Research summary

  • 2018 – ongoing

This agenda aims to raise awareness around perinatal (pregnancy and post-birth) mental health in the workplace; identify workplace issues that can exacerbate illness and/or aid recovery; and create resources for employers.

Perinatal mental illness includes a range of different diagnoses including depression, anxiety, psychosis and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

Around one in five women experience a mental health issue in pregnancy and post-birth.  Men, non-birthing partners, and adopting parents can also experience mental illness in the perinatal period.

There is often silence and a lot of stigma concerning perinatal mental illness. Many people do not recognise that they are suffering with a mental illness and/or are reluctant to reach out for help.

Perinatal mental health has largely been overlooked in work and employment scholarship and also in the workplace.

Work so far has included:

  • a transdisciplinary literature review
  • a call for action from stakeholders
  • establishing a partnership with the UK’s leading charity to support individuals affected by perinatal mental illness, PANDAS Foundation
  • publishing a HR toolkit
  • a partnership with The Open University to conduct empirical research in the context of UK policing. Data collection involved biographical narrative interviews and a focus group with stakeholders
  • organising the Perinatal Mental Health in Policing Conference

We are currently working with Greater Manchester Police’s Association of Women in Policing to develop and trial a range of policy and practice interventions, including a new supervisor toolkit, and revisions to broader policies and the maternity risk assessment.

Research outputs

Articles and chapters


  • British Academy of Management, September 2024 (development paper accepted)
  • MMU Faculty of Business & Law Conference, June 2024 (paper presented)
  • British Association of Women in Policing Conference, June 2024 (invited presenter)
  • MMHA Business Roundtable in the House of Lords, May 2024 (invited presenter)
  • Gender, Work and Organization Conference, June 2023 (paper presented)
  • Perinatal Mental Health in Policing Conference, January 2022 (we organised the conference and presented our research)


GMP perinatal mental health research summary

Research team

Lead researcher


Collaborating with:

  • Greater Manchester Police Association of Women in Policing