Our team

If you have any questions about the archive and would like to contact us directly, our friendly team will be able to help.

Our team

  • Nick Gladden

    NWFA Manager

  • Jonathan Howell

    Digital Systems Officer (SC and Archives)

  • Una Phillips

    NWFA Curator

  • Will McTaggart

    Access and Engagement Officer

  • Geoff Senior

    Access and Engagement Co-ordinator

  • Brendan Day

    Technical and Collections Co-ordinator

  • Beth Thrasher-Jackson

    Technical and Collections Co-ordinator

  • Shivaya Prasad

    Development Officer

  • Nicole Peeters

    Development Officer

  • Alex Day

    Accessibility Officer

  • Emma Cocroft

    SC and Archives Administrator

To contact a member of the team, please use the email address listed at the top of the page.