My profile


As a lecturer in the Department of Computing and Mathematics, my time is split between teaching and research. In my role as a teacher I lead the first year Introduction to Programming unit for the Digital and Technology Solutions Degree Apprenticeship. In this unit I teach a varied group of around 150 students how to program using the Java programming language. In my role as a researcher I have 3 key interests that I pursue, all themed around natural language processing. Firstly, I am interested in text simplification, a field that looks at taking a complex text and making it easier to read for an end user. Secondly, I’m interested in how we use Emoji as part of everyday language and how we can teach machines to better understand emoji. Thirdly, I’m interested in The application of Text Mining to varied disciplines which have included: Chemistry, Neuroscience, Journalism and Finance.

Academic and professional qualifications

I studied at the University of Manchester from 2007 to 2015, completing my BSc and PhD. In My PhD, I focussed on the topic of lexical simplification and published several academic articles, as well as my thesis. Following on from my PhD, I worked as part of an EC H2020 project called “An Open Mining Infrastructure for Text and Data (OpenMinTeD)” at the National Centre for Text Mining. In this role I helped develop a text mining platform that is available for use by non-expert users. In 2017, I moved to Manchester Metropolitan University to take up the role of lecturer. In this role I am pursuing my own avenues of research, whilst also maintaining and developing existing research connections.


Why do I teach?

I see my teaching as an extension of my research. If I did not research, I would have nothing to teach. I am interested in communicating the results of my research and the cutting edge of the research fields that I am interested in to students in my tutelage. To this end, I am happy to take on keenly motivated students whose research interests align with mine at BSc, Masters and PhD level. If you are interested in doing a project with me, please get in touch and I would be happy to discuss.

Why study…


Learning to program is a vital skill for the technologist in the modern age. Even roles that do not directly require day-to-day programming will benefit from an understanding of the effort that goes in to programming. Learning to program means that you better understand how the software that you use every day works and will give you the ability to write software for yourself that will help you by automating day to day taskes

Natural Language Processing

Have you ever used Siri? Or Google? Or a bot on Whatsapp or Messenger? Then you have interacted with Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms. NLP enables machines to understand language, ranging from the basic level of identifying words, sentences, etc. To more complex features such as understanding the sentiment of a text or understanding different meanings of words.

Subject areas

Introduction to Programming, Natural Language Processing

Research outputs