My profile


Dr Gregoris Ioannou is a Reader in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour at the Department of People and Performance. He has previously held lecturing and research positions at the University of Sheffield, the University of Glasgow, the University of Cyprus, and Frederick University.

His research utilises political sociology and political economy frameworks to examine power dynamics in employment relations, as well as their cultural and communicational forms. He is interested in labour markets and their regulation at the macro level and on how these interact with workplace dynamics at the micro level. He is especially interested in the intersection between ideology and subjectivity and the fields of employment and class. His work addresses this through the interconnecting themes of:

Precariousness in employment relations

Trade unionism and class composition

Contentious politics and mobilisations

Gregoris’ current research on trade union organising has identified challenges and assessed the prospects of trade union organising in UK public services. His previous research on precarious, young workers in Greece and the UK examined their understandings, ideas, and beliefs about their work in relation to the prevailing market values and the axioms of neoliberalism. His latest research monograph on the economic crisis in Southern Europe assessed how the liberalization and deregulation processes and the promotion of market-enhancing reforms progressed in three different national settings, identifying the forces, agents, contexts, and mechanisms shaping the employment relations systems.

Gregoris has published widely and has served as an external expert for numerous international organisations including the European Commission, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound), the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES). He has served as an examiner for PhD theses and has extensively reviewed for numerous prestigious journals and international academic publishers.

He holds a BSc in International History and an MSc in Political Sociology from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Warwick.


Gregoris teaches employment relations subjects across a range of undergraduate and post graduate units. Gregoris’ approach to teaching seeks to develop students’ critical thinking skills and their interest in the study of labour. His teaching is theoretically informed and guided by his research utilising contemporary empirical examples. Gregoris’ teaching perspective involves the consideration and exploration of the students’ own positionality and evolving experiences, and develops learning objectives that understand teaching as a dynamic and collaborative process. His long experience of educational interactions with diverse groups of students has made him sensitive to identifying differing abilities, aims and ambitions of students and acting in ways that could help them achieve their potential.


Gregoris is interested in supervising PhD students in a wide range of employment relations and HRM topics. He is especially interested in topics related to trade unionism, professions and occupations, migrant work, employment regulation, working conditions and relations at work.  

Research outputs


Ioannou, G. (2021) Employment, Trade Unionism and Class: The Labour Market in Southern Europe since the Crisis, London: Routledge

Ioannou, G. (2020) The Normalization of Cyprus’ Partition Among Greek Cypriots: Political Economy and Political Culture in a Divided Society, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

  • Published also in two earlier Greek editions as (2019, 2020) Denktas in the South: The Normalization of Partition on the Greek Cypriot Side, Thessaloniki: Psifides
  • And a Turkish edition, (2020) Nicosia: Baranga


Charalambous, G. and Ioannou, G. (eds.) (2019) Left Radicalism and Populism in Europe, London: Routledge


1. Ioannou, G. (2023) Trapped in Contradiction: precariousness and the ideological orientations of younger workers in hospitality related occupations, Economic and Industrial Democracy,

2. Papadopoulos, O. and Ioannou, G. (2023)Working in hospitality and catering in Greece and the UK: do trade union membership and collective bargaining still matter? European Journal of Industrial Relations 29(2): 105–122

3. Ioannou, G. (2021) Contracting for Work in Tourism and Catering in Greece: Beyond a State/Market dichotomy, Industrial Law Journal 50(4): 558-582

4. Ioannou, G. and Dukes, R. (2021) Anything Goes? Exploring the Limits of Employment Law in UK Hospitality and Catering, Industrial Relations Journal 52(3): 255-269

5. Ioannou, G. (2020) The communicative power of trade unionism: labour law, political opportunity structure and social movement strategy, Industrielle Beziehungen/ German Journal of Industrial Relations 27(3): 286-309

6. Ioannou, G. (2019) Social activism and the city: cultural sociology and radical politics in 21st Century Cyprus, The Cyprus Review, 31(1): 209-238

7. Ioannou, G. and Sonan, S. (2017) Trade unions and politics in Cyprus: an historical comparative analysis across the dividing line, Mediterranean Politics 22(4): 484-503

8.Charalambous, G. and Ioannou, G. (2017) Party systems, party-society linkages and contentious acts: Cyprus in a comparative South European perspective, Mobilization: an International Quarterly 22(1): 97-119

9. Ioannou, G. (2017) The labour field in Cyprus in the period of Cypriot independence, Theseis 141 (in Greek)

10.Ioannou, G. (2016) Genealogies of activism and the semiotics of urban space: cultural and social practices in 21st Century inner Nicosia, Bulgarian Ethnology, Vol. XLII(2): 276-298 (in Bulgarian)

11. Ioannou, G. (2015) Labor force fragmentation in contemporary Cyprus, WorkingUSA: the Journal of Labor and Society, 18(4): 595-612

12. Charalambous, G. and Ioannou, G. (2015) No bridge over troubled waters: the Cypriot Left heading the government: 2008-2013 Capital and Class, 39(2): 265-286

13. Ioannou, G. (2014) Employment in crisis: Cyprus 2010-2013, The Cyprus Review, 26(1): 107-126

14. Ioannou, G. (2006) Agricultural collectives in Cyprus: focusing on a hybrid of the late colonial era, Epetirida Cyprus Research Centre, XXXII: 449-476 (in Greek)

BOOK CHAPTERS (refereed):

1. Ioannou, G. (2024 forthcoming) Theories of power relations. In A. Smith, P. Dibben and A. Wilkinson (eds.) Key theories and concepts in work and employment relations

2. Ioannou, G. and Sonan, S. (2023) Cyprus: a divided society with trade unions on a slow retreat.In J. Waddington, T. Muller, and K. Vandaele, (eds.) Trade Unions in the European Union: picking up the pieces of the neoliberal challenge, Lausanne: Peter Lang, pp. 243-279

3. Ioannou, G. and Charalambous, G. (2022) Cyprus: Exacerbating Authoritarianism. In K.  Lynggaard, M. D. Jensen and M. Kluth (eds.) Navigating the Perfect Storm: Understanding Governments Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Europe, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 77-88

4. Ioannou, G. and Sonan, S. (2019) Cyprus: a divided island – state with diverging collective bargaining patterns, weakened yet still standing.In T. Muller, K. Vandaele and J. Waddington, (eds.) Collective bargaining in Europe: towards an endgame Vol. 1., Brussels: ETUI, pp. 109-129

5. Ioannou, G. and Charalambous, G. (2019) West European trade unions, labour and ‘the people’: from the golden era to the times of austerity. In Charalambous, G. and Ioannou, G. (eds) Left Radicalism and Populism in Europe, London: Routledge, pp. 204-222

6. Charalambous, G. and Ioannou, G. (2019) Introducing the topic and the concepts. In: G. Charalambous and G. Ioannou (eds.) Left Radicalism and Populism in Europe. London: Routledge, pp. 1-30

7. Charalambous, G. and Ioannou, G. (2019) Conclusions: Populism and left radicalism in Europe across time and space. In G. Charalambous, and G. Ioannou, (eds.) Left Radicalism and Populism in Europe, London: Routledge, pp. 257-265

8. Ioannou, G. (2016) Employment in crisis: Cyprus and the extension of precarity. In C. Schierup and M. Bak Jørgensen (eds.) Politics of Precarity: Migrant conditions, struggles and experiences Brill/Haymarket, pp. 138-159

9. Ioannou, G. and Charalambous, G. (2016) The Left and the crisis in Cyprus. In L. March and L. Keith (eds.), Europe’s Radical Left: From Marginality to the Mainstream?, London: Rowman & Littlefield pp. 273-288

10. Ioannou, G. (2016) The connection between trade unions and political parties in Cyprus. In G. Charalambous and C. Christophorou (eds.) Party-society relations in the Republic of Cyprus, London:Routledge pp. 110-128

11. Karatzogianni, A., Morgunova, O., Kambouri, N., Lafazani, O., Ioannou, G., Trimikliniotis, N., and Nguyen, D. (2016) Intercultural Conflict and Dialogue in the Transnational Digital Public Sphere: Findings from the MIG-NET Research Project 2010-2013. In A. Karatzogianni, D. Nguyen and E. Serafinelli (eds.), The Digital Transformation of the Public Sphere: Conflict, Migration, Crisis, and Culture in Digital Networks, Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 235-257

BOOK REVIEWS (selected):

1.Ioannou, G. (2023) Grigoris Neokleous, Social movements as agents of change: a social analysis of the popular labour movement in Cyprus, The Cyprus Review 35(1): 202-203

2. Ioannou, G. (2017) Immanuel Ness, Southern insurgency the coming of the global working class, Capital and Class,41(3): 591-593

3. Ioannou, G. (2010) Chrysostomos Perikleous, The referendum of 2004: the regional and international context, the reception of the solution and the time conjuncture, The Cyprus Review 22(1): 203-205


1. Ioannou, G. and Sonan, S. (2019) Inter-communal contact and exchange in Cyprus’ Higher Education Institutions: their potential to build trust and cooperation, PRIO Study

2.Ioannou, G. (2018) Social Dialogue: International Best Practices and Recommendations for united Cyprus, Cyprus Dialogue Forum

3. Ioannou, G. (2018) Labour Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the Greek Cypriot Community, Cyprus Dialogue Forum   

4. Ioannou G. and Stavrou, S. (2017) The deterioration of employment and working conditions in the academia, Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference: Global Trends in Higher Education and Cyprus

5. Ioannou, G. and Charalambous, G. (2017) The social and political impact of the Cyprus economic crisis: 2010-2017, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Study (Published in English and Greek)

6. Ioannou, G. and Sonan, S. (2016) Youth unemployment in Cyprus: an examination of the “lost generation”, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Study. (Published in English, Greek and Turkish)

7. Ioannou, G. and Sonan, S. (2014) Trade Unions in Cyprus: history and environment of division, common challenges ahead, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Study. (Published in English and German)

8. Karatzogianni, A., Morgunova, O., Kambouri, N., Lafazani, O., Ioannou, G., Trimikliniotis, N., and (2013) Inter-cultural conflict and dialogue, Thematic Report in Transnational digital networks, migration and gender, MIG-NET Project


1. Ioannou, G. (2023) In memoriam: Simon Clarke (26/3/1946 – 27/12/2022), his Marxism and contribution to the political economy of labour, Historical Materialism, 21/1/2023,

2. Ioannou, G. (2021) The presidential contest in the Republic of Cyprus and the future of the Cyprus issue [Η προεδρική διαδοχή στην Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία και το μέλλον του Κυπριακού], Red and Black, 11/5/2022

3. Ioannou, G. (2021) Cheating never gets one far: about the English School industrial dispute, Cyprus Mail 6/10/2021

4. Ioannou, G. (2021) Five party conference on Cyprus or the show must go on [Πενταμερής διάσκεψη για το Κυπριακό ή the show must go on] Commune, 5/2/2021,

5. Ioannou, G. (2020) Civil disobedience contesting Cyprus’ partition: citizens acting against crossing closures, Sociological Review, 30/6/2020,

6. Ioannou, G. (2020) Cyprus: Small, easy, quiet, and easy to handle, Debate on the Crisis in Southern Europe, International Karl Polanyi Society, 25th June 2020,  

7. Ioannou, G. (2020), Authoritarianism masking incompetence? The case of the Republic of Cyprus, Open Democracy, 7th April 2020,   

8. Ioannou, G. (2017) The Cyprus negotiations: what went wrong, Global Observatory, 11th July 2017,  

9. Ioannou, G. and Charalambous, G. (2017) Establishing a Federal Cyprus: the regional and domestic forces at play, Open Democracy, 6th February 2017,   

10. Ioannou, G. and Charalambous, G. (2016) Establishing the Federal Cyprus: a preliminary diagnosis, Chronos 42-43, 5th November 2016,  

11. Charalambous, G. and Ioannou, G. (2015) Fragmented we fight: what’s Left in Greece in 2015? Open Democracy, 18th September 2015,

12. Charalambous, G. and Ioannou, G. (2015) The Left in power: the case of Cyprus, [Η Αριστερά στην εξουσία: η περίπτωση της Κύπρου] Synchrona Themata, 130-131

13. Ioannou, G. (2010) The working class and the trade union movement in Cyprus 1960-2010 [Η εργατική τάξη και το συνδικαλιστικό κίνημα στην Κύπρο 1960-2010], Chroniko 113, Politis, May 2010

  • Books (authored/edited/special issues)

    Ioannou, G. (2021) Employment, Trade Unionism, and Class: The labour market in Southern Europe since the crisis.

    Ioannou, G. (2020) The Normalisation of Cyprus' Partition Among Greek Cypriots: Political Economy and Political Culture in a Divided Society.

    Charalambous, G., Ioannou, G. (2019) LEFT RADICALISM AND POPULISM IN EUROPE.

  • Chapters in books

    Ioannou, G., Charalambous, G. (2022) 'Cyprus: Exacerbating Authoritarianism.' Governments’ Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemicin Europe: Navigating the Perfect Storm. pp. 77-88.

    Ioannou, G., Charalambous, G. (2019) 'WEST EUROPEAN TRADE UNIONS, LABOUR AND ‘THE PEOPLE’: From the golden era to the times of austerity.' Left Radicalism and Populism in Europe. pp. 204-222.

    Charalambous, G., Ioannou, G. (2019) 'INTRODUCING THE TOPIC AND THE CONCEPTS.' Left Radicalism and Populism in Europe. pp. 1-30.

    Charalambous, G., Ioannou, G. (2019) 'CONCLUSIONS: Populism and left radicalism in Europe across time and space.' Left Radicalism and Populism in Europe. pp. 257-265.

    Ioannou, G. (2017) 'Employment in crisis: Cyprus and the extension of precarity.' Studies in Critical Social Sciences. pp. 138-159.

    Ioannou, G. (2016) 'The connection between trade unions and political parties in Cyprus.' Party-Society Relations in the Republic of Cyprus: Political and Societal Strategies. pp. 110-128.

    Karatzogianni, A., Morgunova, O., Kambouri, N., Lafazani, O., Trimikliniotis, N., Ioannou, G., Nguyen, D. (2016) 'Intercultural conflict and dialogue in the transnational digital public sphere: Findings from the Mig@Net research project (2010-2013).' The Digital Transformation of the Public Sphere: Conflict, Migration, Crisis and Culture in Digital Networks. pp. 235-257.

  • Journal articles

    Ioannou, G., Charalambous, G. (2024) 'Critical Junctures, Ideological Continuity and Change in Western Europe: Comparing the Pandemic and the Global Financial Crises.' Global Society,

    Ioannou, G. (2023) 'Trapped in contradiction: Precariousness and the ideological orientations of younger workers in hospitality-related occupations.' Economic and Industrial Democracy,

    Papadopoulos, O., Ioannou, G. (2022) 'Working in hospitality and catering in Greece and the UK: Do trade union membership and collective bargaining still matter?.' European Journal of Industrial Relations, 29(2) pp. 105-122.

    Ioannou, G. (2021) 'Contracting for work in tourism and catering in Greece: Beyond a state/market dichotomy.' Industrial Law Journal, 50(4) pp. 558-582.

    Dukes, R., Ioannou, G., Kirk, E. (2021) 'Special issue, work on demand: Editorial introduction.' Industrial Law Journal, 50(4) pp. 503-505.

    Ioannou, G., Dukes, R. (2021) 'Anything goes? Exploring the limits of employment law in UK hospitality and catering.' Industrial Relations Journal, 52(3) pp. 255-269.

    Ioannou, G. (2020) 'The communicative power of trade unionism: Labour law, political opportunity structure and social movement strategy.' Industrielle Beziehungen, 27(3) pp. 286-309.

    Ioannou, G. (2019) 'Social activism and the city: Cultural sociology and radical politics in 21st century Cyprus.' Cyprus Review, 31(1) pp. 209-238.

    Ioannou, G., Sonan, S. (2017) 'Trade unions and politics in Cyprus: a historical comparative analysis across the dividing line.' Mediterranean Politics, 22(4) pp. 484-503.

    Charalambous, G., Ioannou, G. (2015) 'No bridge over troubled waters: The Cypriot left in government, 2008-2013.' Capital and Class, 39(2) pp. 265-286.

    Ioannou, G. (2014) 'Employment in crisis: Cyprus 2010–2013.' Cyprus Review, 26(1) pp. 107-126.

  • Conference papers

    Charalambous, G., Ioannou, G. (2017) 'Party systems, party-society linkages, and contentious acts: Cyprus in a comparative, Southern European perspective.' 22. pp. 97-119.