
How to find a part-time job at university

Date published:
17 Sep 2024
Reading time:
3 minutes
Gain work experience and some extra cash too
Part time job at uni

Getting a part-time job while you’re at university is a great way to give your bank balance a boost and help you pay for everyday essentials. But more than that, it will also help you learn new skills and meet new people. 

Here’s our advice on how to start your job search: 

Getting paid work on campus 

If you’re looking for part-time work to fit around your studies, why not start your search at the uni?  
Jobs4Students provides Manchester Met students with short and longer-term job opportunities on campus that will help you develop your workplace skills and gain experience.  

There’s a wide range of part-time and flexible work available – everything from creative tasks in marketing to technical projects in IT, from exhilarating sports roles to assisting with cutting edge research, from mentoring your peers to being a university ambassador. 

Plus, we’re committed to paying the Real Living Wage, which is slightly higher than the National Minimum Wage – so you’ll get a good hourly rate.  

Tips on looking for a part-time job in Manchester 

1. Get your CV up to date: It takes time and effort to produce a strong CV, so make sure you have an up-to-date and stand-out CV by using our CV tools. This is your first chance to impress an employer so spend the time perfecting it, so you are 100% happy.   
2. Start your search now: You may be caught up in the excitement of starting your first semester, but many of the best positions will fill up quickly, so start your search as soon as you can. Check out our work experience page for advice on where to find part-time work and starting your search.
3. Check social media: You will find that a lot of companies will share their job opportunities on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook and not just on their websites. It’s also worth checking Student Facebook groups in Manchester and for the University. Casual jobs such as coffee shops, bars and restaurants often post in these groups to attract students. 
4. Use your network: Do you have friends or family in Manchester? Why not ask them if they know of anyone who is hiring. They may even be able to put a good word in for you if they know someone who works there. New to the area? Try asking your peers where they have found jobs or speak to your tutors to see if they have any tips on local businesses who are hiring students.  
5. Pound the streets: If you’re interested in retail or restaurants, bars and coffee shops, pop in with your CV. Taking time to speak to people means you’re putting a face to the name on your CV, which could give you the edge over online applicants. Lots of places still put ads in windows too, so you might see something you’d otherwise have missed. 
6. Be flexible: The job you’re offered might not be your ideal job for life, but it will give you invaluable experience to put on your CV. You’ll also get yourself a reference for future jobs and some serious transferable skills such working with people, problem solving etc.