studies, 68(1) pp. 95-100.

    Rowe, G., Dickinson, H.C., Gibson, R., Funk, S.M., Fa, J.E. (2002) 'St Lucia Whiptail Lizard Cnemidophorus vanzoi (Sauria: Teiidae) microsatellite primers.' Molecular Ecology Notes, 2(2) pp. 124-126.

    Fa, J.E., Clark, C.C.M., Koontz, F., Williams, E. (2001) 'Managing endangered species recovery teams: An inter-trust collaborative training initiative.' Dodo, 37

    Fa, J.E., Garcia Yuste, J.E. (2001) 'Commercial bushmeat hunting in the Monte Mitra forests, Equatorial Guinea: extent and impact.' Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 24(1) pp. 31-52.

    Fa, J.E., Sharples, C.M., Bell, D.J., DeAngelis, D. (2001) 'An individual-based model of rabbit viral haemorrhagic disease in European wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus).' Ecological Modelling, 144(2-3) pp. 121-138.

    Dickinson, H.C., Fa, J.E., Lenton, S.M. (2001) 'Microhabitat use by a translocated population of St Lucia whiptail lizards (Cnemidophorus vanzoi).' Animal Conservation, 4(2) pp. 143-156.

    Fa, J.E., Garcia Yuste, J.E., Castelo, R. (2000) 'Bushmeat markets on Bioko Island as a measure of hunting pressure.' Conservation Biology, 14(6) pp. 1602-1613.

    Lenton, S., Perez del Val, J., Fa, J.E. (2000) 'A simple non-parametric GIS model for predicting species distribution: endemic birds in Bioko Island, West Africa..' Biodiversity and Conservation, 9(7) pp. 869-885.

    Dickinson, H.C., Fa, J.E. (2000) 'Abundance, demographics and body condition of a translocated population of St Lucia whiptail lizards (Cnemidophorus vanzoi).' Journal of Zoology, 251(2) pp. 187-197.

    Dickinson, H.C., Fa, J.E. (2000) 'Abundance, demographics and body condition of a translocated population of St Lucia whiptail lizards (Cnemidophorus vanzoi).' JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, 251pp. 187-197.

    Fa, J.E., Sharples, C.M., Bell, D.J. (1999) 'Habitat correlates of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) distribution after the spread of RVHD in Cadiz Province, Spain.' JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, 249pp. 83-96.

    Fa, J.E., Sharples, C.M., Bell, D.J. (1999) 'Habitat correlates of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) distribution after the spread of RVHD in Cadiz Province, Spain.' Journal of Zoology, 249(1) pp. 83-96.

    Fa, J.E., Clark, C.C.M. (1999) 'Language and zoo biology training outcomes: A cautionary note.' Zoo Biology, 18(1) pp. 71-76.

    Fa, J.E., Escalona, T. (1998) 'Evaluation of factors affecting nests of an exploited turtle (Podocnemis unifilis) in the Nichare River, Venezuela..' Journal of Zoology, 244pp. 303-312.

    Fa, J.E., Cavalheiro, M.L. (1998) 'Individual food consumption and nutritional intake of captive St. Lucia parrots (Amazona versicolor)..' International Zoo Yearbook, 36pp. 199-214.

    Fa, J.E., Cavalheiro, M.L. (1998) 'Individual variation in food consumption and food preferences in St Lucia parrots Amazona versicolor at Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust.' International Zoo Yearbook, 36(1) pp. 199-214.

    Escalona, T., Fa, J.E. (1998) 'Survival of nests of the terecay turtle (Podocnemis unifilis) in the Nichare-Tawadu Rivers, Venezuela.' Journal of Zoology, 244(2) pp. 303-312.

    Fa, J.E., Clark, C.C.M. (1997) 'Dissecting a DESMAN: The JWPT/UKC diploma in endangered species management.' Dodo, 33(0) pp. 137-144.

    Dickinson, H.C., Fa, J.E. (1997) 'Ultraviolet light and heat source selection in captive spiny‐tailed iguanas (Oplurus cuvieri).' Zoo Biology, 16(5) pp. 391-401.

    Dickinson, H.C., Fa, J.E. (1997) 'Ultraviolet light and heat source selection in captive spiny-tailed iguanas (Oplurus cuvieri).' ZOO BIOLOGY, 16(5) pp. 391-401.

    Fa, J.E., Purvis, A. (1997) 'Body size, diet and population density in Afrotropical forest mammals: A comparison with Neotropical species..' Journal of Animal Ecology, 66(1) pp. 98-112.

    Fa, J.E., Lind, R. (1996) 'Population management and viability of the Gibraltar Barbary macaques.' Evolution and ecology of macaque societies, pp. 235-262.

    Fa, J.E., Clark, C.C.M. (1996) 'Training in zoo biology at J.W.P.T.: A retrospective look and a glance at the future..' Dodo (Journal of the Wildlife Preservation Trusts)., 31pp. 22-32.

    Fa, J.E., Sanchez-Cordero, V., Mendez, A. (1996) 'Interspecific agonistic behaviour in small mammals in a Mexican high-elevational grassland.' Journal of Zoology, 239(2) pp. 396-401.

    Sharples, C.M., Fa, J.E., Bell, D.J. (1996) 'Geographical variation in size in the European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus (Lagomorpha: Leporidae) in western Europe and North Africa.' ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, 117(2) pp. 141-158.

    Sharples, C.M., Fa, J.E., Bell, D.J. (1996) 'Geographical variation in size in the European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus (Lagomorpha: Leporidae) in western Europe and North Africa.' Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 117(2) pp. 141-158.

    Fa, J.E., Juste, J., Perez del Val, J., Castroviejo, J. (1995) 'Impact of market hunting on mammals in Equatorial Guinea..' Conservation Biology, 9(5) pp. 1107-1115.

    Juste, J., Fa, J.E., Perez del Val, J., Castroviejo, J. (1995) 'Market dynamics of bushmeat species in Equatorial Guinea.' Journal of Applied Ecology, 32pp. 454-467.

    Fa, J.E., Clark, C.C.M., Hicks, S.D.J. (1995) 'Training in zoo biology at the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust: A retrospective look and a glance at the future.' DODO-JOURNAL OF THE WILDLIFE PRESERVATION TRUSTS, (31) pp. 28-40.

    Wheler, C.L., Fa, J.E. (1995) 'Enclosure utilization and activity of Round Island geckos (Phelsuma guentheri).' Zoo Biology, 14(4) pp. 361-369.

    Fa, J.E., Juste, J., Del Val, J.P., Castroviejo, J. (1995) 'Impact of market hunting on mammal species in equatorial Guinea.' Conservation Biology, 9(5) pp. 1107-1115.


    Colell, M., Maté, C., Fa, J.E. (1994) 'Hunting by Moka Bubis in Bioko: Dynamics of exploitation at the village level..' Biodiversity and Conservation, 3(9) pp. 939-950.

    Del Val Pérez, J., Fa, J.E., Castroviejo, J., Purroy, F.J. (1994) 'Species richness and endemism of birds in Bioko.' Biodiversity and Conservation, 3(9) pp. 868-892.

    Javier Juste, B., Fa, J.E. (1994) 'Biodiversity conservation in the Gulf of Guinea islands: taking stock and preparing action.' Biodiversity and Conservation, 3(9) pp. 759-771.

    Fa, J.E. (1994) 'Herbivore intake/habitat productivity correlations can help ascertain reintroduction potential for the Barbary macaque..' Biodiversity and Conservation, 3(4) pp. 309-317.

    O'Leary, H., Fa, J.E. (1993) 'Effects of tourists on Barbary macaques at Gibraltar..' Folia Primatologica, 61(2) pp. 77-91.

    Fa, J.E., Sanchez-Cordero, V. (1993) 'Small mammal population responses to fire in a Mexican high-altitude grassland..' Journal of Zoology, 230pp. 343-347.

    (1993) 'Conservation in equatorial Guinea.' Biological Conservation, 64(3) pp. 246-246.

    Fa, J.E., Shaw, E., Santana, A. (1992) 'Habitat associations of small mammals in a southern Spanish fir forest..' Mammalia: journal de morphologie, biologie, systematique des mammiferes, 56(3) pp. 478-481.

    Fa, J.E., Romero, F.J., Lopez-Paniagua, J. (1992) 'Habitat use in parapatric rabbits in a Mexican high-altitude grassland system.' Journal of Applied Ecology, 29(2) pp. 357-370.

    Fa, J.E. (1992) 'Conservation in equatorial Guinea.' Oryx, 26(2) pp. 87-94.

    Fa, J.E. (1992) 'Visitor‐directed aggression among the Gibraltar macaques.' Zoo Biology, 11(1) pp. 43-52.

    Lopez‐Paniagua, J., Romero, F.J., Gomez, J.L., Lopez, J.C., FA, J.E. (1990) 'Influence of habitat characteristics on small mammals in a Mexican high‐altitude grassland.' Journal of Zoology, 221(2) pp. 275-292.

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  • Non-peer reviewed articles / reviews

  • Conference papers

    Palmeirim, J.M., de Lima, R.F., Rego, F.C., Fa, J.E. (2016) 'Please don’t eat the birds! - Wildlife hunting in São Tomé Island.' In Island Biology 2016, International Conference on Island Evolution, Ecology and Conservation. Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal, 18/3/2016 - 23/7/2016.

    Palmeirim, J.M., Carvalho, M., de Lima, R.F., Fa, J.E. (2016) 'Ecology and distribution of endemic pigeons in São Tome: potential implications of overharvesting.' In Island Biology 2016: International Conference on Island Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation. Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira Island, Azores, 18/7/2016 - 22/7/2016.

    Fa, J.E. (2011) 'Impact of hunting on African mammals in tropical moist forests..' In X Congreso de la SECEM.. Fuengirola, Spain, 3/12/2011 - 6/12/2011.

    Fa, J.E. (2011) 'Importance of antelope bushmeat consumption in Africa.' 17/11/2011 - 18/11/2011.

    Fa, J.E. (2011) 'Bushmeat hunting in Africa and South America – An intercontinental comparison (in Spanish)..' In XXIVJornadas Argentina de Mastozoología, SAREM.. La Plata, Argentina., 8/11/2011 - 11/11/2011.

    Fa, J.E. (2007) 'Mediterranean biodiverstiy – Uniqueness, fragility and solutions.' In International Conference on People in the Mediterranean: a History of Interaction Calpe Conference 2007. Gibraltar, 27/9/2007 - 30/9/2007.

    Fa, J.E. (2005) 'Impact of bushmeat hunting on moist forest primates in Africa..' In 1' Congress of the European Federation for Primatology.. University of Goettingen, 9/8/2005 - 12/8/2005.

    Stanley Price, M.R., Fa, J.E. (2002) 'Piecing together fragments of nature: initiatives for restoring island biodiversity..' In Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology. University of Kent, Canterbury, 14/7/2002 - 19/7/2002.

    Fa, J.E., Wilkie, D.S. (2002) 'Reducing demand by developing economically acceptable alternatives to wildlife meat.' In Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology. University of Kent, Canterbury, 14/7/2002 - 19/7/2002.

    Fa, J.E., Peres, C.A. (2000) 'Game vertebrate extraction in African and Neotropical forests: an intercontinental comparison..' In Conservation of Exploited Species. Zoological Society of London, 10/11/2000 - 11/11/2000.

  • Presentations

    Fa, J.E. (2016) The role of wild foods for human nutrition and food security. [Presentation] University of Antwerp, Belgium,17/12/2016.

    Fa, J.E. (2016) Understanding the impact of forest peoples on biodiversity in Central Africa. [Presentation] ZOO Antwerpen,15/12/2016.

    Fa, J.E. (2016) The defaunation of pan tropical forests. [Presentation] Claude Bernard University Lyon I, Lyon, France,8/12/2016.

    Fa, J.E. (2016) La Defaunacion de Los Bosques Pantropicales. [Presentation] University of Malaga,24/10/2016.

    Fa, J.E. (2016) This was our land: Indigenous people and natural resources in the Congo Basin. [Presentation] CIFOR Annual Meeting, Bogor, Indonesia,29/9/2016.

    Coad, L., Ingram, D., Fa, J.E., Scharlemann, J. (2016) Patterns of wild meat consumption in Central Africa. [Presentation] Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) Annual Meeting, Montpellier, France,23/6/2016.

    Fa, J.E. (2016) Space for Hunting: Understanding Indigenous and other Hunters’ Impacts in the Congo Basin Forests. [Presentation] Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) Annual Meeting, Montpellier, France,23/6/2016.

    Nasi, R., Fa, J.E., Van Vliet, N. (2016) Tropical wildlife: a forgotten and threatened resource. [Presentation] Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation, Montpellier, France,20/6/2016.

    Abernathy, K., Coad, L., Peres, C.A., Fa, J.E. (2016) Out of the frying pan…and into the fire? 21st century hunting in Amazonia and Central Africa and the possible outcomes. [Presentation] Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) Annual Meeting, Montpellier, France,20/6/2016.

  • Posters

    Fa, J.E. (2016) 'Ebola and mammalian biogeography.' [Poster] In European OneHealth/EcoHealth Workshop, Belgian Science Policy Office (BelSPO), Brussels, Belgium. Date viewed 5/10/2016.

    Olivero, J., Fa, J.E., Real, R., Farfán, M.A., Márquez, A.L., Vargas, J.M., Gonzalez, J.P., Cunningham, A.A., Nasi, R. (2016) 'Mammalian biogeography and the Ebola virus in Africa.' [Poster] Date viewed 17/3/2016.

  • Other

    Fa, J.E. (2023) Guardians of the Earth: Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Stewardship.