
Use this form to submit your entry for the 2024 QuietManDave Flash Fiction Prize.  

You will be provided with a link to make an online payment of the entry fee after you have submitted your personal details and writing. 

The competition closes at 5pm (UK time) on 25th October 2024. 

* compulsory fields.

Entry form

Please ensure you use your real name and contact details. If your entry is long-listed or short-listed, you can then choose to use a pen name or pseudonym if you wish.
Please read the criteria for sponsored entry before selecting yes.

You have selected the option for a sponsored entry, available to: low income/HMRC self-assessment; unwaged/Jobseeker’s Allowance; in receipt of disability benefit, working tax credit or income support; retired and/or in receipt of pension; full-time student.

Click on the box above to select and upload the document containing your writing submission.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: doc, docx, rtf, odf, pdf, txt.

Data Protection

The Manchester Metropolitan University ('the University') is the Data Controller for the personal data you disclose via this form. The form is used to gather submissions for the 2024 QuietManDave Prize (Flash Fiction Prize). If you have consented to receive our marketing communications we will also use your personal data to send you targeted information about relevant services and benefits which we think will be of interest. You can withdraw your consent to receiving any, or all, of the above communications at any point by emailing [email protected]. We will retain your personal data for a period of 5 years. We will retain an entrant’s poem or short story for one year. For further information about us, how we process your personal data and your rights, please view our privacy notice.