Dr Daniel J. Marshall

My profile


Daniel has worked in the field of criminal justice for over 20 years. He has founded, led and advised several organisations working in criminal justice and with young people, including mentoring and coaching several start-ups working in areas such as justice, education, finance, and digital technology. Previously, he was a police officer, a research analyst at the UK Ministry of Justice and Youth Justice Board and has taught criminology at several UK universities and internationally. He is currently the Chair of Trustees at Children’s Voices in Action, an associate at the African Institute for Crime, Policy and Governance Research, a fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Advance HE), and an associate at Enterprise Educators UK.

Daniel’s research centres on criminal justice and he has published on topics such as privacy, sexual offending, social justice, youth justice, children’s rights, looked after children (LAC), children not in education, employment, or training (NEET), military-connected children, mentoring and coaching skills. His current research centres on:

  1. Philosophies of Justice: exploring the foundations of criminal justice. Current work focuses on developing a community-oriented theoretical framework.
  2. Colonial Legacies and Criminal Justice: exploring the role of colonial power and policy transfer on the administration of criminal justice. Current work focuses on the implications of efforts to implement a global universal age of criminal culpability and the construction of the child.
  3. Enterprise: exploring innovative approaches to criminal justice. Current work focuses on the role of the criminal justice practitioner working with justice-involved children and the role of skills to enhance this work.

Academic and professional qualifications

  • 2016 Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • 2016 PGCert Learning and Teaching (Higher Education) - Anglia Ruskin University
  • 2013 Ph.D. Criminology - Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge
  • 2007 MA Criminological Research - Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, University of Leeds
  • 2006 BSc (Hons) Criminology and Psychology (with awards) - University of Teesside
  • 2003 HNC / ONC / NVQ III / Advanced Modern Apprenticeship in Mechanical Engineering - Unipres UK Ltd

Visiting and honorary positions

Visiting Scholar, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge

Social Enterprise Fellow, University of Oxford

Membership of professional associations

European Society of Criminology

American Society of Criminology

Associate, Enterprise Educators UK

Fellow, Higher Education Academy

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In 2015, world leaders from UN member states agreed to 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Daniel’s work contributes toward the following goals:

1. No Poverty

3. Good Health and Well-being

4. Quality Education

5. Gender Equality

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

10. Reduced Inequalities

16. Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions

17. Partnership for the Goals

Research outputs