Apply for your CAS

What is a CAS number?

A Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) is a unique reference number we give you. It means we’re sponsoring your studies in the UK and you’ll need it for your Student visa application.

Your CAS number can only be used once. If you apply for another visa, you’ll need a new CAS number.

We also use your CAS to inform UK Visas and Immigration about any changes in your academic status and to verify your eligibility for the Graduate visa route.

How to request a CAS

Once you have firmly accepted your unconditional offer you will be emailed a unique CAS request link. You will need to have paid your tuition fee deposit before a CAS is issued or provided evidence of being exempt.

Extending your stay on an existing course

There is a separate request form for:

Applicants making a visa application from overseas

If you’re applying from outside the UK, the earliest a CAS can be issued is six months before your course begins. If your CAS request is made less than six weeks before the start of the course, we will also ask you to show you can afford to study.

Applicants making a visa application from within the UK

If you’re applying from within the UK, you may need to provide:

  • information about your previous course as part of the UK Immigration Rules.
  • evidence of your current immigration visa for the UK.

The earliest we can issue a CAS is three months before your course starts.