My profile


Rossella joined the School of Law in 2021 as a Senior Lecturer. She hold a PhD in the area of international criminal law and human rights from the University of Nottingham. Her research deals with the rights of witnesses of international crimes, including conflicted related sexual violence and modern slavery. More recently, she has been involved into researching rights of asylum seekers fleeing war. She has, indeed, submitted several evidence to the British Parliament and she has also been invited to give oral evidence on this topic.

Main area of specialism

  • International Criminal Law
  • International Human Rights Law

Academic and professional qualifications

  • Fellow - High Education Academy (2020)
  • PhD -  University of Nottingham (2018)
  • LLM in Human Rights Law - University of Nottingham (2011)
  • Laurea Magistrale  - University of Catania (Italy) (2008)
  • Diploma di Eccellenza, Scuola Superiore di Catania (Italy) (2009)



Public Engagement British Parliament, Human Rights (Joint Committee), Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) BillSafety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill - Joint Committee on Human Rights (, 12 February 2024.

Public Engagement:  British Parliament, House of Lords, International Agreements Committee report on the UK-Rwanda treaty, Scrutiny of international agreements: UK– Rwanda Agreement on an Asylum Partnership International Agreements Committee report on the UK-Rwanda treaty - House of Lords Library (, 17 January 2024.


Public Engagement: Evidence (with Dr Kay Lalor), International Agreement Committee (House of Lords)Scrutiny of international agreements: UK– Rwanda Agreement on an Asylum Partnership

Public Engagement: British Parliament, House of Commons, Home Affairs Committee Human trafficking, First Report of Session 2023–24,8 December 2023 Human trafficking (

Public Engagement: British Parliament, Women’s and Equality Committee, Equality and the UK Asylum Process - Final ReportEquality and the UK asylum process - Women and Equalities Committee (, 27 June 2023.

Public Engagement: British Parliament, Evidence with Dr Matilde Ventrella (Liverpool John Moores University), Home Affairs Committee, Human Trafficking Inquiry, 23 June 2023,

Public Engagement: British Parliament, Women’s and Equality Committee, Expert Scholar – Roundtable on Violence Against Women, 27 March 2022.


Public Engagement: British Parliament, International Agreements Committee - Lords Select Committee-, (Final Report), on UK-Rwanda Memorandum of Understanding, October 2022;

Public Engagement: Evidence (with Dr Kay Lalor), International Agreement Committee (House of Lords), on UK-Rwanda Memorandum of Understanding,  August 2022 <>.

Public Engagement: Expert Witness at the Women and Equalities (House of Commons) for the Enquiry on Equality and the UK asylum process, January 2022 < >.

Public Engagement: Evidence on the Enquiry on Equality and UK Asylum process, at the Women and Equalities (House of Commons), March 2022: <>.


Interview as expert on the issue of witness bribing for the PANAMA Papers enquiry winner of the TRACE Prize, (finalist for the 2021 Pulitzer Prize in International Reporting and shortlisted for the 2021 Sigma Awards). Available at <>


Rossella is currently working on victims and witnesses of international and transnational crimes (genocide, crimes against humanities, war crimes and modern slavery, for instance). Her research focuses on witnesses’ rights, their intimidation and the way they relate to the international and national justice system.

Additionally, Rossella’s work focuses on the rights of the asylum seekers and refugees in the UK.

Funded projects:


Primary investigator - Impact Generator Fund – Manchester Metropolitan University


Primary Investigator - Ref-Upskilling Funds - Liverpool John Moores University


Rossella’s expertise in International Human Rights Law and International Criminal Law.

She is Unit Leader for Principles of Constitutional Law (L4) and International Criminal Law (L6). 

Research outputs


  • Rossella Pulvirenti, Catherine Jaquiss and Kay Lalor, ‘The ‘Asylum Partnership’ Memorandum of Understanding with Rwanda and LGBTQI+ Asylum Seekers: an analysis of vulnerability in the Equality Impact Assessment and the European Convention on Human Rights’, Journal of Immigration, (2024) Asylum & Nationality Law 38.1, p. 16-31.


  • Rossella Pulvirenti (with Alice Diver & Leigh Roberts) The Rationing of Essential Resources in Times of Crisis: Logan’s Run and the ‘Science-fictional’ Right to Life Under Article 2 of the ECHR. Liverpool Law Rev 44, 427–446 (2023).


  • Rossella Pulvirenti, Book Chapter: ‘The Impact of the Internet on International Criminal Law’ In Matthias C. Kettemann, Raffaela Kunz and Dr Angelo Golia (eds) Digital Transformations in Public International Law, Nomos, 2022
  • Rossella Pulvirenti, Extradition from Ireland to the UK: the first judgment on the effects of Brexit, in Quaderni AisDue, Editoriale Scientifica Napoli, 1/2022, 3 aprile 2022.
  • Rossella Pulvirenti, ‘Undesirable and Unreturnable Individuals: Rethinking the International Criminal Court’s Human Rights Obligations towards Detained Witnesses’, Leiden Journal of International Law, volume 35, Issue 2, June 2022 , pp. 433 - 451 (


  • Rossella Pulvirenti, ‘International Criminal Law’ in Daniela Méndez Royo and Enrique Díaz Bravo (eds) Diálogo en el Derecho Internacional Público/Dialogue in Public International Law, Tirant Lo Blanch/Santo Tomás University, 2021.
  • Rossella Pulvirenti and Alice Diver: Covid-19 Health Crises and Human Rights in Italy and the UK: is an Ethical Rationing of Healthcare resource possible? In Vanessa Barbé (eds.) L’éthique à l’épreuve de la crise, 2021.


  • Rossella Pulvirenti, ‘Protecting victims who testify before the ICC: Tensions and balances with the defendants’ right to a fair trial, In Juan Pablo Pérez-León-Acevedo and Joanna Nicholson, ‘Defendants and Victims in International Criminal Justice’: Ensuring and Balancing Their Rights, Routledge, 2020, 161 (


  • Rossella Pulvirenti and Elena Abrusci ‘Prosecuting Trafficking Crimes for Sexual Exploitation in Times of Conflict: Challenges and Perspective’, Journal of Trafficking and Human Exploitation, Volume 3, Number 1, 2019 (


  • Rossella Pulvirenti, ‘A New Settlement for the United Kingdom in the European Union: A New Challenge to EU Citizens’ Social Benefits and Freedom of Movement?’ European Papers, Vol. 1, 2016, No 2, European Forum, Insight of 4 May 2016, pp. 727-740 (doi: 10.15166/2499-8249/48).

Career history

2018 - 2021

Lecturer in Law, School of Law, Liverpool John Moores University


Lecturer in Law, School of Law, University of Bedforshire

2016 - 2017

Teaching Fellow, SOAS

2013 - 2016

Tutor, University of Nottingham

Press and media






  • Talk - PubhD – Can you explain your PHD in the pub?