High Force Research Ltd

How a Degree Apprenticeship can impact both academic and professional goals

Meet Jude Humphrey, a Laboratory Scientist (Chemical Science) alumni, working at High Force Research as a Quality Control Scientist. Jude graduated with a first class degree and has since won a British Education Award in recognition of his achievements. 

Achieving academic, financial and professional goals

I come from a working class background, and I completed GCSE’s and subsequently A levels at sixth form. I knew I wanted to complete a degree to further my career and the Laboratory Scientist (Chemical Science) Degree Apprenticeship at Manchester Met was a perfect way to start. I was able to acquire valuable hands-on industry experience whilst studying for my degree.

My apprenticeship allowed me to work towards my financial goals as I was able to save more money than I was previously able to. This saving has allowed me to purchase a new car, pay into my pension and save a large portion of a house deposit.

Fast-tracking a career

My employer High Force Research (HFR) have helped support me through my apprenticeship to ensure I obtained the best qualifications possible. This was done through allowing me sufficient time for my studies, as well as full on the job training in all analytical based procedures. HFR also facilitated extra training for me throughout my apprenticeship including shadowing manufacturing chemists, as well as funding first aid, fire warden and method development courses. They also gave me the opportunity to complete multiple research and development based projects in order to grow my knowledge and skills to the fullest extent, as well as additional training in the maintenance of many of the analytical instruments used at HFR, which has been very useful and expanded my knowledge on many techniques.

I started HFR as a QC scientist with the responsibility of completing routine testing  for traceable projects before completing GMP training to allow me to complete analysis on GMP materials.

In the final year of my apprenticeship I joined the method development and validation team, taking a more research and development based role. This includes the development of analytical method for new products to facilitate the project through to GMP manufacture. My final year project for university was based on HPLC method development which helped to facilitate the change in my job role. Completion of analytical units as part of my degree apprenticeship helped to build on my already existing knowledge of several analytical procedures used at HFR, as well as give me an understanding of other techniques which I do not complete on a regular basis.

Completing a degree apprenticeship has given me four years of practical experience and has helped me to progress my career further than if I had just done a standard degree, through developing my skills and gaining experience at a young age.  I feel that doing a degree apprenticeship has put me in a better position and made me more employable as a result.

Benefiting the employer

Whilst studying my degree apprenticeship I completed multiple work based projects, which not only helped to improve my own knowledge but also benefited HFR.

The completion and success of my final year project helped the business to fulfil client requirements and in turn helped to facilitate manufacture of a new product at HFR. Risk management was considered as part of the project and controls were also put in place to ensure my colleagues who may run the method in the future are safe whilst doing so.

Completion of my final year project helped me to gain a new job role as I have since joined the method development and validation team, which I am enjoying.

I also completed smaller projects throughout my degree including the installation of new equipment in the QC lab. Completion of this project allows for an increased workflow through the department with extra instrument availability.

I feel grateful to have been given the opportunity to complete a degree apprenticeship. I feel it has been extremely useful to me early on in my career and given me all the skills I need, to continue progressing through my career in the future.