My profile


Academic and professional qualifications

  • 2015-2019 Ph.D., Loughborough University

Institute of Sport Business

Thesis title: “The Institutional Change Occurring in the Chinese Sport Sector: An Analysis of the Chinese Football Reform (1993-2015)

Supervisors: Professor James Skinner and Professor Barrie Houlihan

  • 2012-2015 M.A., Beijing Sport University (Beijing, China) 

Major: Sport Management 

  • 2008-2012 B.A., Chengdu Sport University (Sichuan, China ) 

Major: English (International Sports Affairs)

External Role(s):

  • External Examiner of Research Degree Theses          University of Kent                    2024- 
  • External Examiner – UG sports degree (Hons) at Stirling University                          2023-
  • External Examiner of Research Degree Theses          University of Birmingham   2022- 
  • Associate Editor - Managing Sport and Leisure                           2023 -

Interests and expertise

My research expertise lies in sport policy and management, with a particular interest in sports in China. My recent research projects look at Chinese football reforms, organisational change behaviours, esports governance, women’s sport development, and youth/grassroots football policy implementation. I also act as an ad hoc reviewer for peer-reviewed journals such as European Sport Management Quarterly, Sport Management Review, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Managing Sport and Leisure, China Quarterly, Sustainability, International Journal of the History of Sport, Policy Studies, etc.

彭器,博士,任曼彻斯特城市大学体育政策与体育管理讲师。于2015年北京体育大学体育管理硕士学位毕业后,获得拉夫堡大学(伦敦校区)全额奖学金攻读博士学位。师从Professor James Skinner 和 Professor Barrie Houlihan, 完成了 <<中国体育体制改革研究-以中国足球改革发展为例>>的博士课题,在博士毕业前就已经被聘为体育政策教研室(Sport Policy Unit) 讲师。



Postgraduate teaching

  • Sport Business & Management 

Postgraduate supervision (completed/in progress)

In progress

Pu Wang (2024-2027) - Leadership in Chinese youth sport development (Principal supervisor: Dr Qi Peng; first supervisor: Dr Nicolas Scelles)

Zhengyang Li (2021-2024) - An Analysis of the Ecosystem and Business Model of Chinese Esports Town. (Principal supervisor: Dr Qi Peng; first supervisor: Dr Nicolas Scelles)

Chunbin Liu (2021-2024) - Endurance Sports Events and City Competitiveness (Principal supervisor: Dr Qi Peng; first supervisor: Dr Yuhei Inoue; second supervisor: Dr Nicolas Scelles)

Mapy Bolonda (2021-2024) -Understanding the role of social enterprises in fostering sustainable development through case studies of football social enterprises in D.R. Congo (Principal supervisor: Dr Nicolas Scelles; first supervisor: Dr Qi Peng).


Bongsoo Kang (2017-2022) - Elite sport funding versus Grassroots funding (Principal supervisor: Prof Jonathan Grix; first supervisor: Dr Qi Peng).

Research outputs


Journal articles

Peng, Q., Chen, S., Berry, C. (2024) To control or to let go? Depoliticisation and (re)politicisation in Chinese football, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics

Q. Peng, C. Liu, Y. Inoue, N. Scelles. (2023) Continuing or withdrawing from endurance sport events under environmental uncertainty: athletes’ decision-making Sport Management Review.

Q. Peng, Z. Chen, J. Li, B. Houlihan, N. Scelles. (2022) The new hope of Chinese football? Youth football reforms and policy conflicts in the implementation process. European Sport Management Quarterly.

AE. Manoli, C. Anagnostopoulos, A. Ahonen, N. Bolton, A. Bowes, et al. (2022). Managing sport and leisure in the era of Covid-19. Managing Sport and Leisure. 27(1-2), pp.1-6.

M. Valenti, Q. Peng, C. Rocha (2021). Integration between women’s and men’s football clubs: a comparison between Brazil, China and Italy. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. 13(2), pp.321-339.

N. Scelles, Q. Peng, M. Valenti (2021). Do the Peculiar Economics of Professional Team Sports Apply to Esports? Sequential Snowballing Literature Reviews and Implications. Economies. 9(1), pp.31-31.

Q. Peng, J. Skinner, B. Houlihan, LA. Kihl, J. Zheng (2021). Towards Understanding Change-Supportive Organisational Behaviours in China: An Investigation of the 2015 Chinese National Football Reform. Journal of Global Sport Management. pp.1-21.

Q. Peng, G. Dickson, N. Scelles, J. Grix, PM. Brannagan (2020). Esports Governance: Exploring Stakeholder Dynamics. Sustainability. 12(19), pp.8270-8270.

Q. Peng, J. Skinner, B. Houlihan (2019). An analysis of the Chinese Football Reform of 2015: why then and not earlier?. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. 11, pp.1-18.

J. Zheng, PWC. Lau, S. Chen, G. Dickson, V. De Bosscher, et al. (2018). Interorganisational conflict between national and provincial sport organisations within China’s elite sport system: Perspectives from national organisations. Sport Management Review. 22(5), pp.667-681.

Chapters in books

Q. Peng (2023). Professional football in China: the past, present, and future. In book, The Routledge Handbook of Sport in China. Editors: Fan Hong and Liu Li.

Q. Peng (2022) Managing stakeholder interests in the reform of the Chinese FA. In: Stakeholder Analysis and Sport Organisations (Editors: Anna-Maria Strittmatter, Josef Fahlen, Barrie Houlihan). Routledge,

Q. Peng (2021) A multi-level analysis of the transformational leadership during the 2015 Chinese football reform. In: Multi-Level Leadership in Elite Sport, Editors: Svein S Andersen, Per Øystein Hansen and Barrie Houlihan.


  • Pregnancy and the gym: a cross-cultural study of experiences, barriers and facilitators of gym use for pregnant women in China and the UK (PI) -British Academy Small Research Grants (2024-2026) - £9,066.40

  • ‘Greater Manchester Physical Activity, Sport and Movement Volunteering.’ (Co-I) funded by GreaterSport (2022-2023) £19,907

  • Organisational innovation to (re)engage with local communities to promote physical and mental wellbeing – An explorative study of VCSE sports organisations in Greater Manchester (Seed Corn Fund- FE Research Centre, MMU) (2021-2022) (PI) - £3954.5

  • A Comparative Project on the Esports Governance Model in the UK and Australia-in collaboration with La Trobe University (2019-2020) (PI) - £10,000
  • Investigation of Chinese Youth Football Training System, in collaboration with Beijing Sports University (2017-2018) (Co-PI) - £5,000 
  • £1,500 Travel Fund: Santander Mobility Fund from Loughborough University (November 2016).
  • £1,500 Research Visit Grant for “China-related studies in the UK” from Universities’ China Committee in London (December 2016).