Appendix A: Credit specification for taught postgraduate awards
For students undertaking an award under the Regulations for Academic Awards of the University.
Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert)
- Credit specification: 60 credits at level 7
- Credit total: 60
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
- Credit specification: 60 credits at level 7; practice 60 credits
- Credit total: 60 plus 60
Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip)
- Credit specification: 120 credits at level 7
- Credit total: 120
Master’s Degree
- Credit specification: 180 credits at level 7 (120 taught credits and 60 credits of supervised independent study)
- Credit total: 180
Masters of Fine Art
- Credit specification: 180 credits at level 7; 120 additional credits at Level 7
- Credit total: 300
Master of Architecture
- Credit specification: 60 credits at level 7; 180 credits at level 7
- Credit total: 240
Master of Landscape Architecture
- Credit specification: 300 credits at level 7
- Credit total: 300
Professional Doctorate
- Credit specification: Level 8 - Taught elements must be credit rated at Level 8. For part 2, the research element, please see details within the Regulations for Postgraduate Research Degrees.
- Credit total: No minimum specified
Appendix B: Exam Regulations
B.1. Details of an exam, including the date, location and time, will be made available to students at least 10 working days before the exam is due to take place, other than in exceptional circumstances (including the late acceptance of an academic appeal or request for deferred assessment, or an earlier exam being rescheduled due to an evacuation).
B.2. Students are responsible for ensuring that they are aware of the assessment requirements for the course on which they are registered, including the timing, location and venue of any invigilated exams.
B.3. It is important that students seek support for exam adjustments (including oral practical exams) through a Personal Learning Plan well in advance of their assessments. If insufficient notice is given, the extent to which adjustments can be made in assessment periods may be restricted, for example by the availability of suitable rooms and/or other physical and human resources. The University will try to accommodate reasonable adjustments for short-term injuries or impairments where appropriate, but it may not be possible depending on the period of notice given.
B.4. Candidates for invigilated exams:
- Should be present at the exam venue at least ten minutes before the exam is due to start.
- Will be admitted to the exam venue upon instruction by the invigilator(s) and may enter at any time during the first 30 minutes of the exam.
- Will not be permitted to enter the examination room after the first 30 minutes of the exam.
- Unless stated otherwise, students must not leave the exam room during the first 30 minutes or the final 15 minutes of the exam except in an emergency. (For certain exams, the University will require students to remain present for the duration; this requirement will always be communicated in advance).
- Must present photographic identification (usually a student card).
- Must comply with any instructions issued prior to, at the start of, or during an exam by an invigilator or authorised member of staff.
- Must not remove any item of exam stationery from the exam venue, except for the question paper. Where it is not permitted to remove the question paper this will be explicitly stated on the front page.
- Must not use any stationery other than that issued specifically for the purpose of the exam, or which they have been instructed to bring with them (which can only be stored in a transparent pencil case).
- Must not use any form of calculator, computer, tablet, smartphone, smartwatch or other smart device, except where specifically permitted for the exam, or specified as a reasonable adjustment as per the student’s Personal Learning Plan.
- Must not use any unauthorised book, dictionary, manuscript or other aid, or access any unauthorised digital materials.
- Must not be in possession of any written or printed material(s) during the exam, unless expressly permitted by the exam and/or Assessment Regulations.
- Must not communicate with other students during the exam.
- Must not copy or attempt to copy from any other candidate during the exam.
- Must not access any cases, bags, books or personal belongings which are not permitted for the exam (these must be placed in an area specified for this purpose).
- Must not take any food or drink except for bottled water into exams, except where permitted through a Personal Learning Plan or as an ad hoc adjustment approved in advance of the exam.
- Must ensure all phones or other communication devices are switched off, not on the student’s person and not accessed during the exam, unless specified as a reasonable adjustment as per the student’s Personal Learning Plan.
- Must not be in possession of, or obtain access to, a copy of an exam question paper in advance of the date and time for its authorised release (this covers both ‘seen’ and ‘unseen’ papers).
B.5. The University must be able to verify that the person sitting the exam is the student in question.Students wearing a face covering for religious, cultural or health reasons will be asked to show their face to an appropriate invigilator in a private setting.
B.6.There will be a minimum of two invigilators present for the duration of an invigilated exam at which multiple students are sitting. In addition, at the start of the exam there may be additional staff present for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of the question paper and issuing, verbally or otherwise, any instruction with regard to paper errors.
B.7. Where a student is not on the attendance list but believes they should be sitting the exam, they will be permitted to sit the exam. However, admittance to the exam does not guarantee that the work will be marked or the mark given to the student, if it turns out they were not permitted to sit the exam under the Assessment Regulations.
B.8. Invigilated exams will be timed by a clock visible to the students and the invigilator(s). Alternative arrangements will be made where required due to a student’s disability.
B.9.If it is necessary to evacuate the exam venue for any reason, students will do so on the instruction of the invigilator(s) and must leave all papers, scripts, answer books, equipment and other material related to the exam on their desks or work areas. They must also leave any personal belongings unless instructed otherwise by the invigilators. Students will be required to assemble in such place and in such manner as the invigilators instruct and must not communicate with each other in any way on the subject of the exam.
B.10. For an on-campus PC exam, students must not submit any work after leaving the exam venue. To do so will be classed as cheating under the Academic Misconduct Policy. For an online exam, any work submitted after the specified end time will be recorded as a non-submission.
B.11. All suspected academic misconduct will be investigated in line with the Academic Misconduct Policy. The student will be permitted to remain in the exam and will have the opportunity to complete an Exam Incident Report form and make a statement.
B.12.Invigilators have the authority and discretion to instruct exam candidates in such a way as they may deem appropriate having regard for the safety of the candidates under the circumstances prevailing at the time.
B.13. The University has the authority to exclude a student whose conduct warrants it from the exam and refer the matter for consideration under the Student Code of Conduct.