This is a full list of funders who use Researchfish, which includes all the UK Research and Investment (UKRI) funding councils as well as many major charities.
If a funder uses Researchfish, the principal investigator will be notified by email.
- If you do not have a Researchfish account, follow the link in the email to set up your profile.
- If you have a Researchfish account, follow the link in the email to add your new award to your account.
You can record your outputs at any time.
You can add delegates who can record these outcomes for you, although only the principal investigator can submit them to the funder.
In the portfolio screen there are a list of common outcomes (such as publications, impact and engagement) as well as specific outcomes for your funder. You need to complete only the common outcomes that are relevant to your award but all of the specific outcomes that relate to funder.
The accuracy and completeness of the information provided is important. Funders are interested in the quality of returns, not only that returns are submitted or the number of outputs entered.
If your funder has announced a submission period, you must submit your outcomes before it closes. If you do not, you may have payment on your grant stopped and the funder may not accept further applications from you.
If your grant has only recently been awarded you must still submit something to your funder – even if that is a nil submission.
You can check submission periods by logging into Researchfish.
UKRI only has one submission period a year. Other funding bodies may have more than one.
After your research outcomes have been submitted, details will be added to Gateway to Research – the database of publicly funded research grants.
You can see how award and outcomes will look by searching on Gateway to Research.