Dylan Smith
Healthcare Science Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship, Whiston Hospital
Can you tell us a bit about yourself, your current role and responsibilities and how long you’ve worked at Whiston Hospital?
As a Healthcare Science Practitioner Degree Apprentice, I worked as an Assistant Practitioner to the cardio-respiratory department, performing various cardiology and respiratory procedures, such as ECG’s and spirometry. This was across both an outpatient and inpatient setting. I was also part of the medical emergency team throughout the hospital.
Now that I have graduated, I am a Cardiac Physiologist, involved in the interpretation of various cardiology tests, such as ECG analysis, monitoring during stress tests and part of the Cardiac Catheterisation Lab team.
I have worked at Whiston hospital for five years and I am currently involved in a project alongside a cardiology consultant, investigating the specificity of Computerised Tomography Coronary Angiogram (CTCA) scans, compared to the gold standard invasive angiogram.
Why did choose to study the Healthcare Science Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship?
The Healthcare Science Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship was a pathway to progress throughout the department to become a Cardiac Physiologist. A role that involves more clinical responsibility and the opportunity to be involved in a more specialised role. It was an easy decision to make and one that I was excited to undertake.
Reflecting on your Degree Apprenticeship experience, what have you found most rewarding about the programme?
The specialist cardiology teaching at Wythenshawe in the third year was particularly rewarding. I learned a great deal of theoretical knowledge, which I could then apply to a practical setting. This was then reflected in my high academic attainment both in the exam and clinical scenarios at Manchester Met.
What challenges did you overcome during your Degree Apprenticeship?
The pandemic that really stretched the NHS meant I had to balance my heavy workload with my academic studies. Also, having the teaching on Microsoft teams was good but cannot replicate the classroom settings.
How are you hoping your Degree Apprenticeship will support your career progression?
It has provided me with fundamental knowledge that I will build on as I progress throughout my career and become more specialised.
What are your next steps now you have recently finished your Degree Apprenticeship?
I hope to undertake higher courses to become more specialised and accredited as a Cardiac Physiologist and undertake more research and clinical audit.
Would you recommend a Healthcare Science Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship?
Yes, it is a great stepping stone and will provide lots of opportunities for progression.
Do you have any advice for future Healthcare Science Degree Apprentices?
Good work and study balance, try to be organised from the start with folders and collect evidence as you go along.