Dr Fiona Elizabeth Smith
Dr Fiona Elizabeth Smith
Reader in Human Neuroscience and Motor Control
My profile
Research outputs
Journal articles
Elameer, M., Lumley, H., Moore, S.A., Marshall, K., Alton, A., Smith, F.E., Gani, A., Blamire, A., Rodgers, H., Price, C.I.M., Mitra, D. (2023) 'A prospective study of MRI biomarkers in the brain and lower limb muscles for prediction of lower limb motor recovery following stroke.' Frontiers in Neurology, 14pp. 1229681-1229681.
Moore, U., Caldas de Almeida Araújo, E., Reyngoudt, H., Gordish‐Dressman, H., Smith, F.E., Wilson, I., James, M., Mayhew, A., Rufibach, L., Day, J.W., Jones, K.J., Bharucha‐Goebel, D.X., Salort‐Campana, E., Pestronk, A., Walter, M.C., Paradas, C., Stojkovic, T., Mori‐Yoshimura, M., Bravver, E., Pegoraro, E., Mendell, J.R., Bushby, K., Blamire, A.M., Straub, V., Carlier, P.G., Diaz‐Manera, J. (2022) 'Water T2 could predict functional decline in patients with dysferlinopathy.' Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 13(6) pp. 2888-2897.
Reyngoudt, H., Smith, F.E., Caldas de Almeida Araújo, E., Wilson, I., Fernández‐Torrón, R., James, M.K., Moore, U.R., Díaz‐Manera, J., Marty, B., Azzabou, N., Gordish, H., Rufibach, L., Hodgson, T., Wallace, D., Ward, L., Boisserie, J., Le Louër, J., Hilsden, H., Sutherland, H., Canal, A., Hogrel, J., Jacobs, M., Stojkovic, T., Bushby, K., Mayhew, A., Straub, V., Carlier, P.G., Blamire, A.M. (2022) 'Three‐year quantitative magnetic resonance imaging and phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy study in lower limb muscle in dysferlinopathy.' Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 13(3) pp. 1850-1863.
Necus, J., Smith, F.E., Thelwall, P.E., Flowers, C.J., Sinha, N., Taylor, P.N., Blamire, A.M., Wang, Y., Cousins, D.A. (2021) 'Quantification of brain proton longitudinal relaxation (T1) in lithium‐treated and lithium‐naïve patients with bipolar disorder in comparison to healthy controls.' Bipolar Disorders, 23(1) pp. 41-48.
Moore, U., James, M., Jacobs, M., Mayhew, A., Spuler, S., Day, J., Bharucha-Goebel, D., Stojkovic, T., Mendell, J., Straub, V. (2019) 'P.188The clinical outcome study for dysferlinopathy: pregnancy in dysferlinopathy.' Neuromuscular Disorders, 29pp. S104-S104.
Smith, F.E., Thelwall, P.E., Necus, J., Flowers, C.J., Blamire, A.M., Cousins, D.A. (2018) '3D 7Li magnetic resonance imaging of brain lithium distribution in bipolar disorder.' Molecular Psychiatry, 23(11) pp. 2184-2191.
Conference papers
Smith, F., Reyngoudt, H., Manera, J.D., James, M., Wilson, I., de Almeida Araujo, E.C., Diaz, C.B., Dressman, H.G., Rufibach, L., Mayhew, A., Jones, K., Campana, E.S., Walter, M., Stojkovic, T., Yoshimura, M., Pegoraro, E., Mendell, J., Straub, V., Blamire, A., Carlier, P. (2022) 'FP.34 Clinical outcome study of dysferlinopathy: correlation between MRI fat fraction in lower limbs and clinical outcome assessments over a 3-year period.' In 27th International Hybrid Annual Congress of the World Muscle Society. 32. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 11/10/2022 - 15/10/2022. Elsevier, pp. S112-S113.
Moore, U., de Almeida Araujo, E.C., Reyngoudt, H., Gordish-Dressman, H., Smith, F., Wilson, J., James, M., Mayhew, A., Rufibach, L., Stojkovic, T., Blamire, A., Straub, V., Carlier, P., Manera, J.D. (2022) 'P.165 Clinical outcome study of dysferlinopathy: lower limb water T2 predicts functional decline in patients with dysferlinopathy.' In 27th International Hybrid Annual Congress of the World Muscle Society. 32. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 11/10/2022 - 15/10/2022. Elsevier BV, pp. S115-S115.