My profile


Teaching on undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the Department of Natural Sciences, including the BSc (Hons) Environmental Science and the MSc Environmental Sustainability. Course lead for the MSc Environmental Sustainability. Teaching on the Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Practitioner Apprenticeship. Supervision of several PhD studies on themes of airport carbon management and adaptation. Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Research focus is carbon management, principally in the global airport sector. Partner in TULIPS EU project. Co-lead of a REF impact case study on Airport Sustainability in the most recent assessment exercise. Member of advisory boards for Sustainable Aviation and ACI’s Airport Carbon Accreditation. Partner in STRATEGIES EU project on material and emissions assessment and mitigation for computer and board games.


Chair of Advisory Board to Sustainable Aviation

Chair of an independent Advisory Board to Sustainable Aviation which comprises recognised external sustainability experts and provides rigorous challenge to the Sustainable Aviation Council and its work programme. Sustainable Aviation is a long-term strategy which sets out the collective approach of UK aviation to tackling the challenge of a cleaner and quieter future for the industry.

Member of Advisory Board to Airport Carbon Accreditation

Member of an independent Advisory Board that oversees Airport Carbon Accreditation’s management and reviews its progress and relevance. The Advisory Board is comprised of experts from the fields of air transport and environment. Airports Council International’s (ACI’s) Airport Carbon Accreditation is the global airport sectors carbon management certification programme. It assesses and recognises the efforts of airports to manage and reduce their carbon emissions through seven levels of certification.

Trainer in Airport Environmental and Carbon Management

Programme design, content creation and delivery of two courses (Airport Environmental Management & Airport Carbon Management) provided for airport personnel on behalf of the global industry body, Airports Council International (ACI) Global Training.

Understanding aircraft emissions and their effect on the climate

How do we ‘do our bit’ for the environment and still enjoy our holidays?


TULIPS - DemonsTrating lower polluting SoLutions for sustainableairPorts across Europe
Lead Task 8.4 Airport Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions which aims to support and develop greenhouse gas emissions assessments of all demonstrator activities.
TULIPS is a consortium developing innovations that facilitate the transition to low-carbon mobility and enhance sustainability at airports, supported by €25 million EU funding. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is the home for 17 demonstrator projects that result from the collaboration.

HOPE - Hydrogen Optimized multi-fuel Propulsion system for clean and silEnt aircraft
Part of a work package assessing the societal impact, environmental impact, and cost benefits of reduced aircraft noise and emissions by HOPE technology.
HOPE is a multi-partner Horizon Europe/UKRI funded project on a new multi-fuel (conventional kerosene, SAF and hydrogen) propulsion system concept for aircraft.

STRATEGIES - Sustainable TRAnsiTion for Europe’s Game IndustriES
Lead on WP3 Sustainable Production - Materials and Emissions which investigates the practices and impacts of Europe’s game development industries with a focus on the accurate assessment and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the development of video and board games and the use of materials in the development, production and distribution of games.
STRATEGIES is a Horizon Europe funded project that explores the sustainability of Europe’s game industries.

Research outputs