Dr Bruno Mazuquin
Dr Bruno Mazuquin
Research Fellow
My profile
I am a physiotherapist by training and a Research Fellow at Manchester Metropolitan University. I have experience with and have published studies using different methods, mainly systematic reviews, investigating various clinical conditions including shoulder, knee and low back problems and sports performance. For my PhD, I received an international doctoral fellowship to develop research on rehabilitation after surgery to repair torn shoulder tendons. I also have experience with NIHR-funded research. My areas of research interest are musculoskeletal rehabilitation and implementation science & Knowledge Mobilisation.
Interests and expertise
My research is related to the following research themes:
- Science of Physical Movement
- Clinical Physical Rehabilitation (Musculoskeletal)
- Optimising Health & Healthcare Resources (Evidence Synthesis and Biomechanics)
My work impacts the society in the UK and in other countries. My research has been used on 12 policy
documents in the UK (NICE guidelines on breast cancer and chronic pain), Canada, USA and Germany.
Please access https://policyprofiles.sagepub.com/profile/387/bruno-mazuquin for a detailed list of policies where my work has been used.
I am interested in supervising MSc and PhD students in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, evidence-based practice and implementation science. If you are interested in studying any of these subject areas, please contact me.
Research outputs
Chapters in books
Richards, J., Docherty, C., Arnold, B., Hébert-Losier, K., Häger, C., Mazuquin, B., Monga, P. (2021) 'Biomechanics of sports injuries, their management and clinical considerations.' A Comprehensive Guide to Sports Physiology and Injury Management: An Interdisciplinary Approach. pp. 47-61.
Journal articles
Janssen, J., Lackenbauer, W., Gasselich, S., Lickel, M.E., Schabel, L., Beikircher, R., Keip, C., Wieser, M., Selfe, J., Mazuquin, B., Yeowell, G. (2024) 'The ability of Austrian registered physiotherapists to recognize serious pathology.' BMC Primary Care, 25(1)
Maynart, F.R., Mazuquin, B., Costa, H.S., Teles Santos, T.R., Brant, A.C., Moreno Rodrigues, N.L., Trede, R. (2024) 'Are 7 MM neoprene knee sleeves capable of modifying the knee kinematics and kinetics during box jump and front squat exercises in healthy CrossFit practitioners? An exploratory cross-sectional study.' Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 40pp. 1027-1033.
Mazuquin, B., Moffatt, M., Realpe, A., Sherman, R., Ireland, K., Connan, Z., Tildsley, J., Manca, A., Gc, V., Foster, N., Rees, J., Drew, S., Bateman, M., Fakis, A., Farnsworth, M., Littlewood, C. (2024) 'Clinical and cost-effectiveness of individualised (early) patient-directed rehabilitation versus standard rehabilitation after surgical repair of the rotator cuff of the shoulder: protocol for a multicentre, randomised controlled trial with integrated Quintet Recruitment Intervention (RaCeR 2).' BMJ Open, 14(4)
Pitt, L., Mazuquin, B., Littlewood, C. (2024) 'What influences the decision to undergo rotator cuff repair surgery: a survey of clinician’s perspectives.' Shoulder and Elbow,
May, P., Mitham, K., Maher, N., Pitt, L., Whelan, G., Mazuquin, B., Moffatt, M., Selfe, J., Yeowell, G., Littlewood, C. (2023) 'Developing an application for the UK Pre-Doctoral Clinical and Practitioner Academic Fellowship (PCAF): the collective experience of a community of physiotherapists..' Physiotherapy, 121pp. 1-4.
Mazuquin, B., Gill, K.P., Monga, P., Selfe, J., Richards, J. (2023) 'Can Shoulder Impairments Be Classified From 3-Dimensional Kinematics Using Inertial Sensors?.' J Appl Biomech, 39(4) pp. 264-267.
Filho, R.G.T., Rodrigues, T.C.P., Brant, A.C., Rodrigues, N.L.M., Mazuquim, B.F., Richard, J. (2023) 'Classification of foot type from podography: correlation of results between six quantitative assessment methods.' Journal of the Foot & Ankle, 17(1) pp. 29-33.
Gill, K.P., Bateman, M., Mazuquin, B., Littlewood, C. (2022) 'A comparison between preoperative and intraoperative rotator cuff tear size measurement and classification.' Brazilian Journal of Orthopaedics, 58(2) pp. 356-360.
Bruce, J., Mazuquin, B., Mistry, P., Rees, S., Canaway, A., Hossain, A., Williamson, E., Padfield, E.J., Lall, R., Richmond, H., Chowdhury, L., Lait, C., Petrou, S., Booth, K., Lamb, S.E., Vidya, R., Thompson, A.M. (2022) 'Exercise to prevent shoulder problems after breast cancer surgery: the PROSPER RCT.' Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 26(15) pp. 1-124.
Moffatt, M., Whelan, G., Gill, K.P., Mazuquin, B., Edwards, P., Peach, C., Davies, R., Morgan, M., Littlewood, C. (2022) 'Effectiveness of early versus delayed rehabilitation following total shoulder replacement: a systematic review.' Clinical Rehabilitation, 36(2) pp. 190-203.
Mazuquin, B., Bateman, M., Realpe, A., Drew, S., Rees, J., Littlewood, C. (2021) 'Rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair: A survey exploring clinical equipoise among surgical members of the British Elbow and Shoulder Society.' Shoulder & Elbow, 14(5) pp. 568-573.
Bruce, J., Mazuquin, B., Canaway, A., Hossain, A., Williamson, E., Mistry, P., Lall, R., Petrou, S., Lamb, S.E., Rees, S., Padfield, E., Vidya, R., Thompson, A.M. (2021) 'Exercise versus usual care after non-reconstructive breast cancer surgery (UK PROSPER): multicentre randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation.' BMJ: British Medical Journal, 375(8314) pp. e066542-e066542.
Liew, Z., Mazuquin, B., Ellard, D.R., Karasouli, E., Drew, S., Modi, C., Bush, H., Underwood, M., Kearney, R.S. (2021) 'Development of a single-session physiotherapy and self-management intervention for the treatment of primary traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation for the ‘Acute Rehabilitation following Traumatic anterior shoulder dISlocAtioN (ARTISAN)’ multi centre RCT.' Physiotherapy, 113pp. 80-87.
Littlewood, C., Mazuquin, B., Moffatt, M., Bateman, M. (2021) 'Rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair : a survey of current practice (2020).' Musculoskeletal Care, 19(2) pp. 165-171.
Mazuquin, B., Moffatt, M., Gill, P., Selfe, J., Rees, J., Drew, S., Littlewood, C. (2021) 'Effectiveness of early versus delayed rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair: systematic review and meta-analyses.' PLoS One, 16(5) pp. e0252137-e0252137.
Mazuquin, B., Monga, P., Basu, S., Selfe, J., Richards, J. (2021) 'What is the impact of early rehabilitation following rotator cuff repairs on clinical and biomechanical outcomes? A randomised controlled trial.' Physiotherapy Practice and Research, 42(2) pp. 127-135.
Rees, S., Mazuquin, B., Richmond, H., Williamson, E., Bruce, J. (2021) 'Role of physiotherapy in supporting recovery from breast cancer treatment: A qualitative study embedded within the UK PROSPER trial.' BMJ Open, 11(5)
Mazuquin, B., Trede, R.G., Camargo, P.R. (2021) 'An online survey of clinical practice of Brazilian physical therapists on rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair.' Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma, 17pp. 143-148.
Hyde, D., Littlewood, C., Mazuquin, B., Manning, L. (2021) 'Rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair: a narrative review.' Physical Therapy Reviews, 26(4) pp. 254-261.
Mazuquin, B., Sunemi, M.M.D.O., e Silva, M.P.P., Sarian, L.O.Z., Williamson, E., Bruce, J. (2020) 'Current physical therapy care of patients undergoing breast reconstruction for breast cancer: a survey of practice in the United Kingdom and Brazil.' Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 25(2) pp. 175-185.
Khan, K.A., Mazuquin, B., Canaway, A., Petrou, S., Bruce, J. (2019) 'Systematic review of economic evaluations of exercise and physiotherapy for patients treated for breast cancer.' Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 176pp. 37-52.
Carson, H.J., Richards, J., Mazuquin, B. (2018) 'Examining the influence of grip type on wrist and club head kinematics during the golf swing: Benefits of a local co-ordinate system.' European Journal of Sport Science, 19(3) pp. 327-335.
Richmond, H., Lait, C., Srikesavan, C., Williamson, E., Moser, J., Newman, M., Betteley, L., Fordham, B., Rees, S., Lamb, S.E., Bruce, J., Mazuquin, B., PROSPER Study Group, (2018) 'Development of an exercise intervention for the prevention of musculoskeletal shoulder problems after breast cancer treatment: The prevention of shoulder problems trial (UK PROSPER).' BMC Health Services Research, 18
Bruce, J., Williamson, E., Lait, C., Richmond, H., Betteley, L., Lall, R., Petrou, S., Rees, S., Withers, E.J., Lamb, S.E., Thompson, A.M., Mazuquin, B., PROSPER Study Group, (2018) 'Randomised controlled trial of exercise to prevent shoulder problems in women undergoing breast cancer treatment: Study protocol for the prevention of shoulder problems trial (UK PROSPER).' BMJ Open, 8(3)
Mazuquin, B.F., Wright, A.C., Russell, S., Monga, P., Selfe, J., Richards, J. (2016) 'Effectiveness of early compared with conservative rehabilitation for patients having rotator cuff repair surgery: an overview of systematic reviews..' British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52pp. 111-121.
Silva, M.F., Dias, J.M., Pereira, L.M., Mazuquin, B.F., Lindley, S., Richards, J., Cardoso, J.R. (2016) 'Determination of the motor unit behavior of lumbar erector spinae muscles through surface EMG decomposition technology in healthy female subjects.' Muscle and Nerve, 55(1) pp. 28-34.
Mazuquin, B.F., Dela Bela, L.F., Pelegrinelli, A.R.M., Dias, J.M., Carregaro, R.L., Moura, F.A., Selfe, J., Richards, J., Brown, L.E., Cardoso, J.R. (2016) 'Torque-angle-velocity Relationships and Muscle Performance of Professional and Youth Soccer Players.' International Journal of Sports Medicine, 37(12) pp. 992-996.
Campos, R.R., Dias, J.M., Pereira, L.M., Obara, K., Barreto, M.S.T., Silva, M.F., Mazuquin, B.F., Christofaro, D.G.D., Fernandes, R.A., Iversen, M.D., Cardoso, J.R. (2016) 'Effect of the Pilates method on physical conditioning of healthy subjects: A systematic review and meta-analysis.' Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 56(7-8) pp. 864-873.
Mostagi, F.Q.R.C., Dias, J.M., Pereira, L.M., Obara, K., Mazuquin, B.F., Silva, M.F., Silva, M.A.C., de Campos, R.R., Barreto, M.S.T., Nogueira, J.F., Lima, T.B., Carregaro, R.L., Cardoso, J.R. (2015) 'Pilates versus general exercise effectiveness on pain and functionality in non-specific chronic low back pain subjects.' Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 19(4) pp. 636-645.
Mazuquin, B.F., Pereira, L.M., Dias, J.M., Batista, J.P., Silva, M.A.C., Finatti, M.E., Leme, L.C., Carregaro, R.L., Moura, F.A., Cardoso, J.R. (2015) 'Isokinetic evaluation of knee muscles in soccer players: Discriminant analysis.' Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, 21(5) pp. 364-368.
Dias, J.M., Menacho, M.D.O., Mazuquin, B.F., Obara, K., Mostagi, F.Q.R.C., Lima, T.B., Moura, F.A., Abrão, T., Iversen, M.D., Cardoso, J.R. (2014) 'Comparison of the electromyographic activity of the anterior trunk during the execution of two Pilates exercises - teaser and longspine - for healthy people.' Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 24(5) pp. 689-697.
Mazuquin, B.F., Batista, J.P., Pereira, L.M., Dias, J.M., Silva, M.F., Carregaro, R.L., Lucareli, P.R.G., Moura, F.A., Cardoso, J.R. (2014) 'Kinematic gait analysis using inertial sensors with subjects after stroke in two different arteries.' Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 26(8) pp. 1307-1311.
Lima, T.B., Dias, J.M., Mazuquin, B.F., Da Silva, C.T., Nogueira, R.M.P., Marques, A.P., Lavado, E.L., Cardoso, J.R. (2013) 'The effectiveness of aquatic physical therapy in the treatment of fibromyalgia: A systematic review with meta-analysis.' Clinical Rehabilitation, 27(10) pp. 892-908.
Pereira, L.M., Dias, J.M., Mazuquin, B.F., Castanhas, L.G., Menacho, M.O., Cardoso, J.R. (2013) 'Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and analysis of the psychometric properties of the lower extremity functional scale (LEFS): LEFS-Brazil.' Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 17(3) pp. 272-280.
Silva, M.A.C., Dias, J.M., Silva, M.F., Mazuquin, B.F., Abrão, T., Cardoso, J.R. (2013) 'Análise comparativa da atividade elétrica do músculo multífido durante exercícios do Pilates, série de Williams e Spine Stabilization.' Fisioterapia em Movimento, 26(1) pp. 87-94.
Dias, J.M., Mazuquin, B.F., Mostagi, F.Q.R.C., Lima, T.B., Silva, M.A.C., Resende, B.N., Da Silva, R.M.B., Lavado, E.L., Cardoso, J.R. (2013) 'The effectiveness of postoperative physical therapy treatment in patients who have undergone arthroscopic partial meniscectomy: Systematic review with meta-analysis.' Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 43(8) pp. 560-576.
Conference papers
Mazuquin, B., Mistry, P., Lall, R., Rees, S., Whithers, E., Williamson, E., Lamb, S., Bruce, J. (2020) 'PRevention of shoulder ProblEms TRial (PROSPER): exercise to prevent shoulder problems in patients undergoing breast cancer treatment.' In Physiotherapy UK Conference 2019. 107. Elsevier BV, pp. e56-e57.
Bruce, J., Mazuquin, B., Mistry, P., Williamson, E., Lall, R., Vidya, R., Withers, E., Rees, S., Canaway, A., Petrou, S., Lamb, S.E., Thompson, A.M. (2020) 'Prevention of shoulder problems trial (UK-PROSPER): Exercise to prevent shoulder problems in patients undergoing breast cancer treatment.' In 42nd Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. 80. San Antonio, TX, 9/12/2019 - 14/12/2019. American Association for Cancer Research,
Bruce, J., Mazuquin, B., Williamson, E., Mistry, P. (2019) 'Postoperative pain after breast cancer surgery: the UK Prevention of Shoulder Problems Trial (UK PROSPER).' In 77th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American-Psychosomatic-Society on Body to Mind. 81. Vancouver, CANADA, 6/3/2019 - 9/3/2019. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, pp. A209-A210.