My profile


Professor Tim Cable leads the Institute of Sport at Manchester Metropolitan University which is a strategic initiative to bring together all aspects of sport, health and wellbeing related research and curricula development to harness new transdisciplinary approaches to the global challenges that society face. Tim is a Cardiovascular Physiologist with expertise in Thermoregulation, Ageing and Human Performance. He has held academic leadership positions in high profile institutions in the world of Sport and Exercise Science including Liverpool John Moores University and the University of Birmingham. He has also strategically led Sport Science support in an high-performance institute focused on elite youth athletes at Aspire Academy in Qatar. Tim is a past president of the European College of Sport Science and has been engaged with this society since hosting the annual ECSS Congress in Liverpool in 2011. 

Interests and expertise

Tim has published over 230 research articles in leading international journals at an H-index of 54 (scopus).  These cover topics such as the impact of exercise and training on endothelial function, exercise and thermoregulation, exercise, ageing and cardiovascular control and applied performance physiology.  Tim has supervised more than 50 Doctoral candidates, many of whom have establish research careers of international repute.


Tim has led the successful implementation of childhood weight management services in the North West of England.  This involved whole family approaches to raising awareness of physical activity, nutritional and behavioural changes in all generations of family members and had a particular focus in ethnically diverse communities.  Significant impact has also been realised in the support of international athletes and the support teams that care for these gifted individuals.


Thermoregulatory control in post-menopausal women

Endothelial function in health and disease and the impact of exercise

Innovation of practice in support of the elite athlete

Promoting active and healthy lifestyles in our communities


Successful supervision of 51 Doctoral candidates 

Expertise in exercise in extreme environments

Cardiovascular control in health and disease

National Teaching Fellow with in-depth understanding of the design of employability related curricula

Research outputs

  • Chapters in books

    Cocking, S., Jones, H., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H. (2018) 'Enhancing Sports Performance Through Ischemic Preconditioning: Moderating Factors and Potential Mechanisms.' The Science of Hormesis in Health and Longevity. pp. 213-222.

    Harriss, D.J., Cable, N.T., George, K., Reilly, T., Renehan, A.G., Haboubi, N. (2010) 'Physical activity before and after diagnosis of colorectal cancer.' Exercise and Cancer Survivorship: Impact on Health Outcomes and Quality of Life. pp. 153-172.

    Bambaeichi, E., Cable, N.T., Reilly, T., Giacomoni, M. (2003) 'Interaction effects of time of day and menstrual cycle on muscle strength.' Kinanthropometry VIII: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). pp. 227-239.

    Egan, E., Giacomoni, M., Reilly, T., Cable, N.T., Whyte, G. (2003) 'Menstrual dysfunction in elite ice hockey players preparing For the 2002 winter Olympics.' Kinanthropometry VIII: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). pp. 214-226.

  • Journal articles

    Lamberts, R.P., Cable, N.T. (2024) 'Academic Life: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.' International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 19(4) pp. 329-330.

    Weaver, S.R.C., Rendeiro, C., Lucas, R.A.I., Cable, N.T., Nightingale, T.E., McGettrick, H.M., Lucas, S.J.E. (2022) 'Non-pharmacological interventions for vascular health and the role of the endothelium.' European Journal of Applied Physiology, 122(12) pp. 2493-2514.

    Miller, G.D., Maxwell, J.D., Thompson, A., Cable, N.T., Low, D.A., George, K.P., Jones, H. (2022) 'The effects of exercise training in the cold on cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular function in young healthy individuals.' Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical, 238

    Mawhinney, C., Heinonen, I., Low, D.A., Han, C., Jones, H., Kalliokoski, K.K., Kirjavainen, A., Kemppainen, J., Di Salvo, V., Lolli, L., Cable, N.T., Gregson, W. (2022) 'Cool-water immersion reduces postexercise quadriceps femoris muscle perfusion more than cold-water immersion.' Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 54(7) pp. 1085-1094.

    Skinner, B.D., Davies, R.J., Weaver, S.R., Cable, N.T., Lucas, S.J.E., Lucas, R.A.I. (2021) 'A systematic review and meta-analysis examining whether changing ovarian sex steroid hormone levels influence cerebrovascular function.' Frontiers in Physiology, 12

    Dawson, E.A., Boidin, M., Thompson, R., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J., Green, D.J. (2021) 'Impact of proximal and distal cuff inflation on brachial artery endothelial function in healthy individuals.' European Journal of Applied Physiology, 121(4) pp. 1135-1144.

    Weaver, S.R., Skinner, B.D., Furlong, R., Lucas, R.A.I., Cable, N.T., Rendeiro, C., McGettrick, H.M., Lucas, S.J.E. (2021) 'Corrigendum: Cerebral Hemodynamic and Neurotrophic Factor Responses Are Dependent on the Type of Exercise (Front. Physiol, (2021), 11, (609935), 10.3389/fphys.2020.609935).' Frontiers in Physiology, 12

    Barbaresi, S., Blancquaert, L., Nikolovski, Z., de Jager, S., Wilson, M., Everaert, I., De Baere, S., Croubels, S., De Smet, S., Cable, N.T., Derave, W. (2021) 'Ergogenic effect of pre-exercise chicken broth ingestion on a high-intensity cycling time-trial.' Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 18

    Watson, P.M., Dugdill, L., Pickering, K., Hargreaves, J., Staniford, L.J., Owen, S., Murphy, R.C., Knowles, Z.R., Johnson, L.J., Cable, N.T. (2021) 'Distinguishing factors that influence attendance and behaviour change in family-based treatment of childhood obesity: A qualitative study.' British Journal of Health Psychology, 26(1) pp. 67-89.

    Weaver, S.R., Skinner, B.D., Furlong, R., Lucas, R.A.I., Cable, N.T., Rendeiro, C., McGettrick, H.M., Lucas, S.J.E. (2021) 'Cerebral Hemodynamic and Neurotrophic Factor Responses Are Dependent on the Type of Exercise.' Frontiers in Physiology, 11

    Nikolovski, Z., Barbaresi, S., Cable, T., Peric, R. (2021) 'Evaluating the influence of differences in methodological approach on metabolic thresholds and fat oxidation points relationship.' European Journal of Sport Science, 21(1) pp. 61-68.

    Price, B.S., Lucas, S.J.E., Gifford, R.E., Cable, N.T., Lucas, R.A.I. (2020) 'Does Heat Thermotherapy Improve Cardiovascular and Cardiometabolic Health? A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis of the Literature.'

    Mawhinney, C., Heinonen, I., Low, D.A., Han, C., Jones, H., Kalliokoski, K.K., Kirjavainen, A., Kemppainen, J., Di Salvo, V., Weston, M., Cable, T., Gregson, W. (2020) 'Changes in quadriceps femoris muscle perfusion following different degrees of cold-water immersion.' Journal of Applied Physiology, 128(5) pp. 1392-1401.

    Low, D.A., Jones, H., Cable, N.T., Alexander, L.M., Kenney, W.L. (2020) 'Historical reviews of the assessment of human cardiovascular function: interrogation and understanding of the control of skin blood flow.' European Journal of Applied Physiology, 120(1)

    Holder, S.M., Brislane, Á., Dawson, E.A., Hopkins, N.D., Hopman, M.T.E., Cable, N.T., Jones, H., Schreuder, T.H.A., Sprung, V.S., Naylor, L., Maiorana, A., Thompson, A., Thijssen, D.H.J., Green, D.J. (2019) 'Relationship between endothelial function and the eliciting shear stress stimulus in women: Changes across the lifespan differ to men.' Journal of the American Heart Association, 8(4)

    Taheri, S., Chagoury, O., Zaghloul, H., Elhadad, S., Ahmed, S.H., Omar, O., Payra, S., Ahmed, S., El Khatib, N., Amona, R.A., El Nahas, K., Bolton, M., Chaar, H., Suleiman, N., Jayyousi, A., Zirie, M., Janahi, I., Elhag, W., Alnaama, A., Zainel, A., Hassan, D., Cable, T., Charlson, M., Wells, M., Al-Hamaq, A., Al-Abdulla, S., Abou-Samra, A.B. (2018) 'Diabetes Intervention Accentuating Diet and Enhancing Metabolism (DIADEM-I): A randomised controlled trial to examine the impact of an intensive lifestyle intervention consisting of a low-energy diet and physical activity on body weight and metabolism in early type 2 diabetes mellitus: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.' Trials, 19(1)

    Cocking, S., Cable, N.T., Wilson, M.G., Green, D.J., Thijssen, D.H.J., Jones, H. (2018) 'Conduit artery diameter during exercise is enhanced after local, but not remote, ischemic preconditioning.' Frontiers in Physiology, 9(APR)

    Atkinson, C.L., Carter, H.H., Thijssen, D.H.J., Birk, G.K., Cable, N.T., Low, D.A., Kerstens, F., Meeuwis, I., Dawson, E.A., Green, D.J. (2018) 'Localised cutaneous microvascular adaptation to exercise training in humans.' European Journal of Applied Physiology, 118(4) pp. 837-845.

    Cocking, S., Wilson, M.G., Nichols, D., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J., Thijssen, D.H.J., Jones, H. (2018) 'Is there an optimal ischemic-preconditioning dose to improve cycling performance?.' International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 13(3) pp. 274-282.

    Dawson, E.A., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2018) 'Do acute effects of exercise on vascular function predict adaptation to training?.' European Journal of Applied Physiology, 118(3) pp. 523-530.

    Bourdon, P.C., Cardinale, M., Gregson, W., Cable, N.T. (2017) 'Hashtag #trainingload2016-spreading the word.' International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12

    Bourdon, P.C., Cardinale, M., Murray, A., Gastin, P., Kellmann, M., Varley, M.C., Gabbett, T.J., Coutts, A.J., Burgess, D.J., Gregson, W., Cable, N.T. (2017) 'Monitoring athlete training loads: Consensus statement.' International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12pp. 161-170.

    Seeger, J.P.H., Timmers, S., Ploegmakers, D.J.M., Cable, N.T., Hopman, M.T.E., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2017) 'Is delayed ischemic preconditioning as effective on running performance during a 5 km time trial as acute IPC?.' Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20(2) pp. 208-212.

    Bailey, T.G., Cable, T., Aziz, N., Dobson, R., Sprung, V.S., Low, D.A., Jones, H. (2017) 'In reply.' Menopause, 24(1) pp. 118-120.

    Pugh, C.J.A., Sprung, V.S., Jones, H., Richardson, P., Shojaee-Moradie, F., Umpleby, A.M., Green, D.J., Cable, N.T., Trenell, M.I., Kemp, G.J., Cuthbertson, D.J. (2016) 'Exercise-induced improvements in liver fat and endothelial function are not sustained 12 months following cessation of exercise supervision in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.' International Journal of Obesity, 40(12) pp. 1927-1930.

    Low, D.A., Bailey, T.G., Timothy Cable, N., Jones, H. (2016) 'Thermoregulatory responses to combined moderate heat stress and hypoxia.' Microcirculation, 23(7) pp. 487-494.

    Bailey, T.G., Cable, N.T., Miller, G.D., Sprung, V.S., Low, D.A., Jones, H. (2016) 'Repeated Warm Water Immersion Induces Similar Cerebrovascular Adaptations to 8 Weeks of Moderate-Intensity Exercise Training in Females.' International Journal of Sports Medicine, 37(10) pp. 757-765.

    Bailey, T.G., Cable, N.T., Aziz, N., Dobson, R., Sprung, V.S., Low, D.A., Jones, H. (2016) 'Exercise training reduces the frequency of menopausal hot flushes by improving thermoregulatory control.' Menopause, 23(7) pp. 708-718.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Maxwell, J., Green, D.J., Cable, N.T., Jones, H. (2016) 'Repeated ischaemic preconditioning: A novel therapeutic intervention and potential underlying mechanisms.' Experimental Physiology, 101(6) pp. 677-692.

    Bailey, T.G., Cable, N.T., Aziz, N., Atkinson, G., Cuthbertson, D.J., Low, D.A., Jones, H. (2016) 'Exercise training reduces the acute physiological severity of post-menopausal hot flushes.' Journal of Physiology, 594(3) pp. 657-667.

    Wilson, M.G., Ellison, G.M., Cable, N.T. (2016) 'Basic science behind the cardiovascular benefits of exercise.' British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50(2) pp. 93-99.

    Seeger, J.P.H., Benda, N.M.M., Riksen, N.P., Van Dijk, A.P.J., Bellersen, L., Hopman, M.T.E., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2016) 'Heart failure is associated with exaggerated endothelial ischaemia-reperfusion injury and attenuated effect of ischaemic preconditioning.' European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 23(1) pp. 33-40.

    Low, D.A., Bailey, T.G., Turner, D., Cable, N.T., Jones, H. (2015) 'The effect of local repeated passive heating and handgrip exercise on reflex cutaneous vascular and sudomotor responses to whole-body heat stress.' Extreme Physiology & Medicine, 4(S1)

    Wilson, M.G., Ellison, G.M., Cable, N.T. (2015) 'Basic science behind the cardiovascular benefits of exercise.' Postgraduate Medical Journal, 91(1082) pp. 704-711.

    Trigwell, J., Murphy, R.C., Cable, N.T., Stratton, G., Watson, P.M. (2015) 'Parental views of children's physical activity: A qualitative study with parents from multi-ethnic backgrounds living in England.' BMC Public Health, 15(1)

    Jones, H., Nyakayiru, J., Bailey, T.G., Green, D.J., Cable, N.T., Sprung, V.S., Hopkins, N.D., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2015) 'Impact of eight weeks of repeated ischaemic preconditioning on brachial artery and cutaneous microcirculatory function in healthy males.' European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 22(8) pp. 1083-1087.

    Wilson, M.G., Ellison, G.M., Cable, N.T. (2015) 'Basic science behind the cardiovascular benefits of exercise.' Heart, 101(10) pp. 758-765.

    Dawson, E.A., Low, D.A., Meeuwis, I.H.M., Kerstens, F.G., Atkinson, C.L., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2015) 'Reproducibility of Cutaneous Vascular Conductance Responses to Slow Local Heating Assessed Using seven-Laser Array Probes.' Microcirculation, 22(4) pp. 276-284.

    Seeger, J.P.H., Lenting, C.J., Schreuder, T.H.A., Landman, T.R.J., Timothy Cable, N., Hopman, M.T.E., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2015) 'Interval exercise, but not endurance exercise, prevents endothelial ischemia-reperfusion injury in healthy subjects.' American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 308(4) pp. H351-H357.

    Watson, P.M., Dugdill, L., Pickering, K., Owen, S., Hargreaves, J., Staniford, L.J., Murphy, R.C., Knowles, Z., Cable, N.T. (2015) 'Service evaluation of the GOALS family-based childhood obesity treatment intervention during the first 3 years of implementation.' BMJ Open, 5(2)

    Carter, H.H., Spence, A.L., Atkinson, C.L., Pugh, C.J.A., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J., Naylor, L.H., Green, D.J. (2014) 'Distinct effects of blood flow and temperature on cutaneous microvascular adaptation.' Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 46(11) pp. 2113-2121.

    Pugh, C.J.A., Sprung, V.S., Kemp, G.J., Richardson, P., Shojaee-Moradie, F., Margot Umpleby, A., Green, D.J., Timothy Cable, N., Jones, H., Cuthbertson, D.J. (2014) 'Exercise training reverses endothelial dysfunction in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.' American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 307(9) pp. H1298-H1306.

    Green, D.J., Eijsvogels, T., Bouts, Y.M., Maiorana, A.J., Naylor, L.H., Scholten, R.R., Spaanderman, M.E.A., Pugh, C.J.A., Sprung, V.S., Schreuder, T., Jones, H., Cable, T., Hopman, M.T.E., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2014) 'Exercise training and artery function in humans: Nonresponse and its relationship to cardiovascular risk factors.' Journal of Applied Physiology, 117(4) pp. 345-352.

    Trigwell, J., Watson, P.M., Murphy, R.C., Stratton, G., Cable, N.T. (2014) 'Ethnic differences in parental attitudes and beliefs about being overweight in childhood.' Health Education Journal, 73(2) pp. 179-191.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Dawson, E.A., van den Munckhof, I., Birk, G.K., Timothy Cable, N., Green, D.J. (2014) 'Response to: 'Reshape of the arterial wall as a slow reacting vascular structure'.' Atherosclerosis, 233(1) pp. 1-2.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Dawson, E.A., van den Munckhof, I.C.L., Birk, G.K., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2014) 'Corrigendum to "Local and systemic effects of leg cycling training on arterial wall thickness in healthy humans" [Atherosclerosis 229 (2) (2013) 282-286].' Atherosclerosis, 232(2)

    Sprung, V.S., Jones, H., Pugh, C.J.A., Aziz, N.F., Daousi, C., Kemp, G.J., Green, D.J., Cable, N.T., Cuthbertson, D.J. (2014) 'Endothelial dysfunction in hyperandrogenic polycystic ovary syndrome is not explained by either obesity or ectopic fat deposition.' Clinical Science, 126(1) pp. 67-74.

    Jones, H., Hopkins, N., Bailey, T.G., Green, D.J., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2014) 'Seven-day remote ischemic preconditioning improves local and systemic endothelial function and microcirculation in healthy humans.' American Journal of Hypertension, 27(7) pp. 918-925.

    Humphreys, R.E., Green, D.J., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J., Dawson, E.A. (2014) 'Low-flow mediated constriction: The yin to FMD's yang?.' Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy, 12(5) pp. 557-564.

    Dawson, E.A., Green, D.J., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2013) 'Effects of acute exercise on flow-mediated dilatation in healthy humans.' Journal of Applied Physiology, 115(11) pp. 1589-1598.

    Sprung, V.S., Cuthbertson, D.J., Pugh, C.J.A., Aziz, N., Kemp, G.J., Daousi, C., Green, D.J., Cable, N.T., Jones, H. (2013) 'Exercise training in polycystic ovarian syndrome enhances flow-mediated dilation in the absence of changes in fatness.' Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 45(12) pp. 2234-2242.

    Hopkins, N.D., Van Den Munckhof, I., Thijssen, D.H.J., Tinken, T.M., Cable, N.T., Stratton, G., Green, D.J. (2013) 'Are changes in conduit artery function associated with intima-medial thickness in young subjects?.' European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 20(5) pp. 904-910.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Dawson, E.A., van den Munckhof, I.C.L., Birk, G.K., Timothy Cable, N., Green, D.J. (2013) 'Local and systemic effects of leg cycling training on arterial wall thickness in healthy humans.' Atherosclerosis, 229(2) pp. 282-286.

    Pugh, C.J.A., Cuthbertson, D.J., Sprung, V.S., Kemp, G.J., Richardson, P., Margot Umpleby, A., Green, D.J., Timothy Cable, N., Jones, H. (2013) 'Exercise training improves cutaneous microvascular function in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.' American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism, 305(1)

    Beynon, C.M., Luxton, A., Whitaker, R., Cable, N.T., Frith, L., Taylor, A.H., Zou, L., Angell, P., Robinson, S., Holland, D., Holland, S., Gabbay, M. (2013) 'Exercise referral for drug users aged 40 and over: Results of a pilot study in the UK.' BMJ Open, 3(5)

    Birk, G.K., Dawson, E.A., Timothy Cable, N., Green, D.J., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2013) 'Effect of unilateral forearm inactivity on endothelium-dependent vasodilator function in humans.' European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113(4) pp. 933-940.

    Watson, P.M., Dugdill, L., Murphy, R., Knowles, Z., Cable, N.T. (2013) 'Moving forward in childhood obesity treatment: A call for translational research.' Health Education Journal, 72(2) pp. 230-239.

    Sprung, V.S., Atkinson, G., Cuthbertson, D.J., Pugh, C.J.A., Aziz, N., Green, D.J., Cable, N.T., Jones, H. (2013) 'Endothelial function measured using flow-mediated dilation in polycystic ovary syndrome: A meta-analysis of the observational studies.' Clinical Endocrinology, 78(3) pp. 438-446.

    Sprung, V.S., Cuthbertson, D.J., Pugh, C.J.A., Daousi, C., Atkinson, G., Aziz, N.F., Kemp, G.J., Green, D.J., Cable, N.T., Jones, H. (2013) 'Nitric oxide-mediated cutaneous microvascular function is impaired in polycystic ovary sydrome but can be improved by exercise training.' Journal of Physiology, 591(6) pp. 1475-1487.

    Sparks, S.A., MacLaren, D.P.M., Bridge, N.E., Cable, N.T., Doran, D.A. (2013) 'Laboratory simulated duathlon performance: Effects of pre-exercise meals.' International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 23(6) pp. 610-616.

    Hopkins, N.D., Cuthbertson, D.J., Kemp, G.J., Pugh, C., Green, D.J., Cable, N.T., Jones, H. (2013) 'Effects of 6months glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist treatment on endothelial function in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.' Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 15(8) pp. 770-773.

    Carter, H.H., Dawson, E.A., Birk, G.K., Spence, A.L., Naylor, L.H., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J., Green, D.J. (2013) 'Effect of SR manipulation on conduit artery dilation in humans.' Hypertension, 61(1) pp. 143-150.

    Birk, G.K., Dawson, E.A., Batterham, A.M., Atkinson, G., Cable, T., Thijssen, D.H.J., Green, D.J. (2013) 'Effects of exercise intensity on flow mediated dilation in healthy humans.' International Journal of Sports Medicine, 34(5) pp. 409-414.

    Green, D.J., Rowley, N., Spence, A., Carter, H., Whyte, G., George, K., Naylor, L.H., Timothy Cable, N., Dawson, E.A., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2013) 'Why isn't flow-mediated dilation enhanced in athletes?.' Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 45(1) pp. 75-82.

    van den Munckhof, I., Scholten, R., Cable, N.T., Hopman, M.T.E., Green, D.J., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2012) 'Impact of age and sex on carotid and peripheral arterial wall thickness in humans.' Acta Physiologica, 206(4) pp. 220-228.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., De Groot, P.C.E., Van Den Bogerd, A., Veltmeijer, M., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J., Hopman, M.T.E. (2012) 'Time course of arterial remodelling in diameter and wall thickness above and below the lesion after a spinal cord injury.' European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112(12) pp. 4103-4109.

    Bailey, T.G., Jones, H., Gregson, W., Atkinson, G., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2012) 'Effect of ischemic preconditioning on lactate accumulation and running performance.' Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44(11) pp. 2084-2089.

    Dawson, E.A., Alkarmi, A., Thijssen, D.H.J., Rathore, S., Marsman, D.E., Timothy Cable, N., Jay Wright, D., Green, D.J. (2012) 'Low-flow mediated constriction is endothelium-dependent: Effects of exercise training after radial artery catheterization.' Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions, 5(5) pp. 713-719.

    Bailey, T.G., Birk, G.K., Timothy Cable, N., Atkinson, G., Green, D.J., Jones, H., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2012) 'Remote ischemic preconditioning prevents reduction in brachial artery flow-mediated dilation after strenuous exercise.' American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 303(5)

    Birk, G.K., Dawson, E.A., Atkinson, C., Haynes, A., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J., Green, D.J. (2012) 'Brachial artery adaptation to lower limb exercise training: Role of shear stress.' Journal of Applied Physiology, 112(10) pp. 1653-1658.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2012) 'Impact of exercise training on arterial wall thickness in humans.' Clinical Science, 122(7) pp. 311-322.

    Tew, G.A., George, K.P., Cable, N.T., Hodges, G.J. (2012) 'Endurance exercise training enhances cutaneous microvascular reactivity in post-menopausal women.' Microvascular Research, 83(2) pp. 223-228.

    Hopkins, N.D., Stratton, G., Cable, N.T., Tinken, T.M., Graves, L.E.F., Green, D.J. (2012) 'Impact of exercise training on endothelial function and body composition in young people: A study of mono- and di-zygotic twins.' European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112(2) pp. 421-427.

    Hopkins, N., Stratton, G., Ridgers, N.D., Graves, L.E.F., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2012) 'Lack of relationship between sedentary behaviour and vascular function in children.' European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112(2) pp. 617-622.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Willems, L., Van Den Munckhof, I., Scholten, R., Hopman, M.T.E., Dawson, E.A., Atkinson, G., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2011) 'Impact of wall thickness on conduit artery function in humans: Is there a "Folkow" effect?.' Atherosclerosis, 217(2) pp. 415-419.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Rowley, N., Padilla, J., Simmons, G.H., Harold Laughlin, M., Whyte, G., Timothy Cable, N., Green, D.J. (2011) 'Relationship between upper and lower limb conduit artery vasodilator function in humans.' Journal of Applied Physiology, 111(1) pp. 244-250.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Dawson, E.A., van den Munckhof, I.C.L., Tinken, T.M., den Drijver, E., Hopkins, N., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2011) 'Exercise-mediated changes in conduit artery wall thickness in humans: Role of shear stress.' American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 301(1)

    Watson, P.M., Dugdill, L., Pickering, K., Bostock, S., Hargreaves, J., Staniford, L., Cable, N.T. (2011) 'A whole family approach to childhood obesity management (GOALS): Relationship between adult and child BMI change.' Annals of Human Biology, 38(4) pp. 445-452.

    Rowley, N.J., Dawson, E.A., Birk, G.K., Cable, N.T., George, K., Whyte, G., Thijssen, D.H.J., Green, D.J. (2011) 'Exercise and arterial adaptation in humans: Uncoupling localized and systemic effects.' Journal of Applied Physiology, 110(5) pp. 1190-1195.

    Carter, H.H., Dawson, E.A., Cable, N.T., Basnayake, S., Aziz, T.Z., Green, A.L., Paterson, D.J., Lind, C.R.P., Thijssen, D.H.J., Green, D.J. (2011) 'Deep brain stimulation of the periaqueductal grey induces vasodilation in humans.' Hypertension, 57(5)

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Tinken, T.M., Hopkins, N., Dawson, E.A., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2011) 'The impact of exercise training on the diameter dilator response to forearm ischaemia in healthy men.' Acta Physiologica, 201(4) pp. 427-434.

    Green, D.J., Jones, H., Thijssen, D., Cable, N.T., Atkinson, G. (2011) 'Flow-mediated dilation and cardiovascular event prediction: Does nitric oxide matter?.' Hypertension, 57(3) pp. 363-369.

    Hopkins, N.D., Stratton, G., Tinken, T.M., Ridgers, N.D., Graves, L.E., McWhannell, N., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2011) 'Seasonal reduction in physical activity and flow-mediated dilation in children.' Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 43(2) pp. 232-238.

    Naylor, L.H., Carter, H., FitzSimons, M.G., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J., Green, D.J. (2011) 'Repeated increases in blood flow, independent of exercise, enhance conduit artery vasodilator function in humans.' American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 300(2)

    Green, D.J., Spence, A., Halliwill, J.R., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2011) 'Exercise and vascular adaptation in asymptomatic humans.' Experimental Physiology, 96(2) pp. 57-70.

    Hart, E.C., Rasmussen, P., Secher, N.H., George, K.P., Cable, N.T., Volianitis, S., Shave, R. (2010) 'The carotid baroreflex is reset following prolonged exercise in humans.' Acta Physiologica, 200(4) pp. 291-299.

    Hopkins, N., Stratton, G., Maia, J., Tinken, T.M., Graves, L.E., Cable, T.N., Green, D.J. (2010) 'Heritability of arterial function, fitness, and physical activity in youth: A study of monozygotic and dizygotic twins.' Journal of Pediatrics, 157(6) pp. 943-948.

    Hopkins, N.D., Green, D.J., Tinken, T.M., Sutton, L., McWhannell, N., Cable, N.T., Stratton, G., George, K. (2010) 'Does brachial artery flow-mediated dilation scale to anthropometric characteristics?.' European Journal of Applied Physiology, 110(1) pp. 171-176.

    Privett, S.E., George, K.P., Whyte, G.P., Cable, N.T. (2010) 'The effectiveness of compression garments and lower limb exercise on post-exercise blood pressure regulation in orthostatically intolerant athletes.' Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 20(5) pp. 362-367.

    Taylor, C.E., Jones, H., Zaregarizi, M., Cable, N.T., George, K.P., Atkinson, G. (2010) 'Blood pressure status and post-exercise hypotension: An example of a spurious correlation in hypertension research.' Journal of Human Hypertension, 24(9) pp. 585-592.

    Hodges, G.J., Sharp, L., Clements, R.E., Goldspink, D.F., George, K.P., Cable, N.T. (2010) 'Influence of age, sex, and aerobic capacity on forearm and skin blood flow and vascular conductance.' European Journal of Applied Physiology, 109(6) pp. 1009-1015.

    Stapleton, C.H., Elias, J., Green, D.J., Cable, N.T., George, K.P. (2010) 'Arterial compression during overhead throwing: A risk for arterial injury?.' Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 36(8) pp. 1259-1266.

    Privett, S.E., George, K.P., Middleton, N., Whyte, G.P., Cable, N.T. (2010) 'The effect of prolonged endurance exercise upon blood pressure regulation during a postexercise orthostatic challenge.' British Journal of Sports Medicine, 44(10) pp. 720-724.

    Alkarmi, A., Thijssen, D.H.J., Albouaini, K., Cable, N.T., Wright, D.J., Green, D.J., Dawson, E.A. (2010) 'Arterial prehabilitation: Can exercise induce changes in artery size and function that decrease complications of catheterization?.' Sports Medicine, 40(6) pp. 481-492.

    Green, D.J., Swart, A., Exterkate, A., Naylor, L.H., Black, M.A., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J. (2010) 'Impact of age, sex and exercise on brachial and popliteal artery remodelling in humans.' Atherosclerosis, 210(2) pp. 525-530.

    Dawson, E.A., Rathore, S., Cable, N.T., Wright, D.J., Morris, J.L., Green, D.J. (2010) 'Impact of catheter insertion using the radial approach on vasodilatation in humans.' Clinical Science, 118(10) pp. 633-640.

    Green, D.J., Carter, H.H., Fitzsimons, M.G., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J., Naylor, L.H. (2010) 'Obligatory role of hyperaemia and shear stress in microvascular adaptation to repeated heating in humans.' Journal of Physiology, 588(9) pp. 1571-1577.

    Dawson, E.A., Rathore, S., Cable, N.T., Wright, D.J., Morris, J.L., Green, D.J. (2010) 'Impact of introducer sheath coating on endothelial function in humans after transradial coronary procedures.' Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions, 3(2) pp. 148-156.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2010) 'Noninvasive assessment of subclinical atherosclerosis in children and adolescents.' Hypertension, 55(3)

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Maiorana, A.J., O'Driscoll, G., Cable, N.T., Hopman, M.T.E., Green, D.J. (2010) 'Impact of inactivity and exercise on the vasculature in humans.' European Journal of Applied Physiology, 108(5) pp. 845-875.

    Tinken, T.M., Thijssen, D.H.J., Hopkins, N., Dawson, E.A., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2010) 'Shear stress mediates endothelial adaptations to exercise training in humans.' Hypertension, 55(2) pp. 312-318.

    Graves, L.E.F., Ridgers, N.D., Williams, K., Stratton, G., Atkinson, G., Cable, N.T. (2010) 'The physiological cost and enjoyment of Wii fit in adolescents, young adults, and older adults.' Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 7(3) pp. 393-401.

    Atkinson, G., Batterham, A.M., Black, M.A., Cable, N.T., Hopkins, N.D., Dawson, E.A., Thijssen, D.H.J., Jones, H., Tinken, T.M., Green, D.J. (2009) 'Is the ratio of flow-mediated dilation and shear rate a statistically sound approach to normalization in cross-sectional studies on endothelial function?.' Journal of Applied Physiology, 107(6) pp. 1893-1899.

    Hopkins, N.D., Green, D.J., Tinken, T.M., Sutton, L., McWhannell, N., Thijssen, D.H.J., Cable, N.T., Stratton, G., George, K. (2009) 'Does conduit artery diameter vary according to the anthropometric characteristics of children or men?.' American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 297(6)

    Goldspink, D.F., P. George, K., Chantler, P.D., Clements, R.E., Sharp, L., Hodges, G., Stephenson, C., Reilly, T.P., Patwala, A., Szakmany, T., Tan, L.B., Cable, N.T. (2009) 'A study of presbycardia, with gender differences favoring ageing women.' International Journal of Cardiology, 137(3) pp. 236-245.

    Holloway, K.V., O'Gorman, M., Woods, P., Morton, J.P., Evans, L., Cable, N.T., Goldspink, D.F., Burniston, J.G. (2009) 'Proteomic investigation of changes in human vastus lateralis muscle in response to interval-exercise training.' Proteomics, 9(22) pp. 5155-5174.

    Stapleton, C.H., Green, D.J., Cable, N.T., George, K.P. (2009) 'Flow-Mediated Dilation and Intima-Media Thickness of the Brachial and Axillary Arteries in Individuals With and Without Inducible Axillary Artery Compression.' Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 35(9) pp. 1443-1451.

    Harriss, D.J., Atkinson, G., Batterham, A., George, K., Cable, N.T., Reilly, T., Haboubi, N., Renehan, A.G. (2009) 'Lifestyle factors and colorectal cancer risk (2): A systematic review and meta-analysis of associations with leisure-time physical activity.' Colorectal Disease, 11(7) pp. 689-701.

    Tinken, T.M., Thijssen, D.H.J., Hopkins, N., Black, M.A., Dawson, E.A., Minson, C.T., Newcomer, S.C., Laughlin, M.H., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2009) 'Impact of shear rate modulation on vascular function in humans.' Hypertension, 54(2) pp. 278-285.

    Dawson, E.A., Black, M.A., Pybis, J., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2009) 'The impact of exercise on derived measures of central pressure and augmentation index obtained from the SphygmoCor device.' Journal of Applied Physiology, 106(6) pp. 1896-1901.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Dawson, E.A., Tinken, T.M., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2009) 'Retrograde Flow and Shear Rate Acutely Impair Endothelial Function in Humans.' Hypertension, 53(6) pp. 986-992.

    Hopkins, N.D., Stratton, G., Tinken, T.M., McWhannell, N., Ridgers, N.D., Graves, L.E.F., George, K., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2009) 'Relationships between measures of fitness, physical activity, body composition and vascular function in children.' Atherosclerosis, 204(1) pp. 244-249.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Dawson, E.A., Black, M.A., Hopman, M.T.E., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2009) 'Brachial artery blood flow responses to different modalities of lower limb exercise.' Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 41(5) pp. 1072-1079.

    Morton, J.P., Holloway, K., Woods, P., Cable, N.T., Burniston, J., Evans, L., Kayani, A.C., McArdle, A. (2009) 'Exercise training-induced gender-specific heat shock protein adaptations in human skeletal muscle.' Muscle and Nerve, 39(2) pp. 230-233.

    George, K., Shave, R., Oxborough, D., Cable, T., Dawson, E., Artis, N., Gaze, D., Hew-Butler, T., Sharwood, K., Noakes, T. (2009) 'Left ventricular wall segment motion after ultra-endurance exercise in humans assessed by myocardial speckle tracking.' European Journal of Echocardiography, 10(2) pp. 238-243.

    Black, M.A., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J., Green, D.J. (2009) 'Impact of age, sex, and exercise on brachial artery flow-mediated dilatation.' American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 297(3)

    Altareki, N., Drust, B., Atkinson, G., Cable, T., Gregson, W. (2009) 'Effects of environmental heat stress (35°C) with simulated air movement on the thermoregulatory responses during a 4-km cycling time trial.' International Journal of Sports Medicine, 30(1) pp. 9-15.

    Cable, T., Sanderson, F., Nevill, A. (2009) 'A tribute to professor thomas reilly (1941–2009).' Journal of Sports Sciences, 27(11) pp. 1107-1108.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Bullens, L.M., Van Bemmel, M.M., Dawson, E.A., Hopkins, N., Tinken, T.M., Black, M.A., Hopman, M.T.E., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2009) 'Does arterial shear explain the magnitude of flow-mediated dilation?: A comparison between young and older humans.' American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 296(1)

    Morton, J.P., Maclaren, D.P.M., Cable, N.T., Campbell, I.T., Evans, L., Kayani, A.C., Mcardle, A., Drust, B. (2008) 'Trained men display increased basal heat shock protein content of skeletal muscle.' Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 40(7) pp. 1255-1262.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Dawson, E.A., Black, M.A., Hopman, M.T.E., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2008) 'Heterogeneity in conduit artery function in humans: Impact of arterial size.' American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 295(5)

    Tinken, T.M., Thijssen, D.H.J., Black, M.A., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2008) 'Time course of change in vasodilator function and capacity in response to exercise training in humans.' Journal of Physiology, 586(20) pp. 5003-5012.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Van Bemmel, M.M., Bullens, L.M., Dawson, E.A., Hopkins, N.D., Tinken, T.M., Black, M.A., Hopman, M.T.E., Cable, N.T., Green, D.J. (2008) 'The impact of baseline diameter on flow-mediated dilation differs in young and older humans.' American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 295(4)

    Green, D.J., Maiorana, A.J., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J., Hopman, M.T.E. (2008) 'Point:Counterpoint: Exercise training does/does not induce vascular adaptations beyond the active muscle beds.' Journal of Applied Physiology, 105(3) pp. 1002-1006.

    Thijssen, D.H.J., Green, D.J., Maiorana, A., Cable, N.T., Hopman, M.T.E. (2008) 'Last Word on Point:Counterpoint: Exercise training does/does not induce vascular adaptations beyond the active muscle beds.' Journal of Applied Physiology, 105(3)

    Green, D.J., O'Driscoll, G., Joyner, M.J., Cable, N.T. (2008) 'Exercise and cardiovascular risk reduction: Time to update the rationale for exercise?.' Journal of Applied Physiology, 105(2) pp. 766-768.

    Black, M.A., Green, D.J., Cable, N.T. (2008) 'Exercise prevents age-related decline in nitric-oxide-mediated vasodilator function in cutaneous microvessels.' Journal of Physiology, 586(14) pp. 3511-3524.

    Graves, L., Stratton, G., Ridgers, N.D., Cable, N.T. (2008) 'Energy expenditure in adolescents playing new generation computer games.' British Journal of Sports Medicine, 42(7) pp. 592-594.

    Black, M.A., Cable, N.T., Thijssen, D.H.J., Green, D.J. (2008) 'Importance of measuring the time course of flow-mediated dilatation in humans.' Hypertension, 51(2) pp. 203-210.

    Black, M.A., Green, D.J., Goldspink, D.F., Cable, N.T. (2008) 'Cardiopulmonary fitness prevents age-related decline in nitric oxide (NO)-mediated vasodilator function in human microvessels.' Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 57(1)

    Henaghan, J., McWhannell, N., Foweather, L., Cable, N.T., Batterham, A.M., Stratton, G., George, K.P. (2008) 'The effect of structured exercise classes and a lifestyle intervention on cardiovascular risk factors in primary schoolchildren: An exploratory trial (the A-CLASS Project).' Pediatric Exercise Science, 20(2) pp. 169-180.

    Graves, L., Stratton, G., Ridgers, N.D., Cable, N.T. (2007) 'Comparison of energy expenditure in adolescents when playing new generation and sedentary computer games: cross sectional study..' BMJ, 335(7633) pp. 1282-1284.

    Harriss, D.J., Cable, N.T., George, K., Reilly, T., Renehan, A.G., Haboubi, N. (2007) 'Physical activity before and after diagnosis of colorectal cancer: Disease risk, clinical outcomes, response pathways and biomarkers.' Sports Medicine, 37(11) pp. 947-960.

    Morton, J.P., MacLaren, D.P.M., Cable, N.T., Campbell, I.T., Evans, L., Bongers, T., Griffiths, R.D., Kayani, A.C., McArdle, A., Drust, B. (2007) 'Elevated core and muscle temperature to levels comparable to exercise do not increase heat shock protein content of skeletal muscle of physically active men.' Acta Physiologica, 190(4) pp. 319-327.

    Hew-Butler, T., Sharwood, K., Boulter, J., Collins, M., Tucker, R., Dugas, J., Shave, R., George, K., Cable, T., Verbalis, J.G., Noakes, T. (2007) 'Dysnatremia predicts a delayed recovery in collapsed ultramarathon runners.' Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 17(4) pp. 289-296.

    Hasan, A.A., Reilly, T., Cable, N.T., Ramadan, J. (2007) 'Anthropometric profiles of elite asian female handball players.' Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 47(2) pp. 197-202.

    Hasan, A.A.A., Rahaman, J.A., Cable, N.T., Reilly, T. (2007) 'Anthropometric profile of elite male handball players in Asia.' Biology of Sport, 24(1) pp. 3-12.

    Ellison, G.M., Torella, D., Karakikes, I., Purushothaman, S., Curcio, A., Gasparri, C., Indolfi, C., Cable, N.T., Goldspink, D.F., Nadal-Ginard, B. (2007) 'Acute β-adrenergic overload produces myocyte damage through calcium leakage from the ryanodine receptor 2 but spares cardiac stem cells.' Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282(15) pp. 11397-11409.

    Cable, N.T., Drust, B., Gregson, W.A. (2007) 'The impact of altered climatic conditions and altitude on circadian physiology.' Physiology and Behavior, 90(2-3) pp. 267-273.

    Green, D.J., Cable, T. (2006) 'Physical activity to prevent obesity in young children: BMI in the BMJ.' BMJ, 333(7579)

    Green, D.J., Cable, T. (2006) 'BMI in the BMJ [2].' British Medical Journal, 333(7579)

    Hughes, M.G., Doherty, M., Tong, R.J., Reilly, T., Cable, N.T. (2006) 'Reliability of repeated sprint exercise in non-motorised treadmill ergometry.' International Journal of Sports Medicine, 27(11) pp. 900-904.

    Morton, J.P., MacLaren, D.P.M., Cable, N.T., Bongers, T., Griffiths, R.D., Campbell, I.T., Evans, L., Kayani, A., McArdle, A., Drust, B. (2006) 'Time course and differential responses of the major heat shock protein families in human skeletal muscle following acute nondamaging treadmill exercise.' Journal of Applied Physiology, 101(1) pp. 176-182.

    Cable, N.T. (2006) 'Unlocking the secrets of skin blood flow.' Journal of Physiology, 572(3)

    Close, G.L., Ashton, T., Cable, T., Doran, D., Holloway, C., McArdle, F., MacLaren, D.P.M. (2006) 'Ascorbic acid supplementation does not attenuate post-exercise muscle soreness following muscle-damaging exercise but may delay the recovery process.' British Journal of Nutrition, 95(5) pp. 976-981.

    Close, G.L., Ashton, T., Cable, T., Doran, D., Noyes, C., McArdle, F., MacLaren, D.P.M. (2005) 'Effects of dietary carbohydrate on delayed onset muscle soreness and reactive oxygen species after contraction induced muscle damage.' British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(12) pp. 948-953.

    (2005) 'Kinanthropometry VIII.'

    Morton, J.P., Atkinson, G., MacLaren, D.P.M., Cable, N.T., Gilbert, G., Broome, C., McArdle, A., Drust, B. (2005) 'Reliability of maximal muscle force and voluntary activation as markers of exercise-induced muscle damage.' European Journal of Applied Physiology, 94(5-6) pp. 541-548.

    Gregson, W.A., Batterham, A., Drust, B., Cable, N.T. (2005) 'The influence of pre-warming on the physiological responses to prolonged intermittent exercise.' Journal of Sports Sciences, 23(5) pp. 455-464.

    Elliott, K.J., Cable, N.T., Reilly, T. (2005) 'Erratum: Does oral contraceptive use affect maximum force production in women? (British Journal of Sports Medicine (2005) 39 (15-19)).' British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(3)

    Cable, T., Nevill, A. (2005) 'BASES annual conference 7-9th September 2004, Liverpool, UK.' Journal of Sports Sciences, 23(2) pp. 91-92.

    Atkinson, G., Cable, N.T., George, K., Pescatello, L.S., Blanchard, B.E., O'Connell, A.A. (2005) 'The relationship between baseline blood pressure and magnitude of postexercise hypotension [1] (multiple letters).' Journal of Hypertension, 23(6) pp. 1271-1273.

    Elliott, K.J., Cable, N.T., Reilly, T. (2005) 'Does oral contraceptive use affect maximum force production in women?.' British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(1) pp. 15-19.

    Low, D., Purvis, A., Reilly, T., Cable, N.T. (2005) 'The prolactin responses to active and passive heating in man.' Experimental Physiology, 90(6) pp. 909-917.

    Elliott, K.J., Cable, N.T., Reilly, T., Sefton, V., Kingsland, C., Diver, M. (2005) 'Effects of supra-physiological changes in human ovarian hormone levels on maximum force production of the first dorsal interosseus muscle.' Experimental Physiology, 90(2) pp. 215-223.

    Bambaeichi, E., Reilly, T., Cable, N.T., Giacomoni, M. (2004) 'The isolated and combined effects of menstrual cycle phase and time-of-day on muscle strength of eumenorrheic females.' Chronobiology International, 21(4-5) pp. 645-660.

    Taylor, A., Cable, N.T., Faulkner, G., Hillsdon, M., Narici, M.V., Van Der Bij, A. (2004) 'Physical activity and older adults: a review of health benefits and the effectiveness of interventions.' Journal of Sports Sciences, 22(8) pp. 703-725.

    Cable, N.T., Elliott, K.J. (2004) 'The influence of reproductive hormones on muscle strength.' Biological Rhythm Research, 35(3) pp. 235-244.

    Close, G.L., Ashton, T., Cable, T., Doran, D., MacLaren, D.P.M. (2004) 'Eccentric exercise, isokinetic muscle torque and delayed onset muscle soreness: The role of reactive oxygen species.' European Journal of Applied Physiology, 91(5-6) pp. 615-621.

    Reilly, T.P., Dowzer, C.N., Cable, N.T. (2003) 'The physiology of deep-water running.' Journal of Sports Sciences, 21(12) pp. 959-972.

    Elliott, K.J., Cable, N.T., Reilly, T., Diver, M.J. (2003) 'Effect of menstrual cycle phase on the concentration of bioavailable 17-β oestradiol and testosterone and muscle strength.' Clinical Science, 105(6) pp. 663-669.

    Egan, E., Reilly, T., Whyte, G., Giacomoni, M., Cable, N.T. (2003) 'Disorders of the Menstrual Cycle in Elite Female Ice Hockey Players and Figure Skaters.' Biological Rhythm Research, 34(3) pp. 251-264.

    Elliott, K.J., Sale, C., Cable, N.T. (2002) 'Effects of resistance training and detraining on muscle strength and blood lipid profiles in postmenopausal women.' British Journal of Sports Medicine, 36(5) pp. 340-345.

    Gregson, W.A., Drust, B., Batterham, A., Cable, N.T. (2002) 'The effects of pre-warming on the metabolic and thermoregulatory responses to prolonged submaximal exercise in moderate ambient temperatures.' European Journal of Applied Physiology, 86(6) pp. 526-533.

    Birch, K., Cable, N., George, K. (2002) 'Combined oral contraceptives do not influence post-exercise hypotension in women.' Experimental Physiology, 87(5) pp. 623-632.

    Raine, N.M., Timothy Cable, N., George, K.P., Campbell, I.G. (2001) 'The influence of recovery posture on post-exercise hypotension in normotensive men.' Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(3) pp. 404-412.

    Aldemir, H., Atkinson, G., Cable, T., Edwards, B., Waterhouse, J., Reilly, T. (2000) 'A comparison of the immediate effects of moderate exercise in the early morning and late afternoon on core temperature and cutaneous thermoregulatory mechanisms.' Chronobiology International, 17(2) pp. 197-207.

    Drust, B., Cable, N.T., Reilly, T. (2000) 'Investigation of the effects of the pre-cooling on the physiological responses to soccer-specific intermittent exercise.' European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 81(1-2) pp. 11-17.

    Drust, B., Reilly, T., Cable, N.T. (2000) 'Physiological responses to laboratory-based soccer-specific intermittent and continuous exercise.' Journal of Sports Sciences, 18(11) pp. 885-892.

    Raine, N.M., Cable, N.T. (1999) 'A simplified paired neck chamber for the demonstration of baroreflex blood pressure regulation.' American Journal of Physiology, 277(6 PART 2)

    Greeves, J.P., Cable, N.T., Reilly, T., Kingsland, C. (1999) 'Changes in muscle strength in women following the menopause: A longitudinal assessment of the efficacy of hormone replacement therapy.' Clinical Science, 97(1) pp. 79-84.

    Dowzer, C.N., Reilly, T., Cable, N.T., Nevill, A. (1999) 'Maximal physiological responses to deep and shallow water running.' Ergonomics, 42(2) pp. 275-281.

    Raine, N.M., Cable, N.T. (1999) 'A simplified paired neck chamber for the demonstration of baroreflex blood pressure regulation.' American Journal of Physiology - Advances in Physiology Education, 22(1)

    Christmass, M.A., Richmond, S.E., Cable, N.T., Arthur, P.G., Hartmann, P.E. (1998) 'Exercise intensity and metabolic response in singles tennis.' Journal of Sports Sciences, 16(8) pp. 739-747.

    Garbutt, G., Cable, N.T. (1998) 'Circuit weight-training.' Sports Excercise and Injury, 4(2-3) pp. 46-49.

    Greeves, J.P., Cable, N.T., Luckas, M.J.M., Reilly, T., Biljan, M.M. (1997) 'Effects of acute changes in oestrogen on muscle function of the first dorsal interosseus muscle in humans.' Journal of Physiology, 500(1) pp. 265-270.

    Lawrence, S.R., Preen, D.B., Dawson, B.T., Beilby, J., Goodman, C., Cable, N.T. (1997) 'The effect of oral creatine supplementation on maximal exercise performance in competitive rowers.' Sports Medicine, Training and Rehabilitation, 7(3-4) pp. 243-253.

    Frisina, J.P., Gaudieri, S., Cable, T., Keast, D., Palmer, T.N. (1994) 'Effects of acute exercise on lymphocyte subsets and metabolic activity.' International Journal of Sports Medicine, 15(1) pp. 36-41.

    O'Beirne, C., Larkin, D., Cable, T. (1994) 'Coordination problems and anaerobic performance in children.' Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 11(2) pp. 141-149.

    Green, D.J., Cable, N.T., Fox, C., Rankin, J.M., Taylor, R.R. (1994) 'Modification of forearm resistance vessels by exercise training in young men.' Journal of Applied Physiology, 77(4) pp. 1829-1833.

    Chaplin, G., Jablonski, N.G., Cable, N.T. (1994) 'Physiology, thermoregulation and bipedalism.' Journal of Human Evolution, 27(6) pp. 497-510.

    Green, D.J., Cable, N.T., Rankin, J.M., Fox, C., Taylor, R.R. (1993) 'Anabolic steroids and vascular responses.' The Lancet, 342(8875)

    Franklin, P.J., Green, D.J., Cable, N.T. (1993) 'The influence of thermoregulatory mechanisms on post‐exercise hypotension in humans..' The Journal of Physiology, 470(1) pp. 231-241.

    Cable, N., Green, J. (1990) 'The influence of bicycle exercise, with or without hand immersion in cold water, on forearm sweating in young and middle‐aged women.' Experimental Physiology, 75(4) pp. 505-514.

    Green, J.H., Cable, N.T., Elms, N. (1990) 'Heart rate and oxygen consumption during walking on land and in deep water.' Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 30(1) pp. 49-52.

    Cable, N.T., Reilly, T. (1987) 'Influence of circadian rhythms on arm exercise.' Journal of Human Movement Studies, 13(1) pp. 13-27.

  • Conference papers

    Roche, D.M., Edmunds, S., Cable, T., Didi, M., Stratton, G. (2008) 'Skin microvascular reactivity in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in relation to levels of physical activity and aerobic fitness.' 20. pp. 426-438.

    Graham, R.C., Dugdill, L., Cable, N.T. (2005) 'Health professionals' perspectives in exercise referral: Implications for the referral process.' 48. pp. 1411-1422.

    Bambaeichi, E., Reilly, T., Cable, N.T., Giacomoni, M. (2005) 'The influence of time of day and partial sleep loss on muscle strength in eumenorrheic females.' 48. pp. 1499-1511.

    Low, D., Cable, T., Purvis, A. (2005) 'Exercise thermoregulation and hyperprolactinaemia.' 48. pp. 1547-1557.

    Sparks, S.A., Cable, N.T., Doran, D.A., Maclaren, D.P.M. (2005) 'The influence of environmental temperature on duathlon performance.' 48. pp. 1558-1567.

    Morton, J.P., Cable, N.T. (2005) 'The effects of intermittent hypoxic training on aerobic and anaerobic performance.' 48. pp. 1535-1546.

    Purvis, A.J., Cable, N.T. (2000) 'The effects of phase control materials on hand skin temperature within gloves of soccer goalkeepers.' 43. pp. 1480-1488.

    Burns-Salmond, S.S., Birch, K.M., George, K.P., Cable, N.T. (2000) 'Effects of opposed and unopposed ethinyl oestradiol upon resting and post-exertional haemodynamics.' 18. pp. 528-529.

    Cable, N.T., Aldemir, H., Edwards, B., Waterhouse, J., Reilly, T. (2000) 'The effect of time of day on the recovery blood pressure and peripheral haemodynamic response following dynamic exercise.' 18.

    Cable, N.T., Nevill, A.M., Ruddock, H. (1998) 'Participants in a worksite fitness programme have reduced rates of absenteeism.' 16.

    Doggart, L., Henderson, J., Cable, N.T., Lees, A. (1996) 'A comparison of strength and flexibility characteristics and physical activity between female student dancers and female student sports participants.' 14.

    Cable, N.T., Todd, L. (1996) 'Coronary heart disease risk factors in bodybuilders using anabolic steroids.' 14.

Career history


Director of School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University


Director of Sport Science, Aspire Academy, Qatar


Head of School Sport, Exercise and rehabilitation Sciences, University of Birmingham


President of European College of Sport Science