Dr Gillian McChesney
Dr Gillian McChesney
My profile
Research outputs
Journal articles
Walker, L., Cordero, M.I., McChesney, G., Gee, I., Grogan, S. (2022) 'Associations between Covid-19-related threat, stress, and smoking in UK adults aged under- and over-30.' Tobacco Use Insights, 15pp. 1-6.
Grogan, S., Walker, L., McChesney, G., Gee, I., Gough, B., Cordero, M.I. (2022) 'How has COVID-19 lockdown impacted smoking? A thematic analysis of written accounts from UK smokers.' Psychology and Health: an international journal, 37(1) pp. 17-33.
Grogan, S., Gill, S., Brownbridge, K., McChesney, G., Wren, P., Cole, J., Darby, J., Jones, C., Armitage, C.J. (2021) 'Body Mass Index and Body Satisfaction: Does Availability of Well-fitting Clothes Matter?.' Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 39(4) pp. 251-263.
Toseeb, U., McChesney, G., Dantchev, S., Wolke, D. (2020) 'Precursors of sibling bullying in middle childhood: Evidence from a UK-based longitudinal cohort study.' Child Abuse and Neglect, 108
Toseeb, U., McChesney, G., Oldfield, J., Wolke, D. (2019) 'Sibling Bullying in Middle Childhood is Associated with Psychosocial Difficulties in Early Adolescence: The Case of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.' Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50(5) pp. 1457-1469.
McChesney, G., Toseeb, U. (2018) 'Happiness, self-esteem, and prosociality in children with and without autism spectrum disorder: Evidence from a UK population cohort study.' Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 11(7) pp. 1011-1023.
Toseeb, U., McChesney, G.C., Wolke, D. (2018) 'The Prevalence and Psychopathological Correlates of Sibling Bullying in Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder.' Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48pp. 2308-2318.
McChesney, G.C., Adamson, G., Shevlin, M. (2015) 'A latent class analysis of trauma based on a nationally representative sample of US adolescents.' Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 50
McChesney, G.C., Adamson, G., Shevlin, M. (2015) 'Service use patterns and mental health symptoms among adolescents exposed to multiple types of trauma.' Journal of Adolescence, 40