Patient and public involvement is the active engagement of members of the public in research projects.
Involving and listening to different people in our research can bring valuable insights into the way we work.
It allows us to:
involve the public in research that may have an impact on health services
conduct research which is patient-focused
use the knowledge, experience and voices of members of the public to guide research decisions
How we involve patients and the public
Our research focuses on health and fitness across the lifespan so you don’t have to be living with a condition to get involved.
Examples of activities include:
working with members of our team to develop research ideas that matter to you
attending meetings and giving feedback on future plans for research
using your experience to give feedback and help to guide our current studies
working closely with individual researchers to consult on, and guide, funding applications
We will begin recruiting members of the public to join our patient and public involvement panel in summer 2021.