My profile


Professor Iain Reid is an experienced industrial engineer who has published over 75 articles, book,  chapters, journal articles and reports.  His multiple publications include one authored books: Essential Guide to Operations Management 2nd Edition (2023). He has presented his work on Operational Agility, Engineer-to-Order, and Service Operations Management to both academic and practitioner audiences.  Iain is the Lead for KTPs: Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (a part government-funded programme to encourage collaboration between businesses and universities within the UK) and has secured over £2.4M across numerous KTP projects. Knowledge transfer is central to Iain’s research and outputs and continues to provide a focus for his live research projects more recently with Manchester City Council and Global footwear manufacturer Vivobarefoot.

Iain also sits on the Membership Board of : CIPS Manchester, represent the procurement and supply profession across the region.

Iain has also held faculty positions at both the University of Huddersfield and University of Liverpool and undertaken research collaborations with universities across the world, including the University of Baltimore (USA), Swinburne University (Australia), University of Palemo (Italy) and University of Athabasca (Canada), University of Liverpool (UK)and University of Aston (UK).

Prior to joining academia Iain was a mechanical engineer before becoming the Senior Projects Manager for the University of Liverpool’s Agility facilitating an EU funded ERDF project supporting over 180 SMEs manufacturers, safeguarding turnover of £10M, value add of £4M and created 42 new jobs.

What I do

Interests and expertise

Iain’s research is focused around Operational Agility, Industry 4.0, Knowledge Transfer and Innovations such as Legal-Tech in Legal / Professional Service Firms. His work has been published in peer review journals including the International Journal of Production Research, Int. J. Supply Chain Management, Production Planning and Control, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Int. J. Services and Operations Management; Educational Technology Research and Development, and the Journal of Quality Engineering and Reliability.

Claim to Fame

“Increased a company’s turnover by £1.3M via a 20min presentation and workshop in setup time reduction”.


Educate North 2024 Wards

Winner: Business Engagement: KTPS


Manchester Metropolitan University – Staff awards 2022: Finalist for: Research Career Collaborator of the Year Award and Community Impact Award

Manchester Metropolitan University Department: OTEHM Award 2022: Undertaking impactful research projects

Manchester Metropolitan University – Staff awards 2021: Nominated for: Leadership Award; Industry/Business Collaborator of the Year Award


2023 - Winner: Research Income (Faculty of Business and Law)

2022 Special Commendation- Research Career Contribution - Manchester Metropolitan University

2018 warded best PGR Paper- Huddersfield Business School Conference: Michalakopoulou, K., Reid, I. and Bamford, D. (2018). ‘Lean Thinking in the Legal Sector’. In: Research Conference, 10th -12th January 2018, Huddersfield Business School, UK.


Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) from 2014

Member of the Chartered Institute for Procurement and Supply (MCIPS) from 2008

Member of Manchester Law Tech network from 2018

Member ofSmall Business Charter’s Regional Liaison Network (35 people from 22 SBC Award-holding schools) from 2020


External intervention and collaborative enquiry is central to Iain’s ethos. His collaborative scholarly actives to tested theory in practice, and is core to Iain’s success in building new relationships through external engagement. His facilitation of knowledge transfer has enabled him to embed scholarly practice back into his research, teaching and collaborative endeavers. Working with Manchester City Council, The Manufacturing Institute, Kirklees Knowledge Sandwich, CIPS and YABA, Iain has developed new relations and new partnerships. 

Consultancy and Advisory Roles

2019-2022 Global Hackathon  (Law Tech) - Mentor (University of Manchester) Mentoring the Global Finalists 2020:

2020: Invitation by British Academy of Management SIG (OL&SCM) Knowledge Transfer Projects -Manchester Metropolitan University (pro-bono)

2018 Invitation to present for the Knowledge Sandwich- MediaCentre Huddersfield Presentation on How do people create the bridge for better practice? Through formal knowledge transfer schemes through the application of KTPs. knowledge-sandwich.


2020 Invitation by Pro-Manchester: Trailblazing Tech Conference 2020- Panel Session on Is 5G the Most Important Invention Since the Internet? 

2020 Invitation by British Academy of Management SIG (OL&SCM) Knowledge Transfer Projects -Manchester Metropolitan University

2014 Invited to the Witness Lanner User conference presentations from Ford, Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems, as well as a number of universities covering case studies across the food, energy and manufacturing industries. 

2009 Invitation to present for Middle East Logistics - 2nd Global Logistics & SCM Strategy Summit in Dubai -Guest Lecture and presentation on Online Supply Chain degree Programmes and UK Supply chain Operations 


Current Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs):

  1. Laker Vent Engineering - InnovateUK
  2. Manufax Engineering - InnovateUK

Completed KTPS

  1. Coolkit: Mass Customisation - Funding body KTN
  2. Vivobarefoot: Mass Customisation and Digital Supply Chain- Funding body KTN
  3. Brodericks Ltd: Intelligent vending machines UKRI/KTP schemes
  4. Deluxe Beds Ltd: Multi-ethnic and cultural workforce, by implementing a human resource strategy framework to transform Deluxe Bed’s working culture. UKRI/KTP schemes.
  5. Flava People - New Product Development Management - UKRI
  6. Russell IPM - ERP System  UKRI/KTP schemes.


RKE: Enhanced SCRUM methodology, Deluxe Beds

(Grant Holder: £16,000/ CI Academic), from Apr 2020, 6 months
Deluxe Beds, Huddersfield: Improved Operational Agility Utilising SCRUM - Partially IIEF Funded. Due to COVID-19 causing supply chain disruption and a temporary production shutdown the project takes the opportunity to focus on developing business resilience and enhancing operations systems.

KTP10989  The Flavour People Grant: Dr Andrew Plunkett and Dr Iain Reid developed a strategic 24 month project to develop a science driven, accelerated new product development process to drive innovation, shorten the product development cycle, improve manufacturing capability and increase capacity in order to address new and emerging market opportunities.

KTP 11885 – Russell IPM Ltd, Jan 2020 to Jan 2022 (£160,000)
Dr Iain Reid and Professor David Bamford have partnered with agriculture company Russell IPM and been awarded funding for a 30 month project. The Knowledge Transfer Project will adopt Industry 4.0 thinking to design a transformed manufacturing system using operational agility, mass customisation, simulation modelling, intelligent supply chain methodologies and decision support systems. All focused on developing smarter business operations for Russell IPM.

KTP 1024899: Deluxe Beds deliver improved Operational Agility,(Grant Holder: £123,000/ Lead Academic) Deluxe Beds Ltd is a UK based beds and mattress manufacturing company located in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. Deluxe has a turnover of £6.2M and employ 93 personals (including part timers). The KTP project delivers improved Operational Agility enabling the management team within the business to achieve their ambitious profitability targets. The project also present opportunities for identifying SCRUM thinking through developing bespoke learning solutions through ‘value optimisation’ and strategic process improvement.

KTP 010593: ‘Lean Law’: To create and embed service modularity in legal services through lean and agile practices in order to deliver significant business growth, LCF Law
(Grant Holder: £123,000/ Lead Academic). LCF is a UK based law firm with expert solicitors in four locations across Northern England: Leeds, Bradford, Harrogate and Ilkley. With a £7M turnover. Project = ‘Lean Law’.

KTP 9852: acdc Lighting create and embed innovative management and business processes to enhance planning, design and execution of the supply chain, 
(Grant Holder: £123,000/ Lead Academic)
Throughout the KTP project, the company developed and embedded new methods and systems for design, control, and execution of improved supply chain and operationalisation.

KTP007396: Laker Vent Engineering Ltd
Project: ERP implementation & Project Management, Manufacturing Operations)

KTP006378: Beverston Engineering Ltd
Project: Management Information system & Manufacturing Operations)

KTP001038 Openhouse Products Ltd Project: Management Information system & Manufacturing Operations)

KTP001049 Shower & Eyebath Services Ltd Project: New Product Introduction & Manufacturing Operations).

KTP 00290: Football Mania Ltd Project: New Process Introduction.

TCS/KTP 4038: Hedstrom Ltd Project: Mass Customisation


Knowledge Exchange (KE) has been at the centre of Iain’s contribution to research and scholarship. This underpinning his engaging scholarship, as well as driving his: grant applications, publications, teaching, and administrative roles.

Iain has a talent for Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTPs) developing new collaborative partnerships across a number of industry sectors, predominately with manufacturing SMEs and more recently legal services., including special invitations from UKRI developing regional KTP opportunities local businesses. As well networking and advising GM Chamber, British Academy of Management, Charter for Small Businesses, and Pro Manchester.

Current Phd Students:

Tom Mitchel (Phd Scholarship- Sports Analytics (Supervisory Team: Dr Marina Papalexi, Prof David Bamford, Prof Iain Reid)

Patrick Olaniyi -  Pharmaceutical Supply Chains(Supervisory Team: Dr Marina Papalexi, Dr Deepak Asokan, Prof Iain Reid)


*I have currently capacity to supervise PGR students in the following areas:

(A) Professional Service Operations

(B) Supply Chain Digitalisation 

(C) Sports Operations

Successful PhD Supervision 

Dr. Kallina Michalakopoulou PhD (FT). Title: Innovation Adoption within the Legal Sector. Career: Lecturer in Project and Operations Management (Huddersfield Business School) University of Huddersfield

Dr. Ziad Al-Kalha: PhD (FT): Title: An Investigation into Advancing the Development Supply Chain Quality Integration. Career: Lecturer in Operations Management and Supply Chain Management (Uni of Jordan) University of Huddersfield

Dr. Robert Feldbauer. DBA (PT) Title: ‘Mindful Project Management’ Improving project management practice by incorporating HRO mindful processes. Career: Healthcare Operations & Facilities Executive, University of Liverpool

Dr. Ola Abdel Moneim Moustafa Mohamed Ibrahim PhD (FT). Title: The Implications of Applying Total Quality Management (TQM) On E-Service. Career: Head of Monitoring department at Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, University of Huddersfield

Dr. Jonathan Smyth Renshaw (PhD PT):  Title: A 4-stage fact framework for solving product quality problems. Career: Six Sigma Consultant University of Liverpool

Dr. Patsorn Sawatasuk PhD (PT). Title: An Empirical Investigation into Inbound Open Innovation and Absorptive Capacity: The Case of Thai Dessert SMEs. Career: Governmental officer at Office of Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology. University of Huddersfield

Dr. Vera IIkina. PhD (PT) Title: An Analysis of the Impact of Decision Support Systems on the Performance of Upstream Commodity Chains Career: Business analysist Generation 10. University of Liverpool

Dr. Saad Zighan PhD (FT). Title: Servitization Strategies In Real Estate Development? Evidence from Jordan. Career: Lecturer in Operations Management and Supply Chain Management (Uni of Petra). University of Huddersfield

Dr. Vincent Liddiard Cook DBA (PT). Title: Emirati Engagement in the Private Sector: An Action Research Initiative in a Local Bank Career: Chief Executive Officer at National Bank of Fujairah University of Liverpool





  • Sports Operations Management: Masters of Sports Directorship (MSD)
  • Business Relationship Management and Strategic Procurement: MSc Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Business Transformation and Digital Strategy (Bus Tech)
  • Industry 4.0 (CMDA programme)
  • Strategic Operations and Project Management (MSc in Strategic Leadership)
  • Legal Technologies (Manchester Law School)

Research outputs

  • Books (authored/edited/special issues)

    Bamford, D., Forrester, P., Reid, I. (2023) Essential Guide to Operations Management: Concepts and Case Notes: SECOND EDITION.

  • Chapters in books

    Reid, I., Dalziel, M., Southern, A., Argyropoulou, M. (2017) 'Professional accreditation: An investigation into the case of online.' On the Line: Business Education in the Digital Age. Springer, pp. 281-302.

    Bamford, D., Dehe, B., Reid, I., Bamford, J., Papalexi, M. (2017) 'POM for Sports.' The Routledge Companion to Production and Operations Management. Taylor & Francis,

    Bamford, D., Dehe, B., Reid, I., Bamford, J., Papalexi, M. (2017) 'Sports operations management: The whole nine yards.' The Routledge Companion to Production and Operations Management. Taylor & Francis, pp. 443-466.

    Dale, B.G., Burns, B., Reid, I., Bamford, D. (2016) 'Supplier Development.' Managing Quality Supplier Development: An Essential Guide and Resource Gateway. Wiley, pp. 141-154.

    Dale, B., Reid, I., Bamford, D. (2016) 'Quality Costing.' Managing Quality Supplier Development: An Essential Guide and Resource Gateway. Wiley, pp. 101-116.

    Dale, B.G., Reid, I., Bamford, D. (2016) 'Managing Service Quality.' Managing Quality Supplier Development: An Essential Guide and Resource Gateway. Wiley, pp. 119-135.

    Lee, R.G., Dale, B.G., Reid, I., Bamford, D. (2016) 'Policy Deployment.' Managing Quality: An Essential Guide and Resource Gateway. Wiley,

    Bamford, D.D., Reid, I., Bamford, J., Papalexi, M. (2016) 'POM for Sports.' The Routledge Companion to Production and Operations Management. Routledge,

    Reid, I., Papalexi, M., Slater, N. (2016) 'The influence of socially orientated growth of virtual teams: A conceptual model.' Phantom Ex Machina: Digital Disruption's Role in Business Model Transformation. Springer, pp. 237-249.

    Reid, I., Ismail, H., Sharifi, H. (2015) 'A framework for operational agility: How SMEs are evaluating their supply chain integration.' Managing in a VUCA World. Springer, pp. 151-168.

    Sharifi, H., Ismail, H., Reid, I. (2009) 'Framework for developing an agile future-proof supply chain.' Dispersed Manufacturing Networks: Challenges for Research and Practice. Springer-Verlag, pp. 131-153.

    Ismail, H., Reid, I., Poolton, J., Arokiam, I. (2006) 'Mass customization: Balancing customer desires with operational reality.' In Blecker, T., Freidrich, G. (ed.) International Series in Operations Research and Management Science: Mass Customization: Challenges and Solutions. New York: Springer, pp. 85-109.

  • Reports

    Reid, I., Hopkins, J. (2020) Future Technologies in Supply Chain and Logistics. Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS).

  • Journal articles

    Bambrick, S., Vafadarnikjoo, A., Bamford, D., Reid, I. (2023) 'Unpacking Critical Success Factors to improve supply chain effectiveness, efficiency and performance: a 7Vs Framework for consideration.' Production Planning and Control,

    Bamford, D., Reid, I., Forrester, P., Dehe, B., Bamford, J., Papalexi, M. (2023) 'An empirical investigation into UK University - Industry collaboration: the development of an impact framework.' Journal of Technology Transfer,

    Zigham, S., Bamford, D., Reid, I., El-Qasem, A. (2023) 'The quality of servitization in project-oriented organizations.' International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 40(9) pp. 2144-2165.

    Michalakopoulou, K., Bamford, D., Reid, I., Nitikas, A. (2021) 'Barriers and opportunities to innovation for legal service firms: a thematic analysis-based contextualisation.' Production Planning and Control, 34(7) pp. 604-622.

    Zighan, S., AlKalha, Z., Bamford, D., Reid, I., Al-Zu'bi, Z. (2021) 'Servitisation through Structural Adaptation.' Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 31(3) pp. 468-490.

    Zighan, S., Al-Kalha, Z., Bamford, D., Reid, I. (2021) 'A capability perspective on service provision in project-based organisations.' International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 38(4) pp. 467-489.

    Zighan, S., Al-Kalha, Z., Bamford, D., Reid, I. (2021) 'A capability perspective on service provision in project-based organisations.' International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 38(4) pp. 467-489.

    Abualqumboz, M., Chan, P., Bamford, D., Reid, I. (2020) 'Temporal dimensions of knowledge exchanges in horizontal knowledge networks.' Journal of Knowledge Management, 25(4) pp. 899-919.

    Reid, I. (2020) 'Mind the Gap: Law firms will have to pivot in order to value legal tech.' Solicitors Journal, 163(3)

    Alkalha, Z., Reid, I., Dehe, B. (2019) 'The role of absorptive capacity within supply chain quality integration.' Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 24(6) pp. 805-820.

    Reid, I., Matthias, O., Bamford, D. (2019) 'Management Consultancy's Role in Delivering Lasting (Triple Bottom Line) Benefits.' Production Planning and Control,

    Reid, I., Bamford, D., Ismail, H. (2018) 'Reconciling Engineer-to-Order Uncertainty by Supporting Front-End Decision-Making.' International Journal of Production Research, 57(21) pp. 6856-6874.

    Zighan, S.M., Bamford, D., Reid, I. (2018) 'From order-qualifier to order-winner? servitization value chain and the real estate development projects.' Journal of Modern Project Management, 6(2) pp. 130-149.

    Zighan, S., Bamford, D., Reid, I. (2018) 'From order-qualifier to order-winner? Servitization value chain and the real estate development projects.' Journal of Modern Project Management, 6(2) pp. 130-149.

    Kahn, P., Everington, L., Kelm, K., Reid, I., Watkins, F. (2017) 'Understanding student engagement in online learning environments: the role of reflexivity.' Educational Technology Research and Development, 65(1) pp. 203-218.

    Reid, I., Smyth-Renshaw, J. (2012) 'Exploring the fundamentals of root cause analysis: Are we asking the right questions in defining the problem?.' Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 28(5) pp. 535-545.

    Poolton, J., Ismail, H.S., Reid, I.R., Arokiam, I.C. (2008) 'Implementation of an agile marketing approach for the manufacturing-based SME.' International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 6(2) pp. 264-279.

    Ismail, H., Reid, I., Mooney, J., Poolton, J., Arokiam, I. (2007) 'How small and medium enterprises effectively participate in the mass customization game.' IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 54(1) pp. 86-97.

    Ismail, H.S., Reid, I., Arokiam, I., Poolton, J., Mooney, J. (2007) 'How SME's Effectively Participate in the Mass Customisation Game.' IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 54(1) pp. 86-97.

    Ismail, H., Arokiam, I., Reid, I., Poolton, J., Tey, V.S. (2007) 'Agility Capability Indicators for Product Flexibility.' International Journal for Agile Manufacturing, 10(1) pp. 13-28.

    Poolton, J., Ismail, H.S., Reid, I.R., Arokiam, I.C. (2006) 'Agile marketing for the manufacturing-based SME.' Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 24(7) pp. 681-693.

    Sharifi, H., Ismail, H.S., Reid, I. (2006) 'Achieving agility in supply chain through simultaneous "design of" and "design for" supply chain.' Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 17(8) pp. 1078-1098.

    Ismail, H.S., Snowden, S.P., Poolton, J., Reid, I.R., Arokiam, I.C. (2006) 'Agile manufacturing framework and practice.' International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 1(1) pp. 11-28.

    Ismail, H., Reid, I., Arokiam, I., Poolton, J. (2006) 'The significance of agile manufacturing techniques within SMEs in the construction industry.' International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 1(3) pp. 229-243.

    Arokiam, I., Ismail, H.S., Reid, I., Poolton, J. (2005) 'The Application of Agile Techniques for Manufacturing Flexibility.' International Journal for Agile Manufacturing, 8(2) pp. 71-84.

  • Conference papers

    Reid, I., Bamford, D., Forrester, P., Dehe, B., Bamford, J., Papalexi, M. 'Where is the Competitive Edge in Knowledge Transfer? - The Impact of KTPs.' In European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference.

    Reid, I., Bamford, D., O'Neil, R. (2023) 'An empirical investigation into customers perception of UK legal services and operations.' In The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. 2023. Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 4/8/2023 - 8/8/2023. Academy of Management,

    Rowney, N., Reid, I., Papalexi, M., Laird, J. (2023) 'Digitalising sustainable supply chains: a case study approach.' 3/7/2023 - 5/7/2023. European Operations Management Association (EurOMA),

    Abualqumboz, M., Reid, I. (2023) 'The manifestation of knowledge hiding in engineer to order projects.'

    Reid, I. (2023) 'Unpacking Smart Contracts in the Legal Services: a systematic literature review.' In 1st Symposium on Blockchain Research (part of University of Liverpool Management School Operations and Supply Chain Management Conference). Liverpool, United Kingdom, 27/6/2023 - 29/6/2023.

    Reid, I., Kundu, S., Latif, M. (2023) 'Evaluating a Covid-19 vaccine centre in the UK using a DES model.' In International Virtual Conference on Industry 4.0 (ICVI). Online, 9/12/2021 - 10/12/2021. Jagadeesh Kannan, R., Geetha, S., Sashikumar, S., Diver, C. (ed.) Singapore: Springer, pp. 197-210.

    Balthu, K., Reid, I., Clegg, B. (2022) 'Improving legal service delivery: the approving role of legal technologies.' 1/7/2022 - 6/7/2022.

    Reid, I., Lindsay, C. (2020) 'Tipping Points of Digitisation: The Case of Legal Services.' In BAM 2020. 2/9/2020 - 4/9/2020.

    Rahi, S., Safder, I., Iqbal, S., Ul Hassan, S., Reid, I., Nawaz, R. (2020) 'Citation Classification using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Models.' In Conference on Smart Information & Communication Technologies. 26/9/2019 - 28/9/2019.

    Asghar, T., Ward, S., Reid, I. (2019) 'Can The Role of the Sporting Director Create a Sustainable Success Model for UK Football Clubs?.' In POMS 30th Annual Conference - Operations and Sports Management Track. Washington DC, USA, 2/5/2019 - 6/5/2019.

    Darnbrough, L., Ward, S., Reid, I. (2019) 'An Investigation into the Experiences of English Sporting Director's Within Elite English Soccer Associated With "Emotional Intelligence".' In POMS 30th Annual Conference - Operations and Sports Management. Washington DC, USA, 2/5/2019 - 6/5/2019.

    Bamford, D., Reid, I., Forrester, P., Dehe, B., Bamford, J., Papalexi, M. (2018) 'Knowledge Transfer and Impact?.' 4/9/2018 - 6/9/2018. British Academy of Management,

    Reid, I., Bamford, D., Matthias, (2018) 'The impact of external intervention: The reality of expectations.' 4/9/2018 - 6/9/2018. British Academy of Management,

    Abualqumboz, M., Reid, I., Papalexi, M., Bamford, D. (2017) 'Can knowledge be retained in informal organisational networks?.' In Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2017). 1. Barcelona, Spain, 7/9/2017 - 8/9/2017. ACPI,

    Michalakopoulou, K., Reid, I., Bamford, D. (2017) 'Arcs of Integration for Professional Service Operations Management: A Literature Review.' 5/9/2017 - 7/9/2017.

    Alkalha, Z., Reid, I., Dehe, D. (2017) 'Exploring Supply Chain Quality Integration within Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Sector.' In 24th EurOMA Conference. Edinburgh, UK, 1/7/2017 - 5/7/2017.

    Bamford, J., Dehe, B., Bamford, D., Reid, I., Papalexi, M. (2017) 'Benchmarking Stadium Operations to Identify the Effects of Operations on Performance.' In POMS Annual Conference. Seattle, USA, 1/1/2017 - 1/1/2017.

    Reid, I., Bamford, D., Dehe, B., Bamford, J., Papalexi, M. (2017) 'Sports Operations Management: The Whole Nine Yards.' In POMS Annual Conference. Seattle, USA, 1/1/2017 - 1/1/2017.

    Reid, I., Bamford, D., Dalziel, M. (2017) 'Exploring Service Modularity Through Value Optimisation: The Case of Legal Services.' In POMS Annual Conference. Seattle, USA, 1/1/2017 - 1/1/2017.

    Reid, I., Haridy, H., Bamford, D., Toward, A. (2017) 'Exploiting Continuous Improvement Through SCRUM: Lessons Learnt from Engineer-to-Order.' In POMS Annual Conference. Seattle, USA, 1/1/2017 - 1/1/2017.

    Reid, I., Olga, M. (2016) 'Profession Service Operations: The Case for Service Modularity with a Legal Partnership.' In BAM 2016 Conference. Newcastle University, UK, 6/9/2016 - 8/9/2016. pp. 1-7.

    Reid, I., Bamford, D., Bamford, J., Papalexi, M., Dehe, B. (2016) 'Professional Service Operations Management: Sustaining the Discipline?.' In 23rd EurOMA Conference. Trondheim, Norway, 17/6/2016 - 22/6/2016. pp. 1-10.

    Papalexi, M., Dehe, B., Bamford, D., Bamford, J., Reid, I. (2016) 'Research Opportunities Through The Use of Social Media?.' In 23rd EurOMA Conference. Trondheim, Norway, 17/6/2016 - 22/6/2016.

    Reid, I., Bamford, D. (2016) 'Professional Service Operations Management: The Case for Leaner Law.' In POMs 27th Annual Conference. Orlando, Florida, USA, 6/5/2016 - 9/5/2016. pp. 1-10.

    Argyropoulou, M., Michaelides, R., Reid, I., Ioannou, G. (2016) 'Supply Chain Management Information Systems and Organisational Performance in economic turbulent environments.' 2016-January. pp. 1673-1678.

    Argyropoulou, M., Reid, I., Michaeliidies, R., Ioannou, G. (2015) 'Supply Chain Management Information Systems and Organisational Performance in Economic Turbulent Environments.' In EEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2015). Singapore, 6/12/2015 - 9/12/2015.

    Reid, I., Matthias, O., Argyropoulou, M., Sharifi, H., Ismail, H.S. (2015) 'Process Improvement: Assessing the Impact of External Intervention.' In BAM 2015. Portsmouth, UK, 7/9/2015 - 9/9/2015.

    Argyropoulou, M., Reid, I., Ioannou, G. (2015) 'Information Quality: Reporting and Organisational Performance.' In European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conferene. Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1/1/2015 - 1/1/2015.

    Reid, I., Lyons, A. (2014) 'Balancing Supply Chain Risk Management with Performance: An International Survey.' In Logistics Research Network (LRN) Conference. Huddersfield, UK, 3/9/2014 - 5/9/2014.

    Reid, I., Argyropoulou, M. (2014) 'The Relationship of Information Systems, Supply Chain Management with Organisational Performance.' In Logistics Research Network (LRN) Conference. Huddersfield, UK, 3/9/2014 - 5/9/2014.

    Argyropoulou, M., Reid, I., Ioannou, G. (2014) 'Balancing the Supply Chain Information Systems (SSIS) and Organisational Performance.' In European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference. Palermo, Italy, 20/6/2014 - 25/6/2014.

    Reid, I., Ismail, H., Poolton, J., Sharifi, H., Tegoh, N. (2013) 'Going the Extra Mile: 'An International Critique into Business Intervention.' In ISBE Conference 2013. Cardiff, Wales, 12/11/2013 - 13/11/2013.

    Michaelides, R., Dorle, J., Reid, I., Michaelides, Z. (2013) 'Learning 2:0: Technology Fad or Enabling Professional Learning Networks (PLNs)?.' In BAM 2013. Liverpool, UK, 10/9/2013 - 12/9/2013.

    Reid, I., Ismail, H. (2013) 'A Reference Model for Supply Chain Integration: A Case of Engineer-to-Order.' In BAM 2013. Liverpool, UK, 10/9/2013 - 12/9/2013.

    Kahn, O., Kelm, K., Watkins, F., Reid, I., Everington, L. (2013) 'Student Engagement in the Knowledge Society.' In European Educational Research Association ECER 2013. Istanbul, Turkey, 9/9/2013 - 13/9/2013.

    Reid, I., Everington, L., Lyons, A. (2013) 'An Empirical Analysis of Controlling Supply Chain Risk: An International Perspective.' In 20th International European Operations Management Association (EurOMA). Dublin, Ireland, 9/6/2013 - 12/6/2013.

    Reid, I., Johan, I., Michaelides, R. (2012) 'The Rise of Online Learners in Project Management.' In Project Management Institute (PMI) Research and Education Conference 2012. Limerick, Ireland, 15/7/2012 - 18/7/2012.

    Reid, I. (2012) 'Mechanising the Human Capital in New Product Development Projects.' In P&OM World Conference. Amsterdam, 1/1/2012 - 1/1/2012.

    Lockwood, J., Reid, I., McAra-McWilliam, I. (2011) 'Boost business by design.' pp. 29-34.

    Reid, I., Southern, A. (2011) 'The Global Classroom for Supply Chain Management, Any Time, Anywhere!.' In 6th International Conference on Education in a Changing Environment. Salford, UK, 6/7/2011 - 8/7/2011.

    Reid, I. (2010) 'Balancing the Know-Why and Know-How of MTO Product Development.' In 2010 POMS Operations in Emerging Economies Conference. POMS Production and Operations Management Society, Vancouver, Canada, 1/1/2010 - 1/1/2010. pp. 66-66.

    Reid, I. (2010) 'The Global Classroom for Supply Chain Management: The 100% Online Learning Experience.' In 8th International Research Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management.. Numero Special RIRL 2008 Logistique & Management, Bordeaux, France, 1/1/2010 - 1/1/2010. pp. 88-88.

    Reid, I., Charles, B. (2010) 'The Hurdles of Change: How KTPs Have Benefited the Implementation of ICT Within SMEs.' In 33rd Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Conference. ISBE, London, 1/1/2010 - 1/1/2010. pp. 1-17.

    Reid, I. (2009) 'A Project-Based Learning Framework for Complex Systems and Products.' In 32nd Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Conference. ISBE, 137 Euston Road, London, UK, 1/1/2009 - 1/1/2009. pp. 1-18.

    Reid, I., Ismail, H.S., Poolton, J. (2008) 'Sharing-ETO-Knowledge: Managing the NPD Process in Engineer-to-Order Manufacturing Organisations.' In LRN. 1/1/2008 - 1/1/2008.

    Ismail, H.S., Arokiam, I.C., Reid, I., Poolton, J. (2006) 'Product Flexibility: An Assessment with the Use of Agility Capability Indicators.' In International Conference on Agility 2006. Virginia, USA, 1/1/2006 - 1/1/2006.

    Ismail, H.S., Arokiam, I., Reid, I., Poolton, J., Tey, V.S. (2006) 'Agility Capability Indicators for Product Flexibility Assessment.' In International Society of Agile Manufacturing. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, UK, 1/1/2006 - 1/1/2006. Anderson, H. (ed.) pp. 1-11.

    Reid, I., Ismail, H., Cockerham, G. (2006) 'Knowledge Sharing Within Both Make-to-Order and Engineer-to-Order Manufacturing Enterprises.' In International Conference Manufacturing Responsiveness (ICMR). Liverpool, UK, 1/1/2006 - 1/1/2006.

    Reid, I., Ismail, M., Rashid, M. (2006) 'Enhancing New Process Introduction (NPI) Within an SME Manufacturer.' In International Conference Manufacturing Responsiveness (ICMR). Liverpool, UK, 1/1/2006 - 1/1/2006.

    Arokiam, I., Ismail, H., Reid, I., Poolton, J. (2005) 'The application of agile techniques for manufacturing flexibility.' 8. pp. 71-83.

    Arokiam, I., Ismail, H.S., Reid, I., Poolton, J. (2005) 'The Application of Agile Techniques for Flexibility.' In International Conference on Agility ICAM 2005. Helsinki, Finland, 27/7/2005 - 28/7/2005. pp. 43-51.

    Poolton, J., Ismail, H.S., Arokiam, I.C., Reid, I. (2005) 'A Marketing Agility Framework for Manufacturing-Based SMEs.' In International Manufacturing Leaders Forum. Gleneig, Australia, 1/1/2005 - 1/1/2005.

    Ismail, H.S., Reid, I., Poolton, J., Arokiam, I.C. (2005) 'Mass Customisation: Balancing Customer Desires with Operational Reality.' In International Mass Customisation. Austria, 1/1/2005 - 1/1/2005. pp. 225-243.

    Reid, I., Cockerham, G., Pickford, C. (2004) 'A Framework for Project-Based Learning Within ETO Product Development.' In 11th International Conference Manufacturing Responsiveness. Sheffield, UK, 7/9/2004 - 9/9/2004.

    Reid, I., Pickford, C. (2000) 'A Total Design Process Framework and Knowledge Management Methodology for an Engineering Product Design Process.' In 11th International Conference on Concurrent Engineering. Lyon, France, 17/7/2000 - 21/7/2000.

    Reid, I., Pickford, C. (2000) 'The Design and Development of a Knowledge Transfer Framework and Methodology for Integrated Product Design (IPD).' In International Conference Design for Excellence. Brunel University, UK, 1/1/2000 - 1/1/2000.

Career history

2019- 2022

2018-Present: Deputy Director, Business Transformations (BT).

Since taking on the DD role in January 2018 I have undertaken a number of key strategic and operational tasks within the BTC Research Centre, including:

  • Ongoing reform of the PGR and ECR Community, The BTC has 42 PhDs from MRT and 32 PhD students from OTEHM

  • Facilitation of the online social media usage due to Covid-19: face-to-face restrictions.

  • Involvement in a wide range of BTC issues, including canvasing the opinions of our PHD community, facilitating drop-in sessions and forward planning seminars series and networking events.

  • Playing a key role in the new Postgraduate Research Review Process (PRR) reviewing the PGR provision for the Faculty.

2019- 2022

2020- Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Lead for Department Operations Tourism Events Hospitality Management.

This role involved mentoring a wider community faculty of business and law staff and show casing a number of master classes in order to drive the KTP agenda locally/regionally and drive for Management KTPs. I have also recently been involved in collaborative work with the Science and Engineering to find common ground in industry 4.0 initiatives. Special invitations from UKRI developing regional KTP opportunities local businesses. As well networking and advising GM Chamber, British Academy of Management, Charter for Small Businesses, and Pro Manchester.

Achievements included: New KTP opportunities coming into the Business School

Recently invited to perform a guest lecture for the Chartered Institute Procure and Supply (CIPS North West Division) on Industry 4.0 and knowledge Transfer.

2019-2020 Subject Lead: Operations and Supply Chain Group, for Department Operations Tourism Events Hospitality Management.

2018- 2019

Programme Leader MBA Pearson Online, for Department People and Performance, Faculty of Business and Law, Manchester Metropolitan University. This role involved coordinating divisional MBA (online teaching and making decisions about the access, staffing, additional training, Adobe licences in the Units of MBA programmes General and Health Streams.

  1. Overseeing a rise in MBA student numbers from c. 25 to c. 100+.

    1. Helping to achieve an improved service operations with developers, marketing

    2. Student engagement/advisors/administrators at Pearson utilising the knowledge from the 5.5 years with the University of Liverpool partnership with Laureate Online Education (Baltimore/Amsterdam operations.


Founder of the Northern Productivity Hub (NPH) University of Huddersfield (

  1. A centre designed to co-create multidisciplinary research centre operating within a broad spectrum of economics, finance, supply chain management, operations, transport, big data, and human capital. This role involved engaging with the wider community bringing together researchers across the Business School producing knowledge, based on practical relevance to managers, policy makers and wider participants of the economic activity. The aim was to develop closer collaboration with industrial partners in practice to create impact, and evaluation of that action-led research.

  2. Achievements included: New collaborations for the Business School/3M Bid Research Centre internally and around Huddersfield Business Community in terms of research impact.

  3. Member of the Huddersfield’s Department Management Team (DMT) in the capacity of Acting subject Group Leader representing the Operations Management Group (OMG).

  4. 2017-2018 Member of the Huddersfield Senior Management Team (SMT) in the capacity of Acting Subject Group Lead.


2012-2013 Faculty Member of the E-learning Steering Group, University of Liverpool.

2011-2013 Member of the Mitigating Circumstance’s committee in the capacity assessing Exception Factors for all Management Online Programmes in partnership with Laureate Online Education, University of Liverpool.

2008-2011 Member of the Plagiarism Sub-committee in the capacity assessing Exception Factors for all Management Online Programmes in partnership with Laureate Online Education, University of Liverpool.


Senior Projects Manager: University of Liverpool’s Agility Centre.

The centre supported over 150 local SMEs businesses over a six-year period (2002-2008), on two European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) programmes. Having manging responsibility to one academic and five RAs The centres focus on the awareness and implementing operational resilience and agility initiatives with manufacturing companies across Merseyside, Knowsley and the Wirral (ERDF Objective Two).

Creating new knowledge transfer partnerships (KTPs) for the University of Liverpool Management School (ULMS), building the foundation for the REF impact case 2014: Ref:


Quality Systems Engineer, Sulzer Pumps UK (PhD Sponsor with Sheffield Hallam University). 


Design Engineer (Alchemy Carta) Leicester.


Mechanical Engineer (Jones and Shipman) PLC Leicester

Press and media


MCR Met Talks- Member

• Mcr Met Talks is a series of talks hosted by Manchester Metropolitan University’s Faculty of Business and Law. It will showcase the work the faculty does, as well as how it is transforming lives, businesses and communities.

• MCR Met Talks:Com share our enthusiasm


Manchester Law Tech Global Hackathon 2020- Mentored Winning Team: ShedHeads: ”We want to standardise student tenancy agreements to enable students, landlords and universities to better understand their rental agreements and therefore better understand their rights when dealing with issues that arise during tenancy. Our app uses imagery and simple language to explain key clauses in contracts, it also allows digital completion and management of a contract as well as providing a platform to seek advice and manage issues with landlord throughout the tenancy”.

2020 Legal Tech: Law Firms need to Pivot:


2020: CIPS report: Future Technologies in Supply Chain and Logistics


Reid, Iain; Hopkins, John 

Publisher’s website 


A reflection on what the Procurement and Supply Management profession may look like fifteen years from now. Following extensive consultation with CIPS members and specialists in the field view the findings as we present two plausible scenarios. Understand which direction your organisation is heading and how you can influence and shape the outcome with skills and technology

Publication year


Publication type



Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supplt (CIPS)

Copyright © 2019 CIPS


Invitation by British Academy of Management SIG (OL&SCM) 2020: Knowledge Transfer Projects -Manchester Metropolitan University:


Invitation by Pro-Manchester: Trailblazing Tech Conference 2020- Panel Session on Is 5G the Most Important Invention Since the Internet? 

Invitation to present for the Knowledge Sandwich 2018: MediaCentre Huddersfield Presentation on How do people create the bridge for better practice? Through formal knowledge transfer schemes through the application of KTPs.

Invited to the Witness Lanner User conference 2014: Presentations 2014 from Ford, Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems, as well as a number of universities covering case studies across the food, energy and manufacturing industries.