
Dima Alzayat

Dima Alzayat was born in Damascus, Syria, and grew up in San Jose, California. Her short story collection, Alligator and Other Stories, was a finalist for the 2021 PEN/Robert W. Bingham Award, the Dylan Thomas Prize, and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize. Her stories have appeared on BBC Radio 4 and in Esquire, The Adroit Journal, Prairie Schooner, Bristol Short Story Award Anthology, Bridport Prize Anthology, and Enizagam. She holds a PhD in Creative Writing from Lancaster University.

Dima Alzayat

Kate Feld

Kate Feld writes short fiction, essays, poetry, and work that sits between forms. Her writing has appeared in journals and anthologies including Hotel, The Stinging Fly and The Letters Page. She is founding editor of creative nonfiction journal and reading series The Real Story, and has devised and run Arts Council-funded writing projects such as Rainy City Stories and The Blog North Awards. She has worked as a journalist for many years and is now a lecturer in Journalism at Salford University. She can be found at katefeld.com.

Kate Feld

Tania Hershman

Tania Hershman is a poet, writer, teacher and editor based in Manchester, UK,  and the author of nine books. Tania’s second poetry collection, Still Life With Octopus, was published by Nine Arches Press in July 2022, and her debut novel, Go On – a fictional memoir-in-collage partly inspired by being writer-in-residence in Manchester’s Southern Cemetery –  by Broken Sleep Books in November 2022. Tania has won various prizes and awards. She is an editor of the charity anthology FUEL: 75 Prize-Winning Flash Fictions Raising Funds to Fight Fuel Poverty  (Feb 2023), and was honoured to be Arvon’s writer-in-residence from Nov 2022-April 2023.

Tania Hershman