My profile


I am Professor of Education, and joined Manchester Metropolitan University in 2009 from Lancaster University, where I was Reader in Educational Research. I research in the area of mathematics education.

I gained my PhD in Educational Research at Lancaster in 1986, leading to my first book, The Practice of Mathematics (1989).  This was the beginning of a long-standing research career in mathematics education - my book Mathematical Literacy, published in 2008, brings together a number of themes in this research, including classroom interaction, the language of mathematics, and the development of learner identities from primary to undergraduate years.

My first degree was in psychology (I later took another degree in mathematics and statistics), and from 1991 to 1994 I was Research Psychologist and Senior Research Psychologist at the Trust for the Study of Adolescence in Brighton, where I worked on a number of projects involving young people.  I followed this interest up with a major investigation of family relationships in Rochdale between 1996 and 2000 - Fathers, Work and Family Life and Family Understandings: closeness, authority and independence in families with teenagers, both published by the Family Policy Studies Centre.

I am still interested in families and how they influence young people’s development as mathematics learners. I work largely within socio-cultural theory, drawing particularly on Dorothy Holland and Bakhtin.

Other distinctions

  • I am Professor in Mathematics Education in the Faculty of Education and International Studies, OsloMet Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway.

Editorial Board membership

  • I was editor of Research in Mathematics Education, published by Taylor and Francis, from January 2013 to October 2017

Membership of professional associations

  • Member of the British Educational Research Association.
  • Member of the British Psychological Society.
  • Member of the British Society for Research in Learning Mathematics.


Current projects

  • Inclusive Mathematics Teaching: understanding and developing school and classroom strategies for raising attainment (IMaT)

Project Director: Yvette Solomon
Funder: Norwegian Research Council
Duration: January 2019 - December 2022

  •  Realistic Mathematics Education in Key Stage 3

Project Directors: Yvette Solomon, Sue Hough, Steve Gough
Funder: Education Endowment Foundation
Duration: January 2018 - December 2021

Recently completed projects

  • Initial Teacher Education for Inclusion

Project Directors: Peter Hick, Yvette Solomon
Funder: National Council for Special Education, Ireland
Duration: August 2015 - May 2018

  • Investigating the Impact of RME Approach on Achievement in Post-16 Maths Resit Classes

Project Directors: Sue Hough, Yvette Solomon
Funder: Nuffield
Duration: December 2014 - November 2017


Subject areas


I welcome students interested in research in the areas of classroom interaction and the construction of knowledge; mathematics and identity; gender and mathematics learning; gender and STEM participation.  Current and recently completed students are researching:

  • The impact of the primary mathematics curriculum.
  • Mathematics teacher education.
  • Professional identities in nursing and medicine.
  • Male primary teachers.
  • Undergraduate mathematics learning.

Research outputs

I have a longstanding interest in student engagement with mathematics, and the multiple influences of family history, classroom experience, personal narrative and peer discourses in the construction of mathematical literacy and relationships with mathematics from secondary school through to undergraduate level. My work focuses on:

  • materials design and pedagogy;
  • the development of mathematics learner identities;
  • the role of communication in the development of mathematics understanding;
  • the relationship between understanding and authority in undergraduate mathematics;
  • gender and social class issues in the development of mathematics identities;
  • conflict between ‘reform’ and traditional mathematics teaching;
  • developing mathematics teacher identities and mathematics self-efficacies;
  • student teachers’ experience of school placement.

My current projects include Realistic Mathematics Education at Key Stage 3, funded by the Education Endowment Foundation, and Inclusive Mathematics Teaching: Understanding and Developing School and Classroom Strategies for Raising Attainment (IMaT), funded by the Norwegian Research Council.

  • Books (authored/edited/special issues)

    Brown, T., Solomon, Y., Williams, J. (2016) Educational Studies in Mathematics 92, 3: Special Issue: Mathematics Education and Contemporary Theory Volume Two. Springer.

    Solomon, Y. (2013) Reframing Educational Research: Resisting the 'what Works' Agenda. Routledge.

    Solomon, Y. (2009) Mathematical Literacy. Taylor & Francis.

    Black, L., Mendick, H., Solomon, Y. (2009) Mathematical Relationships in Education. Routledge.

    Chionidou-Moskofoglou, M., Solomon, Y., Tanzberger, R., Blunck, A., Siemens, R. (2008) Promoting Equity in Maths Achievement. The Current discussion. Edicions Universitat Barcelona.

    Solomon, Y. (2008) Mathematical literacy: developing identities of inclusion. Routledge.

    Solomon, Y. (1989) The Practice of Mathematics. Routledge.

  • Chapters in books

    Solomon, Y.J. 'From feedback to identity as a mathematics learner: a never-ending story.' School Feedback, Identity and Trajectories: Dynamics and Consequences. Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology,

    Dickinson, P., Eade, F., Gough, S., Hough, S., Solomon, Y.J. (2019) 'Intervening with Realistic Mathematics Education in England and the Cayman Islands—The Challenge of Clashing Educational Ideologies.' In Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M. (ed.) International Reflections on the Netherlands Didactics of Mathematics. Springer, pp. 341-366.

    Solomon, Y.J., Barnes, Y. (2013) 'Empowering teachers as learners: continuing professional learning programmes as sites for critical development in pedagogic practice.' In Olwen McNamara, J.M.A.M.J. (ed.) Workplace Learning in Teacher Education. Springer,

    Solomon, Y.J., Barnes, Y., Cockerham, F., Hanley, U. (2013) ''How do mathematics teaching enhancement programmes 'work'?.' In Farnsworth, V., Solomon, Y. (ed.) Reframing Educational Research: Resisting the 'what Works' Agenda. Routledge,

    Black, L., Mendick, H., Rodd, M., Solomon, Y., Brown, M. (2009) 'Pain, pleasure and power: selecting and assessing defended subjects.' Mathematical relationships in education: identities and participation. Routledge,

    Solomon, Y., Black, L. (2008) 'Talking to learn and learning to talk in the mathematics classroom.' Exploring talk in school: inspired by the work of Douglas Barnes. SAGE,

    Solomon, Y. (2007) 'Developing gendered identities of inclusion and exclusion in mathematics.' Promoting Equity in Maths Achievement: The Current Discussion.

    Solomon, Y.J. (2006) 'Schooling and literacy.' Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Child Development. Cambridge University Press,

  • Reports

    Hick, P., Matziari, A., Mintz, J., Ó Murchú, F., Cahill, K., Hall, K., Curtin, C., Solomon, Y. (2019) Initial Teacher Education for Inclusion: Final Report to the National Council for Special Education. Trim, County Meath, Ireland: National Council for Special Education.

    Hick, P., Solomon, Y., Mintz, J., Matziari, A., Ó Murchú, F., Hall, K., Cahill, K., Curtin, C., Margariti, D. (2018) Initial Teacher Education for Inclusion Phase 1 and 2 Report: NCSE Research Report No. 26. Trim, Co. Meath, Ireland: NCSE, Ireland.

    Hough, S., Solomon, Y.J., Dickinson, P., Gough, S. (2017) Investigating the impact of a Realistic Mathematics Education approach on achievement and attitudes in Post-16 GCSE resit classes. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Langford, W., Warin, J., Solomon, Y.J., Lewis, C. (2001) Family Understandings. Family Policy Studies Centre.

    Warin, J., Lewis, C., Solomon, Y.J., Langford, W. (1999) Fathers, Work and Family Life. Family Policy Studies Centre.

  • Journal articles

    Xenofontos, C., Solomon, Y., Knudsmoen, H. (2024) 'Norwegian teachers’ perspectives on inclusive practices in the mathematics classroom.' International Journal of Inclusive Education,

    Eriksen, E., Solomon, Y., Bjerke, A.H., Gray, J., Kleve, B. (2022) 'Making decisions about attainment grouping in mathematics: teacher agency and autonomy in Norway.' Research Papers in Education, pp. 1-21.

    Hough, S., Solomon, Y. (2023) 'Teacher development for equitable mathematics classrooms: reflecting on experience in the context of performativity.' Education Sciences, 13(10)

    Solomon, Y., Eriksen, E., Hessen Bjerke, A. (2023) 'Teacher learning towards equitable mathematics classrooms: reframing problems of practice.' Education Sciences, 13(9) pp. 960-960.

    Solomon, Y., Hough, S., Gough, S. (2020) 'The role of appropriation in guided reinvention: establishing and preserving devolved authority with low-attaining students.' Educational Studies in Mathematics: an international journal, 106(2) pp. 171-188.

    Mintz, J., Hick, P., Solomon, Y., Matziari, A., Ó’Murchú, F., Hall, K., Cahill, K., Curtin, C., Anders, J., Margariti, D. (2020) 'The reality of reality shock for inclusion: How does teacher attitude, perceived knowledge and self-efficacy in relation to effective inclusion in the classroom change from the pre-service to novice teacher year?.' Teaching and Teacher Education, 91pp. 103042-103042.

    Bjerke, A.H., Solomon, Y. (2019) 'Developing self-efficacy in teaching mathematics: pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the role of subject knowledge.' Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 64(5) pp. 692-705.

    Foyn, T., Solomon, Y.J., Braathe, H.J. (2018) 'Clever girls' stories: the girl they call a nerd.' Educational Studies in Mathematics, 98(1) pp. 77-93.

    Bennett, D., Solomon, Y., Bergin, C., Horgan, M., Dornan, T. (2017) 'Possibility and agency in Figured Worlds: Becoming a ‘good doctor’.' Medical Education, 51(3) pp. 248-257.

    Brown, T., Solomon, Y., Williams, J. (2016) 'Theory in and for mathematics education: in pursuit of a critical agenda.' Educational Studies in Mathematics, 92(3) pp. 287-297.

    Hodgen, J., Simpson, A., Solomon, Y. (2016) 'Editorial.' Research in Mathematics Education, 18(1) pp. 1-2.

    Solomon, Y., Radovic, D., Black, L. (2016) '“I can actually be very feminine here”: contradiction and hybridity in becoming a female mathematician..' Educational Studies in Mathematics, 91(1) pp. 55-71.

    Solomon, Y.J., Croft, T. (2015) 'Understanding undergraduate disengagement from mathematics: addressing alienation.' International Journal of Educational Research, 79pp. 267-276.

    Hill, E., Solomon, Y.J., Dornan, T., Stalmeijer, R. (2015) '“You become a man in a man’s world”: is there discursive space for women in surgery?.' Medical Education, 49(12) pp. 1207-1218.

    Solomon, Y.J., Eriksen, E., Smestad, B., Rodal, C., Bjerke, A. (2015) 'Prospective teachers navigating intersecting communities of practice: early school placement.' Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 20(2) pp. 141-158.

    Solomon, Y., Lewin, C. (2015) 'Measuring ‘progress’: performativity as both driver and constraint in school innovation.' Journal of Education Policy, 31(2) pp. 226-238.

    Braathe, H.J., Solomon, Y. (2015) 'Choosing mathematics: the narrative of the self as a site of agency.' Educational Studies in Mathematics, 89(2) pp. 151-166.

    Rowland, T., Hodgen, J., Solomon, Y. (2015) 'Mathematics teaching: tales of the unexpected.' Research in Mathematics Education, 17(2) pp. 71-73.

    With, K., Solomon, Y. (2014) 'Choosing Mathematics in Norway and England: Discourses of Gender, Equity and Choice.' Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 27(October 2014)

    Hill, E., Bowman, K., Solomon, Y.J., Stalmeijer, R., Dornan, T. (2014) 'Can I cut it? Medical students' perceptions of surgeons and surgical careers..' The American Journal of Surgery, 208(5) pp. 860-867.

    Solomon, Y., Croft, T., Duah, F., Lawson, D. (2014) 'Reshaping understandings of teaching-learning relationships in undergraduate mathematics: An activity theory analysis of the role and impact of student internships.' Learning Culture and Social Interaction,

    Brown, T., Heywood, D., Solomon, Y., Zagorianakos, A. (2013) 'Experiencing the space we share: rethinking subjectivity and objectivity.' ZDM, 45(4) pp. 561-572.

    Barnes, Y., Solomon, Y. (2013) 'The discipline of noticing as a path to understanding.' International review of qualitative research, 6(3) pp. 360-375.

    Senior, K., Solomon, Y. (2013) 'Orbiting Data.' Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, 13(4) pp. 279-288.

    Lewin, C., Solomon, Y. (2013) 'Silencing the school bell? Reflecting on One School’s Transformational Journey.' International Review of Qualitative Research, 6(3) pp. 376-394.

    Heywood, D., Solomon, Y. (2012) 'Policy, theory and practice in cross-curricularity: What ‘problems’ does a cross-curricular approach aim to solve?.' International Journal of Educational Research, 55pp. 1-5.

    Carvalho, C., Solomon, Y. (2012) 'Supporting statistical literacy: What do culturally relevant/realistic tasks show us about the nature of pupil engagement with statistics?.' International Journal of Educational Research, 55pp. 57-65.

    Solomon, Y. (2012) 'Finding a voice? Narrating the female self in mathematics.' Educational Studies in Mathematics, 80(1-2) pp. 171-183.

    Solomon, Y., Lawson, D., Croft, T. (2011) 'Dealing with ‘fragile identities’: resistance and refiguring in women mathematics students.' Gender and Education, 23(5) pp. 565-583.

    Goodband, J.H., Solomon, Y., Samuels, P.C., Lawson, D., Bhakta, R. (2011) 'Limits and potentials of social networking in academia: case study of the evolution of a mathematicsFacebookcommunity.' Learning, Media and Technology, 37(3) pp. 236-252.

    Black, L., Mendick, H., Solomon, Y. (2011) 'Mathematical relationships in education: identities and participation.'

    Solomon, Y., Croft, T., Lawson, D. (2010) 'Safety in numbers: mathematics support centres and their derivatives as social learning spaces.' Studies in Higher Education, 35(4) pp. 421-431.

    Solomon, Y. (2007) 'Experiencing mathematics classes: Ability grouping, gender and the selective development of participative identities.' International Journal of Educational Research, 46(1-2) pp. 8-19.

    Warin, J., Solomon, Y., Lewis, C. (2007) 'Swapping Stories: Comparing Plots: Triangulating Individual Narratives within Families.' International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 10(2) pp. 121-134.

    Solomon, Y. (2007) 'Not belonging? What makes a functional learner identity in undergraduate mathematics?.' Studies in Higher Education, 32(1) pp. 79-96.

    Solomon, Y. (2006) 'Deficit or Difference? the Role of Students' Epistemologies of Mathematics in their Interactions with Proof.' Educational Studies in Mathematics, 61(3) pp. 373-393.

    Solomon, Y., Warin, J., Lewis, C., Langford, W. (2002) 'Intimate talk between parents and their teenage children: Democratic openness or covert control?.' SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, 36(4) pp. 965-983.

    Solomon, Y., Warin, J., Lewis, C. (2002) 'Helping with homework? Homework as a site of tension for parents and teenagers.' BRITISH EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL, 28(4) pp. 603-622.

    Solomon, Y., Rogers, C. (2001) 'Motivational patterns in disaffected school students: Insights from pupil referral unit clients.' British Educational Research Journal, 27(3) pp. 331-345.

    Solomon, Y. (1998) 'Teaching Mathematics: Ritual, Principle and Practice.' Journal of Philosophy of Education, 32(3) pp. 377-390.

    Solomon, Y., O'Neill, J. (1998) 'Mathematics and Narrative.' Language and Education, 12(3) pp. 210-221.

    Solomon, Y., Farrand, J. (1996) '''Why don't you do it properly?'' Young women who self-injure.' JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE, 19(2) pp. 111-119.

  • Non-peer reviewed articles / reviews

  • Conference papers

    Gray, J., Foyn, T., Holmedal, S., Solomon, Y. (2024) '“On the learning train”: problematising “the good lesson”.' 4/6/2024 - 7/6/2024.

    Solomon, Y., Eriksen, E. (2024) 'Making changes in school as a mathematics expert teacher: framing problems of practice.' 4/6/2024 - 7/6/2024.

    Eriksen, E., Solomon, Y. (2022) 'The mathematics teacher educator as broker: boundary learning.' In 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 12). University of Bolzano, Italy, 2/2/2022 - 5/2/2022. Hodgen, J., Geraniou, E., Bolondi, G., Ferretti, F. (ed.) HAL,

    Foyn, T., Solomon, Y. (2022) 'Surprising everyone but herself with her good results: the twin dynamic of invisibility and failure to see.' In 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 12). Bolzano, Italy, 2/2/2022 - 6/2/2022. Hodgen, J., Geraniou, E., Bolondi, G., Ferretti, F. (ed.) ERME / Free University of Bozen-Bolzano,

    Foyn, T., Solomon, Y. (2021) 'The incident of the quadratic equations: Recognising exclusion.' In Eleventh International Mathematics Education and Society Conference (MES11). 2. University of Klagenfurt, Austria, 24/9/2021 - 29/9/2021. Kollosche, D. (ed.) pp. 445-454.

    Kathotia, V., O'Brien, K., Solomon, Y. (2021) 'Just mathematics? Fostering empowering and inclusive mathematics classrooms with Realistic Mathematics Education.' In Eleventh International Mathematics Education and Society Conference (MES11). 2. University of Klagenfurt, Austria, 24/9/2021 - 29/9/2021. Kollosche, D. (ed.) pp. 545-554.

    Eriksen, E., Smestad, B., Bjerke, A., Rodal, C., Solomon, Y.J. (2019) 'From emergency sirens to birdsong - narratives of becoming a mathematics teacher.' In CERME 10 - Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Dublin, Ireland, 1/2/2017 - 5/2/2017. Institute of Education, Dublin City University, Ireland, and ERME,

    Hough, S., Gough, S., Solomon, Y. (2018) 'Connecting the everyday with the formal: the role of bar models in developing low attainers’ mathematical understanding.' In Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11). Utrecht, The Netherlands, 6/2/2019 - 10/2/2019.

    Solomon, Y.J., Hough, S., Dickinson, P., Gough, S. (2016) 'GCSE resit: What’s in a C?.' In British Educational Research Association. Leeds, 13/9/2016 - 15/9/2016.

    Solomon, Y.J., Hough, S., Dickinson, P., Gough, S., Eade, F. (2016) 'Counteracting failure – using a Realistic Mathematics Education approach with examination retake students.' In International Congress on Mathematical Education. Hamburg, 24/7/2016 - 31/7/2016.

    Solomon, Y.J. (2016) 'Making space for women in mathematics: one woman’s story.' In International Congress on Mathematical Education. Hamburg, 24/7/2016 - 31/7/2016.

    Solomon, Y.J. (2016) 'Power and parody: class, gender and the family in the measurement of mathematics ability.' In International Congress on Mathematical Education. Hamburg, 24/7/2016 - 31/7/2016.

    Hough, S., Solomon, Y.J., Dickinson, P., Gough, S. (2015) ''Maths isn't supposed to make sense' - working with GCSE resit students to change attitudes and achievement through a Realistic Mathematics Education-based intervention.' In British Educational Research Association. Belfast, 7/9/2015 - 9/9/2015.

    Solomon, Y.J., Hough, S., Dickinson, P., Gough, S. (2015) '‘Joel’s getting left behind’: dilemmas for students and teachers in GCSE resit classes.' In British Society for Research in Learning Mathematics. Dublin, 8/2/2015 - 8/2/2015.

    With, K., Solomon, Y.J. (2014) 'Choosing mathematics in Norway and England: discourses of gender, equity and choice.' In NORMA. Turku, Finland, 3/6/2014 - 6/6/2014.

    Eriksen, E., Smestad, B., Rodal, C., Solomon, Y., Bjerke, A. (2014) 'Becoming Educationally Wise”: Mathematics Pre-Service Teachers And The Value Of Peer Learning.' In NORMA. Turku, Finland, 1/6/2014 -

    Bjerke, A., Eriksen, E., Rodal, C., Smestad, B., Solomon, Y. (2014) '‘Theorizing mathematics teaching: pre-service teachers’ perceptions before and during school placement’.' In FoU i Praksis. Trondheim, 1/4/2011 - pp. 20-27.

    Lewin, C., Solomon, Y. (2013) '‘Rethinking Education’: The Impact of Curriculum Innovation on Teachers’ Roles.' In ECER. Istanbul, 1/9/2013 -

    Bjerke, A., Eriksen, E., Rodal, C., Smestad, B., Solomon, Y. (2013) '‘A tripartite cooperation? Exploring school-university collaboration in mathematics teacher education in Norway’.' In ECER. Istanbul, 1/9/2013 -

    Bjerke, A., Eriksen, E., Rodal, C., Smestad, B., Solomon, Y. (2013) '‘A tripartite cooperation? The challenges of school-university collaboration in mathematics teacher education in Norway’.' In Psychology of Mathematics Education. 2. Kiel, 1/7/2013 - pp. 89-96.

    Solomon, Y. (2012) '‘Students as agents of change: collaboration in undergraduate teaching and learning’.' In BSRLM. Cambridge University, 1/11/2012 -

    Solomon, Y., Heywood, D., Brown, T. (2012) '‘Relationships in space’ British Educational Research Association.' In British Educational Research Association. Manchester, 1/9/2012 -

    Braathe, H.J., Solomon, Y. (2012) 'Hearing voices: identity, agency and intention in choosing mathematics.' In QI May. Illinois, 2012 -

    Solomon, Y. (2011) '‘What do students take from mathematics enhancement programmes? Re-asserting agency in regulative times’.' In Developing teacher professionals in times of change: reconfiguring theory and subject knowledge. British Educational Research Association. Institute of Education, London, 1/9/2011 -

    Solomon, Y. (2011) '‘Restricted access? Discursive positioning in mathematics classroom cultures’.' In Mathematics in interaction with other discourses - sometimes for better, but often for worse.. The International Society for Cultural and Activity Research, Rome, 1/9/2011 -

    Solomon, Y. (2011) '‘What do primary teachers take from mathematics enhancement programmes? Developing and maintaining agency in times of change’.' In ESRC seminar series: Workplace Learning in Teacher Education. 1/3/2011 -

    Solomon, Y. (2010) '‘Finding a language of resistance? Narrating the female self in mathematics’.' In British Educational Research Association. Warwick University, 1/9/2010 -

    Solomon, Y., Chronaki, A., Lerman, S., Mendick, H. (2010) '‘Whose choice? Self-positioning in the interface between discourses of value/ability in mathematics and family narratives’.' In Mathematics Education and Society. Berlin, 1/3/2010 -

    Solomon, Y. (2010) '‘Students learning from each other - the impact of spaces for learning’.' In Mathematics, Statistics and OR Network conference, Mathematicians and Mathematics Educators: what can we learn from each other?. University of Warwick, 2010 -

    Solomon, Y., Croft, A., Lawson, D. (2009) '‘Dealing with “fragile identities”: resistance and refiguring in women mathematics students’.' In British Educational Research Association. Manchester University, 1/9/2009 -

    Samuel, P., Solomon, Y., Lawson, D., Goodband, J., Bhakta, R. (2009) 'From anarchy to establishment: A case study in the evolution of a mathematics social networking community.' In Inquiring Pedagogies Conference. Coventry University, 1/9/2009 -

    Solomon, Y., Lawson, D., Croft, A. (2008) '‘Safety in numbers: mathematics support centres and their derivatives as social learning spaces’.' In British Educational Research Association. Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 1/9/2008 -

    Solomon, Y., Croft, A., Lawson, D. (2008) 'Mathematics support centres as social learning spaces.' In CETL-MSOR Conference. Lancaster University, Lancaster, 1/9/2008 -

    Solomon, Y.J. (2007) 'Theorising fragile identities: what can we learn from mathematics students?.' In 2nd Socio-cultural Theory in Educational Research and Practice Conference. University of Manchester, 1/1/2007 -

    Solomon, Y., Black, L. (2006) 'The psychoanalytic take: Defence mechanisms operating in mathematics assessment and selection,.' In ESRC seminar series "Mathematical Relationships: Identities and Participation". London Metropolitan University, 1/9/2006 -

    Solomon, Y.J. (2005) '‘Not belonging: what makes a functional learner identity in the undergraduate mathematics community of practice?’.' In Socio-cultural Theory in Educational Research and Practice Conference. University of Manchester, 1/9/2005 -

    Solomon, Y. (2005) 'Ways of knowing or ways of teaching? How feminist epistemologies potentially compound girls' exclusion from mathematics.' In ‘Mathematical Identities’ Symposium, at the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association. Pontypridd, Wales, 1/9/2005 -

    Rogers, C., Solomon, Y. (2005) '‘Pressure and independence: meeting the needs of independence and the desire for an extrinsically motivating learning environment in high-stakes senior school education’.' In Biennial Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Montreal, Canada, 1/4/2005 -

    Solomon, Y. (2004) ''Maths histories': emerging mathematics identities in the classroom community of practice.' In Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association. Manchester, 1/9/2004 -

    Solomon, Y.J. (2003) ''Not belonging: the role of learner identities in mathematical literacy'.' In ‘The construction of learner identities across the education spectrum’ symposium, at the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association. Herriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 1/9/2003 -

    Solomon, Y. (2002) 'Deficit or difference? Transition into university mathematics as a case study of epistemic fluency in Higher Education.' In the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association. Exeter, 1/9/2002 -

    Solomon, Y., Warin, J., Lewis, C., Langford, W. (2001) 'Swapping stories, comparing plots: interpretative validity in family interviews.' In the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association. Leeds, 1/9/2001 -

    Warin, J., Solomon, Y. (2000) 'Homework: help! Homework as a site of tensions between parents and teenagers.' In Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association. Cardiff, Wales, 1/9/2000 -

    Rogers, C., Solomon, Y. (2000) 'Disaffection, motivation and the socio-emotional climate of mainstream schooling.' In Biennial Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, USA, 1/4/2000 - 1/4/2000.

  • Theses and dissertations

    Goodley, C. (2019) Beyond the Terrors of Performativity: Teachers Developing at the Interface.

    Woodfine, C. (2019) “I’m always the unusual one”: Exploring the dialogic identities of male primary teachers.