Nagat Ali Betar
Computer literacy as a social activity: A study of internet use among Libyan women living away from their home country (PhD)
David Menendez Alvarez-Hevia
The emotional involvement of education professionals working with special needs students in different learning fields and contexts
Brian Eyres
Snapshots of apprenticeship: Examining training interventions to inform practice (MA)
David Gouldin
The discursive construction of professional identity in teaching English as a foreign language (Ed Doc)
Mary Greaves
Practitioner research: A journey in optimistic disappointment (Ed Doc)
Alexander Isola
Attitudes towards, and beliefs about, people with disabilities in Nigeria (PhD)
Darren Kilroy
Discursive practices in contemporary emergency medicine (PhD)
Islay McEwan
When do I get to run on with the magic sponge? A Bourdiesian analysis of practitioner discourse and shifting employments in elite sports medicine in the United Kingdom (Ed Doc)
Steven Naylor
Managed tensions: A case study of discourse and practice in a secondary art school (PhD)
Robert Nettleton
Accomplishment of professionalism through a work-based masters degree in the context of post-professional health and social care (Ed Doc)
Carol Porter
Do learning platforms have the potential to improve primary writing? (Ed Doc)
William George Taylor
Shifting sands and the rise of the technocrat: The professionalisation of sports coaching in the United Kingdom (Ed Doc)