My profile


My field of study is literacy and language practices in communities. I do ‘Engaged English’ which is a situated approach to doing English in communities, with communities. I am passionate about bringing different voices into research and policy making, with a particular expertise in working with young people. Working in English as a field, I use arts and humanities together with social science methodologies such as visual methods, collaborative ethnography and research-creation to work with young people as co-researchers. 

I have held five advisory roles on research projects with a focus on methodological innovation and am a strategic panel member for the AHRC and am on the interdisciplinary panel for UKRI. My research has been concerned with researching with, not on, children and young people in communities using co-production methodologies. I have written three books and four articles about the limits, but also the advantages of co-production as a methodology.

I am the PI of a large grant from the NERC ‘Treescapes’ programme called ‘Voices of the Future’ (2021-2024). This interdisciplinary grant works with children and young people as researchers, together with scientists and academics from the universities of Aberdeen, Birmingham, Cambridge, Cumbria, Manchester Metropolitan, Middlesex, Plymouth, Sheffield Hallam and Sheffield. I have previously been the PI of nine UKRI grants including the ESRC funded large grant (from 2014), ‘Imagine’. I worked collaboratively to research the social, historical, cultural and democratic context of civic engagement. I am interested in the potential of co-production to transform the landscape of university/community research. 

External examiner roles

Doctoral thesis examined:


UCL London: Adolescents social networking sites.

Open University: Meaning Making Practices of Urban Bilingual Children in Cairo.

University of Auckland:Young Vietnamese children’s identities-in-flux in Vietnam and New Zealand: A focus on their living stories


Birmingham City University: Reimagining family literacy: co-creating pedagogies with migrating mothers in third sector spaces

University of KwaZulu-Natal: Teacher-Artists Dualism.

University of Cape Town: ‘Undergoing’ as posthuman literacy research

University of South Australia: Literacy experiences of emergent bilingual preschool children from Afghan refugee families

University of Durham: Telling stories, re-imagining lives: An inter-disciplinary examination of arts-based methods and life stories as a vehicle for self-expression among refugees and asylum seekers

UCL London Institute of Education: Adults’ perceptions of their writing practices and development as writers

University of Leeds
Children’s understanding of English television programmes in EFL contexts

University of Leeds: Translation and translanguaging in production and performance in community arts

University of Technology, Sydney
Museum Literacy: A socio material study of families, literacies and museum objects

Manchester Metropolitan University: Listening to Boys Write - An Exploration of the Complex Relationship Between 10 Year-Old Boys’ Writing Practices and Their Evolving Identities

Australian Catholic University: Young Children’s on-line authoring: The techno-semiotic co-construction of blogs.

University of Loughborough : Changing Social Scientific research practices: negotiating creative methods.

Expert reviewer for external funding bodies

2007-2023: I have reviewed 95 UKRI proposals. These included 8 UKRI Future Leaders bids (2019-2021) and 11 ESRC proposals; (2008 – 2017).

2023: On the UKRI cross council interdisciplinary research panel.

2022: On the ESRC large grants panel and reviewer for the AHRC/DFG German/UK panel. The Research Council of Norway (RCN) asked me to be an expert reviewer for one of their panels, reviewing 14 grant proposals submitted to a call within the broad topic of cultural change and cultural diversity.

2021 -I have sat on one GCRF/ESRC panel, one AHRC/NERC panel (Hidden Histories of Environmental Science), two AHRC panels for major large grants, seven AHRC responsive mode panels, one AHRC networking grant panel and one Leadership Fellow selection panel as well as the TaP Transatlantic COVID call panel (2021).

2019 - Reviewer for the joint German Research Council/AHRC call

2019 - Member of the AHRC Strategic Panel review board

2018 – On the UKRI Fellowship scheme peer review panel

2016 - Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) peer review panel member

 2015 - Member of ESRC Peer Review College (UK)

 2010 - Member of AHRC Peer Review College (UK) and the AHRC Connected Communities programme Peer Review College

Editorial Board membership

Editorial Board member of:

  • Journal of Literacy Research (2017- )
  • Journal of Early Childhood Literacy (2008 -)
  • Language Arts (2010 - 2012)
  • Literacy (2004 -)
  • Reading Research Quarterly (2022-)
  • Research for All (2016-)
  • Research in the Teaching of English (2022-)

Membership of professional associations

Member of the British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL).

Member of the United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA).

Member of the British Educational Research Association (BERA).

Interests and expertise

Before joining academia I worked for the Council for Racial Equality as an outreach adult literacy worker well as being the General Editor of Critical Quarterly (1984-1992). I did an English degree at the University of Cambridge and then a social anthropology PhD at King’s College, London University (2004) before moving to working in Education at the University of Sheffield (2004-2017).

I have expertise in collaborative ethnography, co-production and arts methodologies and literacy and language. From 2010-2018 the AHRC-led Connected Communities programme funded my work which involved exploring knowledge with, not on communities. I have been PI of two GCRF/AHRC grants (2019-2020) which extended this understanding.

I am currently PI of a 3-year £2 million NERC funded project, called, ‘Voices of the Future’, part of the UK Treescapes programme which brings together scientists, anthropologists and many other disciplines to explore children and young people’s engagement with Treescapes (2021-2024).

I have developed close relationships with art galleries, museums, schools, civil servants and stakeholders in order to co-produce ideas, writing publications with, not on communities. I am a regular AHRC and ESRC panel member and have chaired 2 panels for the AHRC. I have conducted reviews for the Norwegian Research Council. My publications span multilingualism, collaborative interdisciplinary research, literacy and language and arts methododologies.


I have been PI of 10 UKRI grants and Co-I of 8, leading to a focus on wider societal impact. I have worked with the arts sector and senior civil servants from DCLG and DEFRA to reciprocally work with research findings. I have informed UKRI calls and practices, specifically the ESRC’s ‘Trust’ programme (2017) and the BIS Efficiency working group (2020). I have used arts methodologies, including film to communicate with stakeholders. For the AHRC funded ‘Making Meaning Differently’ project  (2013) I worked with a group of young people to make a film for the DCLG about feeling distant from government.

When I was involved in the ‘Imagine’ project (ESRC Connected Communities large grant 2012-2017) we met with civil servants from the Department of Communities and Local Government and co-wrote the criteria for their ‘Empowering women’ initiative. I am interested in transformational change both within education and beyond, to develop a widening recognition of what people do and how they construct knowledge. This involves working multilingually, using multiple modes and using methodologies that are close to everyday life. I led sessions on ethical challenges of co-production for  the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (Dec 2022) and UKRIO (June 2023).

My aim in the NERC funded ‘Voices of the Future’ project, which I lead,  is to work with scientists to develop a lexicon of experience and curricular materials for schools. We aim to co-write, with young people, Mersey Forest’s strategic plan for 2026. I am able to create listening mechanisms for those distant from government, and to work to develop these mechanisms within academic research. Creating listening methodologies across disciplines is vital for successful interdisciplinary work. Within the ‘Voices of the Future’ project we devised a ‘practice and expertise’ activity where scientists could tell stories of their work at our project retreat (2023).


I have three major contributions to research and innovation:

  1. Co-production. My case study, ‘The ethical challenges of co-production’ can still be found on the ESRC website (…). My publications have reflected this, with a series of books and articles that address the challenges of co-production in different ways (e.g. Pahl 2016, Pahl and Bell 2018, Pahl, Steadman-Jones and Vasudevan 2022). It is important to recognise the power imbalences within co-productive spaces. I have written about this (Brown et al 2019 I am associate editor of the journal Research for All which has as its aim co-writing practices.
  2. Literacy and Language. I was one of the first, alongside colleagues, to develop a lens that included multimodal and multilingual communicative practices within the study of literacy. My recent books (Pahl and Rowsell 2020, Ainsworth et al 2023) attest to this. I have given numerous keynotes at conferences on my work in this field and I am a series editor of the ‘Expanding Literacies in Education’ book series and an editor of the top literacy journal Reading Research Quarterly.
  3. Working with artists. I recently was awarded an AHRC North West studentship to work with FACT in Liverpool to develop pedagogies for inclusion with young people. I worked with the Hepworth Wakefield(with Abi Hackett) before the opening to create an inclusive artistic space for young people. With artist Steve Pool I have explored the potential of research-creation to describe how artists work in schools and communities (Pahl and Pool 2021

UKRI funded research projects:

PI, NERC (£1.9million) ‘Voices of the Future:Collaborating with children and young people to re-imagine Treescapes. (2021-2024).

PI, GCRF/AHRC(£40K) ‘Questioning the form: Re-imagining identities through zine-making in Kampala, Uganda’ (2020-21).

PI, GCRF/AHRC (£45K) ‘Belonging and learning: Using co-produced arts methodologies to explore youth participation in contexts of conflict in Kenya, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)’ (2019)

Co-I, AHRC (£289K)’ Odd: Feeling Different in the World of Education’. (2018-2021)

PI, AHRC (£78K) Taking Yourselves Seriously’: Artistic Approaches to Social Cohesion (2017-2018).

PI, ESRC (£2,272,180) The Social, Historical, Cultural and Democratic Context of Civic Engagement: Imagining Different Communities and Making Them Happen (PI since 2014-2017).

PI, AHRC Co-producing Legacy (£80K). (2014-2015).

Co-I, AHRC (£43K) ‘Ways of Knowing’ (2013-4).

PI, AHRC (£78K) ‘Transmitting Musical Heritage’ (2013-2014)

PI, AHRC (£35K) ‘Connected Communities Policy Review: Community Governance in an Age of Decentralisation’ (2013)

Co-I, AHRC (£59,158) Researching Community Heritage (2014)

Co-I, AHRC (£39K) Communicating Wisdom: Fishing in Youth Work (2014)

PI, AHRC Language as Talisman £31K (2012)

Co-I, (£37K) AHRC “Social Parks” Urban Green Space as a focus for connecting communities and research (2011)

Co-I, AHRC (£39K) Writing in the Home and in the Street. (2011)

PI, AHRC (£9K) Artefacts and narratives of migration: Rotherham museum collections and the Pakistani community of Rotherham PI (2007)


Why do I teach?

I love to supervise students in these fields:

Literacy and language


Arts methodologies


I am happy to talk to students with innovative ideas that span English, arts and humanities and social science. I am interested in interdisciplinary projects. I am able to work in both English and Education contexts and have worked in schools and communities. 

How I’ll teach you

To work with me is to live my projects. I will take you into a school, a park, or a community centre and we will co-research what it means to communicate and to learn. My vision for university education is very much a lived literacy and it is found in the everyday. 

Why study…

I am passionate about the need to explore literacy and language as everyday practices, connected to life, identity and the everyday. Working with me will involve exploring the lived literacies of the everyday. I encourage my students to use arts methods and to develop innovative ways of looking at the world, drawing on everyday lived knowledge. Students who work with me are able to work with communities to connect their research to innovative ways of seeing the world, drawing on co-production as a methodology. 

Postgraduate teaching

  • Arts methodologies and creative methods
  • Social cohesion and community
  • Literacy and language
  • Co-production, ethics and research methods
  • Research with children and young people

Subject areas

Literacy and Language, place writing, Engaged English, museums and galleries, arts practice, ethnography, collaboration, co-production, childhood studies, communities, multilingualism, applied linguistics, interdisciplinary. 


Lucia Arias: Pedagogies practices with youth in a gallery setting

Gillian Smith: Listening to my readers: a post-humanist exploration of my practice as a reading support practitioner

Steve Pool: Residency as Method.

Yvonne Sinclair: Teaching and learning about the history of British slavery in two post-colonial contexts, England and Jamaica: Secondary History Teachers and their pupils’ perspectives.

Catherine Hughes: Children’s Outdoor Play in an international school in Ethiopia. 

Stephen Evans: Emergent Educational Practice in Community Settings. 

Rahma Jawad:Investigating the impact of rich media resources on students’ self-efficacy, statistics anxiety and performance.

Jayne Mugglestone: An Auto-ethnographic Study of Equalities Working. 

Research outputs

I have a background in co-production and working with communities. My research interests include literacy and language in communities, and literary texts. I also have a strong interest in arts-based work and have led projects exploring the role of artists in academic projects. My publications have been concerned with co-production, and artistic methodologies. I have experience of working with multilingual communities, and have led a project, ‘Taking Yourself Seriously’ (AHRC follow-on funded) which explored artistic methods for social cohesion. I have been involved in projects funded by the AHRC Connected Communities programme, including, ‘Writing in the Home and in the Street’, ‘Language as Talisman’ and ‘Transmitting Musical Heritage’. I am experienced at leading multi-disciplinary teams. In the ESRC funded large grant ‘Imagine’ I took over as PI, leading large grant over five years (2014-2017) exploring the cultural context of civic engagement.

I am the PI of a large grant from NERC called ‘Voices of the Future: Collaborating with children and young people to re-imagine Treescapes’ which will explore how young people perceive and connect with treescapes and how they can participate in changing the present and imagining the future of treescapes. It aims to bring together children and young people’s knowledge, experiences, and hopes with innovative scientific expertise of how trees adapt to and mitigate climate change.

I was the PI of an AHRC/GCRF follow on grant called ‘Questioning the form’ which explores zine making and mental health with women, working with a poet and an artist in Kampala, Uganda. I am interested in site-specific work, and am supervising a doctorate on Residency as Method, based in an adventure playground in Sheffield. I was Co-I of a project called Communicating Wisdom, which explored the potential of fishing and wisdom in an angling community in Rotherham. I am aware of the need to value everyday knowledge from these projects.

  • Books (authored/edited/special issues)

    Ainsworth, S., Griffiths, D., Macrory, G., Pahl, K. (2023) Multimodality and multilingualism: Towards an integrative approach.

    Ainsworth, S., Griffiths, D., Macrory, G., Pahl, K. (2023) Introduction: Origins, scope and rationale of the book.

    Pahl, K., Steadman-Jones, R., Vasudevan, L. (2022) Collaborative Research in Theory and Practice The Poetics of Letting Go. Bristol University Press.

    Pahl, K., Rowsell, J. (2020) Living Literacies Literacy for Social Change. MIT Press.

    Grenfell, M., Pahl, K. (2018) Bourdieu, Language-based Ethnographies and Reflexivity Putting Theory into Practice. Routledge.

    Campbell, E., Pahl, K., Pente, E., Rasool, Z. (2018) Re-imagining Contested Communities Connecting Rotherham Through Research. Policy Press.

    Facer, K., Pahl, K. (2017) Valuing interdisciplinary collaborative research: Beyond impact.

    Rowsell, J., Pahl, K. (2015) The routledge handbook of literacy studies.

    Pahl, K. (2014) Materializing Literacies in Communities: The Uses of Literacy Revisited.

    Pahl, K., Rowsell, J. (2010) Artifactual Literacies Every Object Tells a Story.

    Pahl, K., Rowsell, J. (2006) Travel Notes from the New Literacy Studies: Instances of Practice.

    Pahl, K., Rowsell, J. (2005) Literacy and Education: Understanding the New Literacy Studies in the Classroom. Sage Publications.

    Pahl, K. (1999) Transformations Children's Meaning Making in a Nursery. Stylus Publishing, LLC..

  • Chapters in books

    Pahl, K. (2023) 'Meaning Matters: Multimodality, (new) materialism and co-production with young people in applied linguistics.' Multimodality and Multilingualism: Towards an Integrative Approach. pp. 191-205.

    Ochieng, Y.A., Corcoran, S.L., Pahl, K. (2022) 'Meaningful youth engagement in community programming in Kenya.' Young People, Radical Democracy and Community Development. pp. 149-163.

    Pahl, K. (2022) 'Commentary for Part 4.' Liberating Language Education. pp. 318-320.

    Ball, J., Bowring, T., Hield, F., Pahl, K. (2019) 'Co-writing about co-producing musical heritage: What happens when musicians and academics work together?.' Heritage as Community Research: Legacies of Co-Production. pp. 51-64.

    Pahl, K., Rowsell, J. (2019) 'Commentary on part III: The lived materialities of the museum - a new research agenda.' Working with Young Children in Museums: Weaving Theory and Practice. pp. 195-197.

    Hackett, A., Pahl, K., Pool, S. (2018) 'In amongst the glitter and the squashed blueberries: Crafting a collaborative lens for children’s literacy pedagogy in a community setting.' The Art and Craft of Literacy Pedagogy. Routledge,

    Evans, T., Hackett, A., Magagula, J., Pool, S. (2018) 'What parents know: a call for realistic accounts of parenting young children.' In Campbell, E., Pahl, K., Pente, E., Rasool, Z. (ed.) Re-Imagining Contested Communities: Connecting Rotherham through Research. Policy Press,

    Bell, D., Pool, S., Streets, K., Walton, N., Pahl, K. (2018) 'How does arts practice inform a community development approach to the co-production of research?.' Co-Producing Research: A Community Development Approach. pp. 95-114.

    Chiles, P., Ritchie, L., Pahl, K. (2018) 'Co-designing for a better future: Re-imagining the modernist dream at Park Hill, Sheffield.' Co-Producing Research: A Community Development Approach. pp. 115-134.

    Banks, S., Hart, A., Pahl, K., Ward, P. (2018) 'Co-producing research: A community development approach.' Co-Producing Research: A Community Development Approach. pp. 1-18.

    Rowsell, J., Kress, G., Pahl, K., Street, B. (2018) 'THE SOCIAL PRACTICE OF MULTIMODAL READING: A New Literacy Studies-Multimodal Perspective on Reading.' Theoretical Models and Processes of Literacy, Seventh Edition. pp. 514-532.

    Ward, P., Banks, S., Hart, A., Pahl, K. (2018) 'Conclusion: Imagining different communities and making them happen.' Co-Producing Research: A Community Development Approach. pp. 203-209.

    Pahl, K., Ward, P. (2017) 'Re-visioning exclusion in local communities.' Building better societies: Promoting social justice in a world falling apart. pp. 95-110.

    Facer, K., Pahl, K. (2017) 'Future directions.' Valuing Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research: Beyond Impact. pp. 233-244.

    Pahl, K., Facer, K. (2017) 'Understanding collaborative research practices: A lexicon.' Valuing Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research: Beyond Impact. pp. 215-231.

    Pahl, K., Escott, H., Graham, H., Marwood, K., Pool, S., Ravetz, A. (2017) 'What is the role of artists in interdisciplinary collaborative projects with universities and communities?.' Valuing Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research: Beyond Impact. pp. 131-152.

    Pahl, K., Pool, S. (2017) '“Can we fast forward to the good bits?”: Working with film: Revisiting the field of practice.' Community Filmmaking: Diversity, Practices and Places. pp. 245-262.

    Steadman-Jones, R., Pahl, K. (2015) 'Literary theory and new literacy studies: Conversations across fields.' The Routledge Handbook of Literacy Studies. pp. 413-425.

    Pahl, K., Escott, H. (2015) 'Materialising literacies.' The Routledge Handbook of Literacy Studies. pp. 489-503.

    Pool, S., Pahl, K. (2015) 'The work of art in the age of mechanical co-production.' After Urban Regeneration: Communities, Policy and Place. pp. 79-94.

    Hall, M., Pahl, K., Pool, S. (2015) 'Visual Digital Methodologies with Children and Young People: Perspectives from the Field.' Studies in Childhood and Youth. pp. 164-185.

    Pahl, K. (2014) 'Its about living your life”: Family time and school time as a resource for meaning making in homes, schools, and communities.' Time and Space in Literacy Research. pp. 47-62.

    Pahl, K., Rowsell, J. (2013) 'Artifactual literacies.' New Methods of Literacy Research. pp. 163-176.

    Grenfell, M., Bloome, D., Hardy, C., Pahl, K., Rowsell, J., Street, B. (2013) 'Language, Ethnography, and Education: Bridging New Literacy Studies and Bourdieu.' pp. 1-224.

    Pahl, K., Burnett, C. (2013) 'Literacies in Homes and Communities.' International Handbook of Research on Children's Literacy, Learning, and Culture. pp. 1-14.

    Pahl, K. (2013) 'Children's popular culture in the home: Tracing cultural practices in texts.' Popular Literacies, Childhood and Schooling. pp. 29-53.

    Rowsell, J., Pahl, K. (2013) 'After writing: Rethinking the paths to composition.' Multimodality and Social Semiosis: Communication, Meaning-Making, and Learning in the Work of Gunther Kress. pp. 162-174.

    Pahl, K., Rowsell, J. (2013) 'Artifactual literacies.' The SAGE Handbook of Early Childhood Literacy, Second Edition. pp. 263-278.

    Pahl, K. (2009) 'Changing literacies: Schools, communities and homes.' Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Policy and Practice: Decolonizing Community Contexts. pp. 58-71.

    Pahl, K. (2009) 'Changing literacies: Schools, communities and homes.' Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Policy and Practice: Decolonizing Community Contexts. pp. 58-71.

    Pahl, K. (2008) 'Looking with a different eye: Creativity and literacy in the early years.' Desirable Literacies: Approaches to Language and Literacy in the Early Years, Second Edition. pp. 140-161.

    Pahl, K. (2007) 'Tracing habitus in texts: Narratives of loss, displacement and migration in homes.' Pierre Bourdieu and Literacy Education. pp. 187-208.

    Pahl, K. (2004) 'Narrative spaces and multiple identities: Children's textual explorations of console games in home settings.' Popular Culture, New Media and Digital Literacy in Early Childhood. pp. 94-109.

  • Reports

    Pahl, K. (2018) ESRC Large Grant - Principal Investigator’s Report.

  • Journal articles

    López Gándara, Y.L., Pahl, K. (2024) 'Multilingual literacies: Romanian Roma children learning to read and write in an English primary school.' Language and Education,

    Pahl, K., Scott, F., Hall, M., Kurcikova, N. (2023) 'Editorial: Lockdown literacies.' Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 23(1) pp. 3-7.

    Ambreen, S., Badwan, K., Pahl, K. (2023) 'Trees and us: learning about/from trees and treescapes from primary school children in the United Kingdom.' Occasional Paper Series, 2023(50) pp. 30-38.

    Damon, L., Kiconco, G., Atukunda, C., Pahl, K. (2022) 'Queering the form: zine making as disruptive practice.' Cultural Studies: Critical Methodologies, 22(4) pp. 407-419.

    Rowley, H., Ivinson, G., Duggan, J., Pahl, K. (2022) 'Editorial: Critically exploring co-production.' Qualitative Research Journal, 22(1) pp. 1-6.

    Pahl, K., Pool, S. (2021) 'Doing Research-Creation in School: Keeping an Eye on the Ball.' International Journal of Art and Design Education, 40(3) pp. 655-667.

    Hackett, A., MacLure, M., Pahl, K. (2020) 'Literacy and language as material practices: Re-thinking social inequality in young children’s literacies.' Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 20(1)

    Truman, S., Hackett, A., Pahl, K., McLean Davies, L., Escott, H. (2020) 'The Capaciousness of “No:” Affective refusals as literacy practices.' Reading Research Quarterly, 56(2) pp. 223-236.

    Hoult, E., Mort, H., Pahl, K., Rasool, Z. (2020) 'Poetry as method – trying to see the world differently.' Research for All, 4(1) pp. 87-101.

    Pahl, K., Brown, M., Rasool, Z., Ward, P. (2020) 'Co-producing research with communities: emotions in community research.' Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought, 10(1) pp. 93-114.

    Pahl, K., Escott, H. (2019) '‘Being in the Bin’: Affective understandings of prescriptivism and spelling in video narratives co-produced with children in a post-industrial area of the UK.' Linguistics and Education, 53

    Pahl, K. (2019) 'Recognizing Young People’s Civic Engagement Practices: Re-Thinking Literacy Ontologies through Co-Production.' Studies in Social Justice, 13(1) pp. 20-39.

    Pahl, K. (2019) '‘Writing across’ as a mode of research.' Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 24pp. 100282-100282.

    Pahl, K. (2019) '‘Writing across’ as a mode of research.' Learning, Culture and Social Interaction,

    Pahl, K., Pool, S. (2018) 'Re-Imagining Artistic Subjectivities within Community Projects.' Imaginaries of the Future 01: Bodies & Media, 4(2) pp. 1-22.

    Pahl, K., Evans, P. (2018) 'Virtual centrality: Young people making meaning from research in a widening participation context.' Research for All, 2(2) pp. 393-410.

    Pahl, K.H., Pool, S. (2018) 'Re-imagining artistic subjectivities within community projects.' Open Library of Humanities, 4(2) pp. 1-22.

    Escott, H., Pahl, K. (2017) 'Learning from Ninjas: young people’s films as a lens for an expanded view of literacy and language.' Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 40(6) pp. 803-815.

    Bell, D.M., Pahl, K. (2017) 'Co-production: towards a utopian approach.' International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21(1) pp. 105-117.

    Hackett, A.C., Pahl, K., Pool, S. (2017) 'In amongst the glitter and the squashed blueberries: Crafting a collaborative lens for children’s literacy pedagogy in a community setting.' Pedagogies: An International Journal, 12(1) pp. 58-73.

    Hall, M., Pahl, K., Hackett, A., Kraftl, P. 'Giving up the ‘Good Research Child’.' Qualitative Research,

    Badwan, K., Pahl, K., Nunn, C. 'Working with/beyond ‘language’: insights from a listening walk with young men from asylum-seeking backgrounds in a rural treescape.' Language and Intercultural Communication,

    Pahl, K. (2017) 'The University as the “Imagined Other”: Making Sense of Community Co-Produced Literacy Research.' Collaborative Anthropologies, 8(1-2) pp. 129-148.

    Marshall, B., Pahl, K. (2015) 'Who owns educational research? Disciplinary conundrums and considerations: A challenge to the funding councils and to education departments.' Qualitative Research Journal, 15(4) pp. 472-488.

    Flewitt, R., Pahl, K., Smith, A. (2015) 'Methodology matters.' Literacy, 49(1) pp. 1-2.

    Burnett, C., Merchant, G., Pahl, K., Rowsell, J. (2014) 'The (im)materiality of literacy: The significance of subjectivity to new literacies research.' Discourse, 35(1) pp. 90-103.

    Pahl, K. (2014) 'The Aesthetics of Everyday Literacies: Home Writing Practices in a British Asian Household.' Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 45(3) pp. 293-311.

    Pahl, K. (2012) 'Every object tells a story: Intergenerational stories and objects in the homes of Pakistani Heritage families in South Yorkshire, UK.' Home Cultures, 9(3) pp. 303-327.

    Pahl, K. (2012) '"A reason to write": Exploring writing epistemologies in two contexts.' Pedagogies, 7(3) pp. 209-228.

    Pahl, K., Pool, S. (2011) ''Living your life because it's the only life you've got': Participatory research as a site for discovery in a creative project in a primary school in Thurnscoe, UK.' Qualitative Research Journal, 11(2) pp. 17-37.

    Dicks, B., Flewitt, R., Lancaster, L., Pahl, K. (2011) 'Multimodality and ethnography: working at the intersection.' Qualitative research, 11(3) pp. 227-237.

    Pahl, K., Allan, C. (2011) ''I don't know what literacy is': Uncovering hidden literacies in a community library using ecological and participatory research methodologies with children.' Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 11(2) pp. 190-213.

    Pahl, K. (2009) 'Interactions, intersections and improvisations: Studying the multimodal texts and classroom talk of six- to seven-year-olds.' Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 9(2) pp. 188-210.

    Pahl, K., Pollard, A. (2008) ''Bling - The Asians introduced that to the country': Gold and its value within a group of families of South Asian origin in Yorkshire.' Visual Communication, 7(2) pp. 170-182.

    Rowsell, J., Pahl, K. (2007) 'Sedimented identities in texts: Instances of practice.' Reading Research Quarterly, 42(3) pp. 388-404.

    Pahl, K. (2007) 'Creativity in events and practices: A lens for understanding children's multimodal texts.' Literacy, 41(2) pp. 86-92.

    Dombey, H., Ellis, S., Pahl, K., Sainsbury, M. (2006) 'Handbook of early childhood literacy.' Literacy, 40(1) pp. 29-35.

    Pahl, K. (2006) 'An inventory of traces: Children's photographs of their toys in three London homes.' Visual Communication, 5(1) pp. 95-114.

    Pahl, K. (2006) 'Birds, frogs, blue skies and sheep: An investigation into the cultural notion of affordance in children’s meaning making.' English in Education, 40(1) pp. 20-35.

    Pahl, K., Kelly, S. (2005) 'Family literacy as a third space between home and school: Some case studies of practice.' Literacy, 39(2) pp. 91-96.

    Bird, V., Pahl, K., Taylor, C. (2005) 'Literacy: Editorial.' Literacy, 39(2) pp. 57-58.

    Pahl, K. (2004) 'Narratives, artifacts and cultural identities: An ethnographic study of communicative practices in homes.' Linguistics and Education, 15(4) pp. 339-358.

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