Dr Natalie Hammond
Dr Natalie Hammond
Senior Lecturer
My profile
I am a Senior Lecturer in Health and Social Care and am based in the Department of Social Care and Social Work where I teach and research. I joined Manchester Metropolitan University in 2014.
I am a sociologist sitting at the intersection of sociology and health, conducting interdisciplinary research and evaluation around three main research areas:
- sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender-based violence.
- gender and health.
- sexual and reproductive health in disaster / complex situations.
My research emphasises the importance of sexual and reproductive health and rights, the need for a gendered lens in healthcare planning and delivery and the need for better information during difficult circumstances. Much of my work seeks to challenge stigma around sexual and reproductive health and asks questions with marginalised groups around sensitive topics. Working in an applied and interdisciplinary manner has enabled me to share insights from groups who are seldom heard in policy or practice.
There is significant overlap across the three broad areas and issues around social policy, digital technologies, access to services and inequalities are common themes throughout. I have worked with a range of participants including veterans, sex workers and their clients, LGBT communities, ethnic minority communities, people living with HIV, families of prisoners, commissioners, clinicians, Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations, and health and social care practitioners.
My present work focuses on two key areas:
- I have recently worked with military and veteran communities to develop the first feasibility and pilot study in the UK to examine the long-term experiences and outcomes of male veterans who sustained a combat-genital injury.
- I am currently undertaking work around the climate crisis and health, with a focus on sexual and reproductive health. I am a member of the SRHR and Climate Justice Coalition, COST Action 22162 - FutureMed: A Transdisciplinary Network to Bridge Climate Science and Impacts on Society; A WHO lead group Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Climate Change Consultation.
Previous work includes:
- Evaluation of a £1 million complex population health project working towards ending new HIV transmissions in Greater Manchester.
- A rapid study into the impact of COVID-19 on sexual and reproductive health.
- Qualitative research on blood cancer and sexual wellbeing.
- Several research projects on the sex industry, exploring men and women who pay for sex.
I am committed to facilitating the role of research evidence into policy and practice by contributing to a range of policy consultations, producing research findings in alternative formats, and collaborating with commissioners and practitioners to encourage the uptake of results and recommendations. My work has also appeared across multiple media outlets.
Capacity Development:
I am passionate about capacity development and I have acted as a mentor to women researchers in low to middle income countries and mentor’s female researchers through a WHO research mentorship scheme. I provide other support mentoring and capacity development support through AuthorAid and have facilitated several MOOCs around academic wiring a policy impact for researcher in the Global South.
I am Deputy Director of the Wellbeing, Health and Communities pathway for the ESRC White Rose Doctoral Partnership where I lead on supporting students on this pathway through designing and delivering a training programme to meet their doctoral student needs.
Expert Funder reviewer:
I review international and national funding proposals including for UKRI, where I am a member of their talent peer review college, and NIHR. I support the WHO to foster the recognition of universal ethical and scientific principles of good research practice, by reviewing research projects under consideration by the WHO Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research.
Expert reviewer for peer reviewed journals
- Sociology
- Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters
- Sexualities
- Social Policy
- Sociology Compass
- Frontiers
- Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare
- Sociology of Health and Illness
- Comics
- Journal of Sex Research
- BMJ Public Health
- European Journal of Oncology Nursing
- Journal of consumer culture
- Culture, Health and Sexuality
- Feminism and Psychology
- Palgrave Communications
- Reproductive Health
- The International Journal of Human Rights
- Manchester University Press – Book proposal reviewer
Prizes and awards
Nominated MMU Staff awards, 2022 in the Leadership category.
Membership of professional associations
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. My work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
- Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
- Goal 5: Gender Equality
- Goal 13: Climate Action
- Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Early biography:
Born in Manchester, I have lived in the North of England all my life. I gained my first degree in Computing and Management Science from Sheffield Hallam. During this time I became more drawn towards the statistical manipulation of social science data, seeking to explore and understand social problems rather than addressing financial and business challenges; postgraduate study seemed the obvious way to convert and in 2004 I joined the Department of Sociological Studies at the University of Sheffield to study on the MA Sociological Research. This was the beginning of a shift of disciplines from computing science to social science. I stayed at the University of Sheffield to undertake my doctoral research for which I sought the perspectives of men who pay for sex. I was then a Teaching Associate teaching and supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students across the Department of Sociological Studies. Previously, I worked for several years as a mental health support worker, both in a clinical setting and out in the community, for Sheffield Care Trust (NHS).
Academic and professional qualifications
- 2011– 2018: M.Ed Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, University of Sheffield. Dissertation title: Delivering Higher Education to Camp based Refugees
- 2006– 2011: ESRC Funded PhD in Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield. Title: Paying for Sex: a socio-cultural exploration of men who engage in sexual commerce.
- 2004– 2005: MA Sociological Research, University of Sheffield. - Dissertation title: Police Perceptions of Street Prostitution.
- 2000–2004: BSc (Hons) Computing and Management Science, Sheffield Hallam University. First Class.
How I’ll teach you
Inspired by the John Dewey and Paulo Freire, I believe that education is social, interactive, and emancipatory. I emphasise how teaching and learning should be a partnership with interactive dialogue between tutor and students and between students themselves, rather than a one-way process in which the tutor conveys content. I aim for my teaching to transform students thinking and not simply transmit knowledge. I encourage students to learn through doing, allowing them to take responsibility for their own learning and guiding them to become independent, reflective critical learners. Thus, inquiry-based learning, participatory approaches and inclusivity are central to my teaching. For example, I ensure that all my lectures are active with students taking part in activities and feeding back. My teaching takes an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on sociology, social policy, criminology, and other social sciences fields as well as public health and clinical health related disciplines.
I am committed to research informed teaching and my research experience of working across the health and social care sector in the UK and internationally provides me with a range of knowledge, theory, and applied experience to draw upon to support student learning and development.
I am the simulation-based education (SBE) lead for Health and Social Care education in the department. I have supported staff to develop interactive learning opportunities with SBE and this is now integrated across all levels of Health and Social care education. All H&SC students in the department now have the opportunity to use cutting edge technologies such as the CAVE and virtual reality headsets alongside other SBE resources such as our in house flat or age suits.
Issues around sustainability and the climate crisis have been central to my teaching. I ensure that all H&SC students are now taught about the impacts of the climate crisis on the health and social care sector and the implications of this. Sustainability is embedded in my teaching and is core to assessment via the inclusion in learning outcomes.
Teaching subject areas
- Digital technologies in health and social care.
- Research methods.
- Sociology / Social policy.
- Sustainability and the climate crisis.
- Critical perspectives on children and families
- Critical perspectives on adults.
- Leadership
I supervise doctoral students and am happy to hear from prospective students working in the following areas:
- Sexual and reproductive health.
- Sexual and gender-based violence.
- Men and masculinities.
- Women’s health.
- Gender and health.
- Digital technologies.
- Sex work.
- Military / veteran populations.
- The climate crisis.
Current students:
• Smee, H. Menopause and teaching. Principal supervisor. Full-time White Rose ESRC PhD studentship.
• Owen, T. LGBT football fan experiences. Full-time White Rose ESRC PhD studentship. Principal supervisor.
• Jay, B. Emotion work in residential care homes. Principal supervisor. MMU funded
Previous students:
• Mental health
• Disability in Higher Education
Research outputs
Books (authored/edited/special issues)
Kingston, S., Hammond, N., Redman, S. (2020) Women who buy sex converging sexualities?.
Chapters in books
Hammond, N. (2011) 'Tackling taboos: Men who pay for sex and the emotional researcher.' New sociologies of Sex work. pp. 59-74.
Hammond, N.J. (2010) 'Tackling taboos: Men who pay for sex and the emotional researcher.' New Sociologies of Sex Work. Ashgate,
Hammond, N. (2024) Infographic: "I'm now in control of my HIV": the Intensive Support Service for people living with HIV and complex needs in Greater Manchester. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Hammond, N. (2024) Infographic: "The benefits of strong relationships cannot be underestimated": evaluating efforts to end HIV transmission in Greater Manchester. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Hammond, N. (2024) Policy Brief: The Intensive Support Service: an effective solution for people living with HIV and complex needs in Greater Manchester. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Hammond, N. (2024) Policy Brief: Towards zero HIV transmission: evaluating efforts to end HIV transmission in Greater Manchester. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Yarwood, G., Webb, L., Hammond, N., Gray, P.M. (2017) Evaluation report of families experiences of Partners of Prisoners (POPs) prison-based visitor centre services. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Journal articles
Hammond, N., Moretti, A. (2024) 'Data like any other? Sexual and reproductive health, Big Data and the Sustainable Development Goals.' Sexualities, 27(7)
Sorcher, R., Ochieng Arunda, M., Ajayi, A.I., Alger, J., Ali, M., Allen, E., Andriano, L., Atiqul Haq, S.M., Bahamondes, L., Billingsley, S., Brizuela, V., Brown, M.L., Charles, C.M.P., Chou, D., Coates, A., Cresswell, J.A., Dijkerman, S., DiTucci, T., E. Thorson, A., Ekström, A.M., Endler, M., Enos, J.Y., Finatto Canabarro, A.P., Formia, S., Gallardo-Alvarado, N., Gemzell-Danielsson, K., Gonsalves, L., Hammond, N., Hannum, E., Haque, M.R., Huang, Z., Johnston, H.B., Kiarie, J., Kim, C., Kågesten, A., Larsson, E.C., Logie, C., Mahapatra, B., Manhiça, S., Abu, A.S., Mrejen, M., Munala, L., Narasimhan, M., Nguyen, M., Ombija, S., Pallitto, C., Quansah, R., Sana, A., Saquimux Contreras, M.A., Saye, L., Shah, M.G., Smallcombe, J.W., Thatte, N., Wilbur, J. (2024) 'Key considerations for research into how climate change affects sexual and reproductive health and rights.' The Lancet Planetary Health, 8(6)
Hammond, N., Chantry, A., Cheeseman, M., Peng, A. (2024) 'Disrupted biographies and gendered identities: A qualitative study exploring sexuality and blood cancer.' European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 70
Keeling, M., Hammond, N. (2024) 'Combat-genital injury in UK male military veterans: a pilot and feasibility study exploring long-term psychosocial and sexual experiences and support needs.' Journal of Military Social Work and Behavioral Health Services,
Hammond, N., Steels, S., King, G. (2022) 'Contraceptive and pregnancy concerns in the UK during the first COVID-19 lockdown: a rapid study.' Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, 33pp. 100754-100754.
Kingston, S., Hammond, N., Redman, S. (2021) 'Transformational sexualities: Motivations of women who pay for sexual services.' Sexualities, 24(4) pp. 527-548.
Hammond, N., van Hooff, J. (2019) '“This is me, this is what I am, I am a man”: the masculinities of men who pay for sex with women.' Journal of Sex Research, 57(5) pp. 650-663.
Hammond, N. (2018) 'Researching men who pay for sex: Using online methods for recruiting and interviewing.' Methodological Innovations, 11(1) pp. 1-11.
Hammond, N., Cheeseman, M., Chantry, A., Peng, G.C.A. (2015) 'Researching surviving cancer and sexuality using visual methods: A reflection on research rationale and negotiating ethical issues.' Families, Relationships and Societies, 4(3) pp. 483-492.
Hammond, N., Attwood, F. (2015) 'Introduction: The cultural study of commercial sex: Taking a policy perspective.' Social Policy and Society, 14(1) pp. 79-82.
Hammond, N. (2015) 'Men who pay for sex and the sex work movement? client responses to stigma and increased regulation of commercial sex policy.' Social Policy and Society, 14(1) pp. 93-102.
Hammond, N., Kingston, S. (2014) 'Experiencing stigma as sex work researchers in professional and personal lives.' Sexualities, 17(3) pp. 329-347.
Career history
Senior Lecturer Health and Social Care, MMU
Lecturer Sociology, University of Manchester
Teaching Associate Sociology, University of Sheffield
Gradate Teaching Assistant, Sociology, University of Sheffield